Руководство по чтению вслух. Настольная книга для любящих родителей, заботливых бабушек и дедушек и умных воспитателей. Джим Трелиз

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Руководство по чтению вслух. Настольная книга для любящих родителей, заботливых бабушек и дедушек и умных воспитателей - Джим Трелиз

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(англ.) – дословно: приспособление, которое ставится на колени. В англоязычных странах так называется ноутбук, портативный компьютер. – Прим. перев.


      Natalie Wexler. “If We Want to Boost Reading Scores, We Need to Change Reading Tests.” Forbes. April 15, 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2018/04/15/if-we-want-to-boost-reading-scores-we-need-to-change-reading-tests/#24df6e7c495a


      Trevon Milliard. “How One Reno Student Landed Perfect SAT and ACT Scores.” Reno Gazette Journal. June 8, 2015. https://www.rgj.com/story/news/education/2015/06/08/one-reno-student-landed-perfect-sat-act-scores/28683039/


      Michael Hout and Stuart W. Elliott, Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education, National Research Council, National Academies Press, 2011, Washington, DC20001. См. также: Jonathan Kantrowitz, “Current Test-Based Incentive Programs Have Not Consistently Raised Student Achievement,” May 26, 2011, http://educationresearchreport.blogspot.com/2011/05/current-test-based-incentive-programs.html; и Valerie Strauss, “Report: Test-Based Incentives Don’t Produce Real Student Achievement,” The Answer Sheet (blog), Washington Post, May 28, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/report-test-based-incentives-dont-produce-real-student-achievement/2011/05/28/AG39wXDH_blog.html


      The State of Obesity. “Obesity Rates & Trend Data.” https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/data/


      Katie Reilly. “Is Recess Important for Kids or a Waste of Time. Here’s What the Research Says.” Time. October 23, 2017, https://time.com/4982061/recess-benefits-research/debate/


      Jay Mathews, “Let’s Have a 9-Hour School Day,” Washington Post, August 16, 2005.


      За счет использования рабочих и выходных дней, а также летних каникул в школах KIPP «емкость» учебного дня увеличивают на 70 % (KIPP – сеть бесплатных школ The Knowledge is Power Program («Знание – сила»). В задачу таких школ входит подготовка детей из малообеспеченных семей к обучению в колледжах. – Прим. перев.). См. также: Jay Mathews, “Study Finds Big Gains for KIPP Charter Schools Exceed Average,” Washington Post, August 11, 2005.


      Mikaela J. Dufur, Toby L. Parcel, Kelly P. Troutman. “Does Capital at Home Matter More than Capital at School? Social Capital Effects on Academic Achievement.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2012, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027656241200042X.




      William Johnson, “Confessions of a ‘Bad’ Teacher,” New York Times, March 4, 2012; Michael Winerip, “Hard-Working Teachers, Sabotaged When Student Test Scores Slip,” New York Times, March 5, 2012.


      Renée Casbergue and April Bedford. Research Round-Up: Journal of Research in Childhood in Childhood Education. Vol. 26(4). Childhood Education 89(5): 340–344.


      Кампанию с таким слоганом начала в 2018 году Мелания Трамп. – Прим. ред.


      Center for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2018/p0118-smoking-rates-declining.html


      Брошюру можно найти в интернете по адресу: http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/brochures.html; она предназначена для использования в некоммерческих целях.


      Adriana Lleras-Muney, “The Relationship Between Education and Adult Mortality in the United States,” Review of Economic Studies 72, no. 1 (2005), http://www.econ.ucla.edu/alleras/research/papers/mortalityrevision2.pdf; Gina Kolata, “A Surprising Secret to a Long Life: Stay in School,” New York Times, January 3, 2007.


      Mary A. Foertsch, Reading In and Out of School, Educational Testing Service/Education Information Office (Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education, May 1992); Keith E. Stanovich, “Does Reading Make You Smarter? Literacy and the Development of Verbal Intelligence,” Advances in Child Development and Behavior 24 (1993): 133–80, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8447247; Anne Cunningham, Keith Stanovich, “Reading Can Make You Smarter!” Principal, November/December 2003, p. 34–39.


      Richard C. Anderson, Elfrieda H. Hiebert, Judith A. Scott, and Ian A. G. Wilkinson, Becoming a Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading, U. S. Department of Education (Champaign- Urbana, IL: Center for the Study of Reading, 1985). См. также: Diane Ravitch and Chester Finn, What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? (New York: Harper & Row, 1987).


      Associated Press, “Reasons Why Students Drop Out,” New York Times, September 14, 1994.


      Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney, “Where Is the Best Place to Invest $102,000—In Stocks, Bonds, or a College Degree?” The Hamilton Project/Brookings Institution, November 9, 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2011/0625_education_greenstone_looney.aspx. Ознакомьтесь с графиком. См. также: Melissa Lee, “When It Comes to Salary, It’s Academic,” Washington Post, July 22, 1994.


      “Trends in Reading Scores by Parents’ Highest Level of Education,” in M. Perie, R. Moran, and A. D. Lutkus, NAEP 2004 Trends in Academic Progress: Three Decades of Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics, U. S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics (Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 2005), p. 36–38.


      Kolata, “A Surprising Secret to a Long Life.” См. также: James P. Martin, “The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health over the Life-Course,” Journal of Human Resources 42, no. 4 (2007): 739–64; Katherine Bouton, “Eighty Years Along, a Longevity Study Still Has Ground to Cover,” New York Times,

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