Informatics and Machine Learning. Stephen Winters-Hilt

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Informatics and Machine Learning - Stephen Winters-Hilt

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= 1/4 for each of the four possibilities). In order to do this we must learn file input/output (i/o) to “read” the data file:

       ------------------ addendum 4 ----------------------- fo = open("Norwalk_Virus.txt", "r+") str = # print(str) fo.close() ---------------- end addendum 4 ---------------------

Schematic illustration of the Norwalk virus genome.

      The E. coli genome file is shown only for the first part (it is 4.6 Mb) in Figure 2.2, where the key feature of the FASTA file is apparent on line 1, where a “>” symbol should be present, indicating a label (or comment – information that will almost always be present):

Schematic illustration of the start of the E. coli genome file, FASTA format.

       ---------------------- addendum 5 ------------------- pattern = '[acgt]' result = re.findall(pattern, str) seqlen = len(result) # sequence = "" # sequence = sequence.join(result) # print(sequence) print("The sequence length of the Norwalk genome is: ") print(seqlen) a_count=0 c_count=0 g_count=0 t_count=0 for index in range(0,seqlen): if result[index] == 'a': a_count+=1.0 elif result[index] == 'c': c_count+=1.0 elif result[index] == 'g': g_count+=1.0 elif result[index] == 't': t_count+=1.0 else: print("bad char\n") norwalk_counts = np.array([a_count, c_count, g_count, t_count]) print(norwalk_counts) norwalk_probs = np.array([0.0,0,0,0]) norwalk_probs = count_to_freq(norwalk_counts) value = shannon(norwalk_probs) print(value) -------------------- end addendum 5 -----------------

      Note on the informatics result: notice how the Shannon entropy for the frequencies of {a,c,g,t} in the genomic data differs only slightly from the Shannon entropy that would be found for a perfectly random, uniform, probability distribution (e.g. log(4)). This shows that although the genomic data is not random, i.e. the genomic data holds “information” of some sort, but we are only weakly seeing it at the level of single base usage.

      In order to see clearer signs of nonrandomness, let us try evaluating frequencies at the base‐pair, or dinucleotide, level. There are 16 (4 × 4) dinucleotides that we must now get counts on:

       ------------------ addendum 6 ----------------------- di_uniform = [1.0/16]*16 stats = {} for i in result: if i in stats: stats[i]+=1 else: stats[i]=1 #for i in sorted(stats, key=stats.get): for i in sorted(stats): print("%dx'%s'" % (stats[i],i)) stats = {} for index in range(1,seqlen): dinucleotide = result[index-1] + result[index] if dinucleotide in stats: stats[dinucleotide]+=1 else: stats[dinucleotide]=1 for i in sorted(stats): print("%dx'%s'" % (stats[i],i)) -------------------- end addendum 6 -----------------

      The sequence information is traversed in a manner such that each of the dinucleotides is counted in the order seen, where the dinucleotide is extracted as a “window” of width two bases is slid across the genomic sequence. Each dinucleotide is entered into the count hash variable as a “key” entry, with the associated “value” being an increment on the count already seen and held as the old “value.” These counts are then transferred to an array to make use of our prior subroutines count_to_freq and Shannon.

      In the results for Shannon entropy on dinucleotides, we still do not see clear signs of nonrandomness. Similarly, let us try trinucleotide level. There are 64 (4 × 4 × 4) trinucleotides that we must now get counts on:

       -------------------- addendum 7 --------------------- stats = {} order = 3 for index in range(order-1,seqlen): xmer = "" for xmeri in range(0,order): xmer+=result[index-(order-1)+xmeri] if xmer in stats: stats[xmer]+=1 else: stats[xmer]=1 for i in sorted(stats): print("%dx'%s'" % (stats[i],i)) ---------------- end addendum 7 ---------------------

      Still do not see real clear signs of non‐random at tribase‐level! So let us try 6‐nucleotide level. There are 4096 6‐nucleotides that we must now get counts on:

      2.1.1 Sample Size Complications

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