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Читать онлайн книгу.Harris, @WAR: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014), 175.
Jack Balkin, “The Constitution in the National Surveillance State,” Minnesota Law Review 93, no. 1 (2008), http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/fss_papers/225.
Jon D. Michaels, “All the President’s Spies: Private-Public Intelligence Partnerships in the War on Terror,” California Law Review 96, no. 4 (2008): 901–966.
Michaels, “All the President’s Spies,” 908; Chris Hoofnagle, “Big Brother’s Little Helpers: How ChoicePoint and Other Commercial Data Brokers Collect and Package Your Data for Law Enforcement,” North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 29 (January 1, 2003): 595; Junichi P. Semitsu, “From Facebook to Mug Shot: How the Dearth of Social Networking Privacy Rights Revolutionized Online Government Surveillance,” Pace Law Review 31, no. 1 (2011).
Mike McConnell, “Mike McConnell on How to Win the Cyber-War We’re Losing,” Washington Post, February 28, 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ content/story/2010/02/25/ST2010022502680.html.
Davey Alba, “Pentagon Taps Eric Schmidt to Make Itself More Google-ish,” Wired, March 2, 2016, https://www.wired.com/2016/03/ex-google-ceo-eric-schmidt-head-pentagon-innovation-board; Lee Fang, “The CIA Is Investing in Firms That Mine Your Tweets and Instagram Photos,” Intercept, April 14, 2016, https://theintercept.com/2016/04/14/in-undisclosed-cia-investments-socialmedia-mining-looms-large.
Fred H. Cate and James X. Dempsey, eds., Bulk Collection: Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), xxv—xxvi.
Michael Alan Bernstein, The Great Depression: Delayed Recovery and Economic Change in America, 1929–1939, Studies in Economic History and Policy (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1987), chapters 1, 8.
Sasha Issenberg, “The Romney Campaign’s Data Strategy,” Slate, July 17, 2012, http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/victory_lab/2012/07/the_romney_campaign_s_data_strategy_they_re_outsourcing_.single.html. См. также: Joe Lertola and Bryan Christie Design, “A Short History of the Next Campaign,” Politico, February 27, 2014, http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/02/a-short-history-of-thenext-campaign-103672.html.
Daniel Kreiss and Philip N. Howard, “New Challenges to Political Privacy: Lessons from the First U.S. Presidential Race in the Web 2.0 Era,” International Journal of Communication 4 (2010): 1032–1050.
Sasha Issenberg, The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns (New York: Crown, 2012), 271.
«Я делаю это как частное лицо, – сказал Шмидт журналистам, – официально Google сохраняет нейтралитет» в этой избирательной кампании. Его первое появление вместе с Обамой имело место на одном мероприятии во Флориде, где они были модераторами секции по экономике. Шмидт сказал газете Wall Street Journal, что планируемая им поддержка Обамы будет «естественным продолжением» его роли неформального советника. См.: Monica Langley and Jessica E. Vascellaro, “Google CEO Backs Obama,” Wall Street Journal, October 20, 2008, http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB122446734650049199; and Jeff Zeleny and Elisabeth Bumiller, “Candidates Face Off Over Economic Plans,” New York Times, October 21, 2008, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/22/us/politics/22campaign.html.
Robert Reich, “Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board: The Full List,” US News & World Report, November 7, 2008, http://www.usnews.com/news/campaign-2008/articles/2008/11/07/obamas-transition-economic-advisory-board-the-full-listn.
Eamon Javers, “Obama—Google Connection Scares Competitors,” Politico, November 10, 2008, http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1108/15487.html.
“Diary of a Love Affair: Obama and Google (Obama@Google),” Fortune, November 14, 2007, http://archive.fortune.com/galleries/2009/fortune/0910/gallery.obama_google.fortune/2.html.
Brody Mullins, “Google Makes Most of Close Ties with White House,” Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2015, https://www.wsj.com/articles/google-makes-most-of-close-ties-to-white-house-1427242076.
Jim Rutenberg, “Data You Can Believe In: The Obama Campaign’s Digital Masterminds Cash In,” New York Times, June 20, 2013, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/magazine/the-obama-campaigns-digital-masterminds-cash-in.html.
Rutenberg, “Data You Can Believe In”.
Lillian Cunningham, “Google’s Eric Schmidt Expounds on His Senate Testimony,” Washington Post, September 30, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/googles-eric-schmidt-expounds-on-his-senate-testimony/2011/09/30/gIQAPyVgCL_story.html.
“Google’s Revolving Door Explorer (US),” Google Transparency Project, April 15, 2016, http://www.googletransparencyproject.org/googles-revolving-door-explorer-us; Tess VandenDolder, “Is Google the New Revolving Door?” DC Inno, September 9, 2014, http://dcinno.streetwise.co/2014/09/09/is-google-the-new-revolving-door; “Revolving Door | OpenSecrets—Employer Search: Google Inc.,” OpenSecrets.org, February 23, 2017, https://www.opensecrets.org/revolving/search_result.php?priv=Google+Inc; Yasha Levine, “The Revolving Door Between Google and the Department of Defense,” PandoDaily (blog), April 23, 2014, http://pando.com/2014/04/23/the-revolving-door-between-google-and-the-department-of-defense; Cecilia Kang and Juliet Eilperin, “Why Silicon Valley Is the New Revolving Door for Obama Staffers,” Washington Post, February 27, 2015, http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/as-obama-nears-close-of-his-tenure-commitment-to-silicon-valley-is-clear/2015/02/27/3bee8088-bc8e-11e4-bdfa-b8e8f594e6ee_story.html.
Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, How Google Works (New York: Grand Central, 2014), 255; Эрик Шмидт, Алан Игл и Джонатан Розенберг,