Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор. Т. М. Олива Моралес

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Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор - Т. М. Олива Моралес

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(say../ сказала) that Sam (recently bring../ привёл) three clients for a $ 650 top-up.

      She (tell../ ей сказали) that Joseph (bring../ привёл) 48 clients that week.

      We (say../ сказали) that none (!) them (replenish..) then.

      We (tell../ нас сказали) that no complaints (receive../ было получено) that day.

      They (say../ сказали) that …previous year we (have..) partners from that country.

      They (tell../ им сказали) that local depositors (work../ работали) according to a different scheme during the holidays.

      We (have..) internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

      He (say../ сказал) that …conversion (!) payments there (be..) only 40% for several years, before we (decide../ решили) (!) abandon customers from that country.

      He (tell../ ему сказали) that …lowest conversion rate (be../ был) in South Africa.

      You (say../ сказали) that (!) average, there (be../ было) many new clients from that country until …elections (begin../ начались).

      Ключ к тесту 3

      He said that I would attach the report to the task.

      He was told that we would be having increased the number of unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.

      You said that we would have had to discuss it in Zoom with Nick by day’s end.

      You were told that he would have been working with local depositors from those countries that day the entire evening until the meeting started.

      I said that we had a problem.

      I was told that the number of unsuccessful transactions across several countries had been increasing over the course of several days.

      You said that we had three local depositors from South Africa.

      You were told that one of them was at the stage

      of approval.

      She said that Sam had recently brought three clients for a $

      650 top-up.

      She was told that Joseph had brought 48 clients that week.

      We said that none of them were being replenished then.

      We were told that no complaints had been received

      that day.

      They said that the previous year we had had partners from that country.

      They were told that local depositors had been working according to a different scheme during the holidays.

      We had had internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

      He said that the conversion of payments there had been only 40% for several years, before we decided to abandon customers from that country.

      He was told that the lowest conversion rate had been in South Africa.

      You said that on average, there had been many new clients from that country until the elections began.

      Тест 4

      Переведите предложения на русский язык. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (say..) в нужное время, вместо троеточия (…) поставьте соответствующий артикль, вместо восклицательного знака (!) поставьте необходимый предлог.

      You (told../ вам сказали) that I (predict../ прогнозирую) that we (give../ нам дадут) around 600 new customers in September.

      I (say../ сказал) that about 400 clients (come../ придут) for …Test Drive campaign.

      I (told../ мне сказали) that …number (!) new replenished clients (steadily grow../ будет расти) from …beginning (!) September to …end of August.

      You (say../ сказали) that in total by the end (!) September we (bring../ приведут) about 1000 new customers.

      You (told../ вам сказали) that …next day throughout …evening …finance department (hold../ будет проводить) a meeting (!) that issue, after I we (give../ нам дадут) …results.

      She (say../ сказала) that …next day throughout …evening …finance department (hold../ будет проводить) a meeting …this issue, before I (send../ меня пошлют) (!) you (!) …results.

      She (told../ ей сказали) that …top partners (add../ добавляются) (!) …database for 2021 almost daily.

      We (say../ сказали) that in just a few holidays, …geographic group (fully explore../ были изучены.

      We (told../ нам сказали) that since that morning our new employee (divide../ делит) …countries in …database (!) Abroad and the CIS.

      They (say../ сказали) that then I (add../ добавляю) a legend for indicators and a copy taking (!) account TOP partners.

      They (told../ им сказали) that …employees (!) our department (evaluate../ оценили) …foreign countries in …periods (!) activity for all clients, as it (do../ делалось) before.

      He (say../ сказал) that for several days, we (consider../ рассматривали) …percentage distribution (!) money and periods (!) activity.

      He (told../ ему сказали) that I (write../ писали) a legend for …report for two days before …meeting (start..).

      You (say../ сказали) that there (be../ есть) customers who (sign../ зарегистрировались) up 3 months before …audit (start..).

      You (told../ вам сказали) that their top-ups for …reference period (average../ усреднены).

      I (say../ сказал) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) without taking into account the customers of TOP partners and branches.

      Ключ к тесту 4

      You were told that I predicted that we would be given around 600 new customers in September.

      I said that about 400 clients would come for the Test Drive campaign.

      I was

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