The Love Trilogy. Sophie Pembroke
Читать онлайн книгу.it seemed like a lifetime ago, now. Once, he’d been one of the boys hanging out round the rundown old mill, causing trouble and somehow never getting caught. Before he grew up and grew responsible, of course.
‘Yeah, but that was years ago.’
Alex winced at the implication about his age, even though he’d been thinking the same thing. ‘So maybe Felinfach’s got more exciting,’ he said. Cora raised her perfectly plucked brows. ‘Maybe I’ve grown more boring?’
That surprised a laugh from her. ‘Somehow I doubt that.’
But he had, Alex knew.
Maybe it was looking after his dad, these last six months. Seeing a man he loved, respected and admired facing the end of his life. Hearing him look back over the last seventy years and talk about what had mattered to him, and what had turned out not to matter at all.
Alex’s brother, Gareth, had helped out too, but he had a wife and two small boys as well as a full time job. And Alex hadn’t minded sacrificing his weekends to spend time with dad. For the first time in years there was something that mattered more to him than work. And he realized, one quiet evening in the cottage, that he liked it that way.
He didn’t want the cut and thrust of the City any more. Didn’t want the endless parties, the late nights that became early mornings, the stress and the responsibility and the indigestion. Hell, he didn’t even really want the women that went with it all, any more.
He’d talked it all through with his dad, in conversations more meaningful and deep than he’d had with anyone in years.
‘The key, Alex, is to find your dream, what will make you happy for all the years ahead. And then to find someone who’ll thrive on living it with you. Someone whose dream matches yours. Just like your mum and me had.’
With his dad’s words echoing in his head, Alex had started making changes almost immediately – taking on a couple of local clients, to get back into the swing of small business accounting, trimming down his hours in the City. He’d hoped to be able to move back full time before his father passed, but he’d been too slow. He’d missed his chance. It wasn’t a mistake he was planning to make again.
He, Alex Harper, was ready to settle down, to find his future, and he was going to go after it with the single-mindedness that had served him so well in his career thus far.
Now he just needed to find the right woman to settle down with.
‘Seriously, Alex,’ Cora said, placing a hand on his arm. ‘I’m just trying to understand. It’s a huge change for you, and I know…’
She stalled, and something compelled Alex to say, ‘Go on.’
‘I just worry that you wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for your dad.’
He shouldn’t be surprised that Cora had realized that, or even that she thought it was a bad thing. It was what everyone in London thought. A knee-jerk response to a traumatic event. Some of his ex-colleagues, he knew, were even placing bets on how long it would take him to ditch the countryside and move back to London.
They were going to be disappointed.
‘I’ll admit, Dad getting sick, and so soon after Mum died… Maybe it made me speed up my plans.’ The last words his father had spoken to him, in a phone call a few days before he’d died, echoed round Alex’s head. I don’t want you to spend your life at one thing, only to realize it wasn’t what mattered at all. But he wasn’t ready to share that with anyone just yet, not even Cora. The conversations he’d had with his dad were private. And the pain of knowing he’d never have them again still hadn’t dulled.
He shook his head to dispel the miserable thoughts, and smiled at Cora in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. ‘I was always going to move home eventually, Cora. Settle down. And yeah, talking with Dad over the last few months helped me to crystallise what it is I really want. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. And doing it now, hell, I don’t even have to worry about selling Mum and Dad’s cottage.’
Cora didn’t look entirely convinced.
‘What are you even going to do here?’ she asked. ‘Besides stripping that hideous wallpaper out of the cottage, of course.’
‘Oh, you know. This and that.’ Alex shrugged, trying to decide how much to tell her. ‘Some accounting, I guess. I’ve already been working with a few clients remotely – the Avalon Inn up the road, for one. Once I told them I was moving back permanently, they were very keen to get me on board. There’s been no accountant practicing in the town since Mr Phillips retired last year. I’m needed here.’
Cora eyed him with suspicion. ‘And you think that’ll be enough of a challenge for you? After years in the City?’
‘I’ve got some other plans, too.’ Alex looked away. Too soon to mention his new career direction just yet. He’d not discussed it with anyone except his dad. He’d wanted to wait until he had something concrete to show people. Something to prove he was serious.
And in the meantime… ‘For starters, who’s the blonde?’ He nodded in her direction, and realized with a start that she was watching him too. His pulse kicked up a beat. Maybe Felinfach wasn’t nearly as boring as Cora made out. And he could definitely do with a distraction, to take his mind off Dad.
The blonde looked away again, but not before Alex saw a delightful pink colour flush across her cheeks. Definitely not boring.
‘Lily?’ Cora said, and Alex blinked. ‘Don’t you remember her?’
Of course he did. He remembered her seven and stuck up a tree, and he remembered her fifteen and wearing too much glitter makeup. He remembered driving all the way to Manchester, his last summer home from university, to pick up her and Cora after their ride left them stranded in Glastonbury and they got kicked off the train at Manchester Piccadilly for travelling without tickets.
He did not remember her hot.
‘She looks… different.’
‘Well, you haven’t seen her in ten years. You’ve changed in that time too, you know.’ Cora’s eyes sharpened, her smile slipping off her face. ‘And not only is she my best friend, she’s engaged. So don’t even think about it.’
Alex threw up his hands in defence. ‘Wouldn’t dream of it.’ It was a shame, but attached women were firmly off limits, as far as he was concerned. Especially ones planning a wedding. Marriage was not something to be messed around with.
‘Good.’ Cora sounded mollified, at least. But then she groaned. ‘Oh God, here comes Evelyn. Quick, escape while you can.’
The stiff haired lady who’d been talking to Lily approached them with determination in her step. Alex did a quick search of his memory. ‘Lily’s mother?’
Cora nodded. ‘Terrifying woman. I’m serious, I’d run.’
Sounded like a plan to him. Especially since, across the room, he caught a glimpse of blonde hair disappearing behind the door to the hall. Now, where was she going? And, more importantly, should he follow?
Alex darted out of Evelyn’s way before she came close enough to require an introduction and polite conversation. Pausing at the drinks table, he helped himself to another glass of wine and considered his options. On the one hand, engagement put Lily firmly out of the running for personal entertainment. On the other… he couldn’t help but be intrigued to see how she’d grown up. Alex wanted to know what sort of man had tamed Cora’s wild child best friend. If he stayed in Felinfach as he planned, he’d need friends. And from what he remembered of Lily, she’d always known how to have fun. If Felinfach had a less boring side to it these days, Lily Thomas would know where to find it.
Mind made up, Alex grabbed a second glass of wine, and followed Lily out of the party and into the house.
* * * *