Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 2. Anne Dambricourt Malasse

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Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 2 - Anne Dambricourt Malasse

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and gorilla in deciduous dentition, B: radiograp...Figure 5.9. Comparison between adult orangutan and gorilla aligned on the spheno...Figure 5.10. Comparison of basi-cranio-facial balance from circum-natal to adult...Figure 5.11. Comparison of the basi-craniofacial equilibrium of the orangutan’s ...Figure 5.12. Primitive organization of vertebrates and the 4 weeks old human emb...Figure 5.13. Four stages of the human chondrocranium from above and put together...Figure 5.14. Inferior view of a human embryo in stages 16–17. The chondrocranium...Figure 5.15. Orthonormal landmark of the cephalic end of the neural tube at the ...Figure 5.16. Movement of the cephalic end of the neural tube in the orthonormal ...Figure 5.17. Comparison between three stages of the human chondocranium describe...Figure 5.18. Three-plane view of the relationship between the migration of the n...Figure 5.19. Levi embryo at stages 18–19 and 40 mm fetus by Macklin (1914) showi...Figure 5.20. Parasagittal histological sections of a 4-month-old human fetus. Le...Figure 5.21. Median sagittal section of adult skulls of current species showing ...Figure 5.22. Comparison of full-term fetus of a sloth (Bradypus) and Homo sapien...Figure 5.23. Mandibles and adult skulls of loris and tarsier (photo: A. Dambrico...Figure 5.24. Adult skulls of A: Indri (lemur) in sagittal section, and B: Tarsiu...Figure 5.25. Chondrocranium with the mandible of a fetus of Cercopithecidae (Sem...Figure 5.26. Alouatta: comparison of the skull base angulation between the juven...Figure 5.27. Comparison of a very young chimpanzee fetus (CRL 71 mm) according t...Figure 5.28. Internal view of the cranial base of a newborn Homo sapiens. The su...Figure 5.29. Comparison of the position of the posterior semi-circular canal and...Figure 5.30. Trace in upper view of the inner ear established on the graph by Sp...Figure 5.31. Application of the protocol to the CT scan (adult chimpanzee skull)...Figure 5.32. Five-month-old human fetus. Identification of homologous characteri...Figure 5.33. Five-month-old human fetus. Measurement of the classical sphenoidal...Figure 5.34. Five-month-old gorilla and Homo sapiens fetus. A: the gorilla fetus...Figure 5.35. The double pantograph (Dambricourt Malassé 1993): AL: posterior alv...Figure 5.36. Neonatal stage of a gorilla and Homo sapiens. Left: comparison in b...Figure 5.37. Protocol applied to macaque (Cercopithecoid) and gorilla in lateral...Figure 5.38. Adult Homo sapiens, the skull is oriented according to the ENT stan...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. View from below of Plesiadapiform (Adapis) and Adapis mandibles (pho...Figure 6.2. Comparison of fossilized great ape mandibular shapes (Rusinga Island...Figure 6.3. Comparison of the proximal extremities of the femur of Gorilla, Homo...Figure 6.4. Position of the zygomatic arch relative to the center of the orbits ...Figure 6.5. Casting of the deformed skull of Sahelanthropus oriented in the Fran...Figure 6.6. Comparison in lower view of the cast of the deformed skull of Sahela...Figure 6.7. Comparison of the positions of the auditory canal, petrous pyramid a...Figure 6.8. Comparison of Sahelanthropus and Ardipithecus occlusions after repla...Figure 6.9. Mandibles in occlusal view of Dryopithecus africanus, (left) and Aus...Figure 6.10. The dm1 bicuspid of a chimpanzee with the wear mark of the upper ca...Figure 6.11. Comparison between a chimpanzee (A and C) and an Australopithecus i...Figure 6.12. On the left, the palate of a Miocene great ape (Dryopithecus) and o...Figure 6.13. Reconstruction of the Taung endocranial cast in lower view by symme...Figure 6.14. Application of the contraction angle measurement protocol. The posi...Figure 6.15. Comparison of the anterior end of the temporal lobe between a chimp...Figure 6.16. CT scan of Australopithecus africanus Sts 5 – courtesy of Phillip T...Figure 6.17. Left: Pan skull base, right: Australopithecus africanus Sts 5. Geom...Figure 6.18. Growth vectors of vault and occiput identified in the Frankfurt Pla...Figure 6.19. Comparison between basi-sphenoid rotations and incisor-canine occlu...Figure 6.20. Cranio-palatal balance of two Australopithecus africanus, left Ster...Figure 6.21. Comparison in exocranial view of the orientation of the pyramids of...Figure 6.22. Comparison of the orientations of the petrous pyramid between the g...Figure 6.23. Paranthropus OH5. In lower view, the upper arrow indicates the stra...Figure 6.24. Skulls drawn with a dioptograph, oriented in the Frankfurt plane, i...Figure 6.25. The angles of exocranial craniofacial contraction of KNM-ER 406, le...Figure 6.26. Sts 19 skull compared with Homo sapiens (A). B: endocranial view an...Figure 6.27. Endocranial casts of a gorilla and Sterkfontein’s Paranthropus robu...

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. The Neanderthal skull from Teshik Tash (child). A: with the retromol...Figure 7.2. Skulls, A: Homo georgicus (1.8 Ma) and B: Homo sapiens (Teviec, 7,40...Figure 7.3. Comparison of the position of the cerebellar fossa in non-sapiens ta...Figure 7.4. CT scan of the Pech de l’Aze Neanderthal child (A), in right lateral...Figure 7.5. Comparison of the positions of the cerebellum fossa during the growt...Figure 7.6. Comparison of the cranio-palatal tracings of La Chapelle-aux-saints ...Figure 7.7. CT scan of La Chapelle-aux-Saints (collection of the Musée de l’Homm...Figure 7.8. The infantile Sapiens neurocranium, Skhul 1 and the mandible attribu...Figure 7.9. Juvenile mandible from Jebel Irhoud (cast) with the tuber symphyseos...Figure 7.10. Comparison of the cerebellar fossa position and basi-cranio-facial ...Figure 7.11. Comparison of the left endocranium by CT scan, A: Jebel Irhoud (cas...Figure 7.12. Successive and superposed percussion marks of a sharp edge made of ...Figure 7.13. End-to-end occlusion of incisors and canines, A: Epipaleolithic, Af...Figure 7.14. The phylogenesis of successive fundamental ontogeneses illustrated ...

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Number of specimens studied by phase of dentitionTable 5.2. Number of specimens studied by dental phase. * one fetus and one neon...Table 5.3. Correlation between sphenoidal angle and pyramidal frontalizationTable 5.4. Correlation between sphenoidal rotation angle and pyramidal frontaliz...Table 5.5. Angular values and standard deviation of adult contraction angles of ...Table 5.6. Angular values and standard deviation of alveolar (α) and pyramidal (...Table 5.7. Chimpanzee sphenoidal angle by dental phaseTable 5.8. Coefficient of determination between the angles of internal (A) and e...

      2 Chapter 6Table 6.1. Number of mandibles studied by taxonTable 6.2. Number of fossils and specimen reference by dental phaseTable 6.3. Linear and angular values of the mandibles of Australopithecus afaren...Table 6.4. Mean values and standard deviations of sphenoidal angle (sph), spheno...Table 6.5. Sphenoidal and cranio-facial angular values of TaungTable 6.6. Sphenoidal and cranio-facial angular values of Sterkfontein 5

      3 Chapter 7Table 7.1. Biometry of the mandible: extinct Homo taxaTable 7.2. Biometry of Neanderthal and proto-Cro-Magnoids (Sapiens) mandiblesTable 7.3. Sample of mandibles from Homo sapiens of the Upper Paleolithic in Eur...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title page

      4  Copyright

      5  Begin Reading

      6  Conclusion

      7  References

      8  Index

      9  End User License Agreement


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      2  iii

      3  iv

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