AutoCAD For Dummies. Ralph Grabowski

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AutoCAD For Dummies - Ralph Grabowski

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and Regenerating

      6  Part 2: Let There Be Lines Chapter 6: Along the Straight and Narrow Drawing for Success Introducing the Straight-Line Drawing Commands Drawing Lines and Polylines Squaring Off with Rectangles Choosing Sides with POLygon Chapter 7: Dangerous Curves Ahead Throwing Curves Going Full Circle Arc-y-ology Solar Ellipses Splines: Sketchy, Sinuous Curves Donuts: Circles with a Difference Revision Clouds on the Horizon Scoring Points Chapter 8: Preciseliness Is Next to CADliness Controlling Precision Understanding the AutoCAD Coordinate Systems Grabbing an Object and Making It Snappy Other Practical Precision Procedures Chapter 9: Manage Your Properties Using Properties with Objects Working with Layers Using Named Objects Using AutoCAD DesignCenter Chapter 10: Grabbing Onto Object Selection Commanding and Selecting Selecting Objects Perfecting Selecting AutoCAD Groupies Object Selection: Now You See It … Chapter 11: Edit for Credit Assembling Your AutoCAD Toolkit The Big Three: Move, COpy, and Stretch More Manipulations Slicing, Dicing, and Splicing Getting a Grip When Editing Goes Bad Dare to Compare Chapter 12: Planning for Paper Setting Up a Layout in Paper Space Any Old Viewport in a Layout Practice Makes Perfect Clever Paper Space Tricks

      7  Part 3: If Drawings Could Talk Chapter 13: Text with Character Getting Ready to Write Creating Simply Stylish Text Taking Your Text to New Heights Entering Text Using the Same Old Line Saying More in Multiline Text Turning On Annotative Objects Gather Round the Tables Take Me to Your Leader Chapter 14: Entering New Dimensions Adding Dimensions to a Drawing Dimensioning the Legacy Way A Field Guide to Dimensions The Latest Styles in Dimensioning Scaling Dimensions for Output Editing Dimensions And the Correct Layer Is … Chapter 15: Down the Hatch! Creating Hatches Hatching Its Own Layer Using the Hatches Tab Scaling Hatches Pushing the Boundaries of Hatch Editing Hatch Objects Chapter 16: The Plot Thickens You Say “Printing,” I Say “Plotting” The Plot Quickens Plotting the Layout of the Land Plotting Lineweights and Colors It’s a (Page) Setup! Continuing the Plot Dialog

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