Clathrate Hydrates. Группа авторов

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Clathrate Hydrates - Группа авторов

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than THF hydrate.

      As described earlier, a combination of powder diffraction and NMR spectroscopic results led to the characterization of HS‐III as a previously unknown clathrate hydrate family. Another Xe hydrate structure, previously known only hypothetically, was characterized in a similar way as HS‐III. The hydrate, known as HS‐I, is of similar composition as the Xe hydrates CS‐I and HS‐III and demonstrates that the synthetic pathway is important in defining the structure of the product.

      It is well known that ice Ih and ammonium fluoride are isostructural and form a solid solution with a maximum NH4F concentration of ∼22%. The NH4+ and F ions replace two water molecules in the ice lattice. It was likely that clathrate hydrate lattices could be built with some water sites substituted with NH4+ and F ions, although it is not possible to build pentagonal rings from only NH4F. The NMR spectrum of the xenon guest in the NH4F‐substituted clathrate shows up to five distinguishable D cages because of different NH4F distribution patterns, and the unit cell parameters shrink with increasing NH4F content (2012). The CS‐I version of the NH4F‐substituted hydrate lattice was shown to be a viable host lattice for methanol guests, an impossibility for the pure CS‐I hydrate lattice. A new help‐gas role for methanol was discovered so that unconventional guests such as alcohols and diols could be incorporated in the large cages of NH4F substituted lattices of CS‐I and HS‐III hydrates.

      High‐pressure inelastic X‐ray scattering was used to study the elastic properties of the high‐pressure methane hydrate MH‐II and MH‐III structures in 2005 by the NRC staff and coworkers from Germany and France. These studies revealed how guest molecules interact with the cages in clathrates and filled ice structures and how under high pressures, the water–methane guest repulsive interactions lead to the elastic properties of the methane hydrate phases becoming significantly different from the ice phases at the same pressure.

      A 2005 Nature Materials paper entitled, “Anharmonic motions of Kr in the clathrate hydrate,” determined the origins of the low thermal conductivity in clathrates using incoherent inelastic neutron scattering, nuclear resonant inelastic X‐ray scattering (NRIXS) – a powerful new technique, and molecular dynamics simulations. The low thermal conductivity in the hydrate phase was related to the coupling of the local anharmonic guest rattling motions in the cages with the host lattice vibrations. This coupling leads to the scattering of the heat‐carrying lattice phonons resulting in a glass‐like anomaly in the clathrate phase thermal conductivity.

       NRC scientific staff

       Don Davidson, Surendra K. Garg, Roger Gough, John Ripmeester, John Tse, Paul Handa, Chris Ratcliffe, Igor Moudrakovski, Gary Enright, Konstantin Udachin, Hailong Lu, Dennis Klug.

       NRC technical staff

       Ron Hawkins, Graham McLaurin, Régent Dutrisac, Jamie Bennett, Steve Lang, Jeff Farnand.

       Other collaborators from the NRC

       Edward Whalley, B. Morris, Derek Leaist, Michael Collins, Ian Cameron, Mike Desando, Litao Chen, Xu Zhu, Anivis Sanchez, Darren Brouwer, Marek Zakrzewski, Chris Tulk, Lee Wilson, Yong Ba, Luy Ding, Eric Brouwer, Andreas Brinkmann, Erik van Klaveren, Hidenotsuke Itoh, Serguei Patchkovskii, Vladimir P. Shpakov, Saman Alavi, D. Yu. Stupin.

       Scientific collaborators on clathrate hydrates

       Alan Judge, Scott Dallimore, Fred Wright, Michael Riedel (Geologic Survey of Canada).

       George Spence, Ross Chapman (University of Victoria).

       Peter Englezos, Robin Susilo, Rajnish Kumar, Praveen Linga, Nagu Daraboina, Alireza Bagherzadeh, Adebola Adeyemo, Hassan Sharifi (University of British Columbia) Virginia Walker, Huang Zeng, Hiroshi Ohno, Raimond Gordienko (Queens University), Harry Kiefte, Maynard J. Clouter, Robert E. Gagnon (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Tom K. Woo (University of Ottawa).

       Richard Coffin, John Pohlman (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington), Jamie J. Molaison, António M. dos Santos, Neelam Pradhan, Bryan C. Chakoumakos, Ling Yang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Wolfgang Sturhahn, Esen E. Alp, Jiyong Zhao, Charles D. Martin (Argonne National Laboratory) W. F. Lawson (US Department of Energy, Morgantown), Peter Brewer (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute).

       Dendy Sloan, Ajay Mehta, Ramesh Kini, Siva Subramanian, Keith Hester, Carolyn Koh, Amadeu K. Sum (Colorado School of Mines), Lars Ehm, John B. Parise (Stony‐Brook University).

       Hirokazu Nakayama (Kobe Pharmaceutical University), Tsutomu Uchida (Hokkaido University), Satoshi Takeya, Sanehiro Muromachi (AIST), Ryo Ohmura (Keio University), Takuo Okuchi (Nagoya University).

       Huen Lee, Yutaek Seo, Jongwon Lee, Kyuchul Shin (KAIST).

       Deqing Liang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou), Changling Liu (China Geologic Survey, Qingdao).

       Anbawaghan Krishnamoorthi (Gas Authority of India, Mumbai).

       Cor Peters, Miranda Mooyer‐van den Heuvel, Maaike Kroon, Alondra Torres Trueba (TU Delft), Jan P. J. Michels, Johnannes A. Schouten (University of Amsterdam).

       Judith Schicks, Manja Luzi (GFZ Potsdam) Julian Baumert (Universität Kiel).

       Werner Press (Institute Laue‐Langevin), Micheal Krisch, Herwig Requart (European Synchroton Radiation facility).

       Stefan Janssen (Paul Scherrer Institute).

       John S. Loveday, Richard J. Nelmes, Malcolm Guthrie (University of Edinburgh).

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