Fractures in the Horse. Группа авторов

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Fractures in the Horse - Группа авторов

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17.3 which ...Figure 17.7 A portable eight‐slice CT scanner (CereTom TM, Neurologica) prov...Figure 17.8 Lateral radiograph with marker needles placed medially and later...Figure 17.9 Marker needs are placed in the pre‐determined locations in the h...Figure 17.10 3D multiplanar reconstructed CT images used to assess the locat...Figure 17.11 3D multiplanar reconstructed CT image at the site and in the pl...Figure 17.12 Aiming device attached to the hoof wall through windows in the ...Figure 17.13 Asepsis is maintained during intra‐operative CT by placing the ...Figure 17.14 Universal aiming device (IMEX) with a 3.5 mm drill guide in pla...Figure 17.15 Intra‐operative radiograph with depth gauge passed through the ...Figure 17.16 3D multiplanar reconstructed CT images obtained during surgery ...Figure 17.17 (a–c) 42 day post‐operative radiographs demonstrating an approp...

      17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Lateromedial radiograph demonstrating severe palmar subluxation ...Figure 18.2 (a) Lateromedial radiograph revealing an axially located fragmen...Figure 18.3 Fragmentation of the proximal dorsal and palmar articular margin...Figure 18.4 Palmarolateral–dorsomedial oblique radiograph demonstrating a co...Figure 18.5 Lateromedial radiograph demonstrating a biaxial, plantar eminenc...Figure 18.6 (a) Dorsoplantar, (b) lateromedial, (c) DLPMO and (d) DMPLO radi...Figure 18.7 Pre‐operative CT examination of the horse in Figure 18.6. Transv...Figure 18.8 Dorsoplantar radiograph of a failed attempt at lag screw fixatio...Figure 18.9 Repair of a uniaxial fracture of a medial plantar eminence and c...Figure 18.10 (a) Photograph of the lame right forelimb of a 13‐year‐old Quar...Figure 18.11 Surgical approach for PIJ arthrodesis. (a) Inverted‐T skin inci...Figure 18.12 Intra‐operative photograph showing appropriate countersinking (...Figure 18.13 Intra‐operative fluoroscopic images confirming appropriate impl...Figure 18.14 (a) Palmarolateral–dorsomedial oblique radiograph of a complex ...Figure 18.15 (a) Photograph of a hindlimb following external coaptation with...Figure 18.16 Intra‐operative fluoroscopic image demonstrating reduction of a...Figure 18.17 Lateromedial radiograph taken 10 months after repair of a highl...Figure 18.18 Dorsopalmar (a) and lateromedial (b) radiographs demonstrating ...Figure 18.19 (a–c) Radiographs of an acute displaced fracture of the distal ...Figure 18.20 Comminuted fracture (arrows) of the dorsomedial distal articula...

      18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Transverse CT images of various configurations of short incomple...Figure 19.2 Dorsopalmar radiograph of a complete parasagittal fracture of th...Figure 19.3 (a) Dorsopalmar and (b) dorsal 45° lateral–palmaromedial oblique...Figure 19.4 (a–c) Reconstructed 3D CT images of a moderately comminuted frac...Figure 19.5 (a–d) Reconstructed 3D CT images of a highly comminuted fracture...Figure 19.6 Lateromedial radiograph of a complete central dorsal fracture of...Figure 19.7 (a) Lateromedial and (b) dorsal 10° lateral–palmaromedial obliqu...Figure 19.8 (a) Lateromedial and (b) dorsal 45° medial–palmarolateral obliqu...Figure 19.9 (a) Lateromedial and (b) dorsal 45° lateral–palmaromedial obliqu...Figure 19.10 (a) Dorsoplantar radiograph of a long incomplete parasagittal f...Figure 19.11 Lateral (a) and dorsal (b) nuclear scintigraphic images of a do...Figure 19.12 A portable CT scanner enables the machine to be brought to the ...Figure 19.13 Repair of a short, dorsal incomplete parasagittal fracture. (a)...Figure 19.14 (a, b) Positioning of a horse in lateral recumbency for repair ...Figure 19.15 Dorsopalmar radiographs during repair of a long incomplete frac...Figure 19.16 An assistant lining up for the surgeon to ensure screws are pla...Figure 19.17 Pre‐operative (a) and post‐operative dorsopalmar (b) and latero...Figure 19.18 Intra‐operative (a) dorsopalmar and (b) dorsal 45° lateral–palm...Figure 19.19 Arthroscopic images of the central region of the dorsoproximal ...Figure 19.20 Intra‐operative dorsopalmar (a), lateromedial (b) and dorsal 45...Figure 19.21 (a) Pre‐operative lateromedial radiograph of a dorsal fracture ...Figure 19.22 Intra‐operative lateromedial radiograph following repair of the...Figure 19.23 Intra‐operative dorsal 45° medial–palmarolateral oblique radiog...

      19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 (a) Left forelimb PSBs viewed proximally demonstrating concave d...Figure 20.2 Proximodistal divisions of the PSB for categorization of fractur...Figure 20.3 (a) Apical PSB fracture in a yearling found on survey radiograph...Figure 20.4 (a) Proximally elongated PSB: the result of a healed foal apical...Figure 20.5 Distal elongation of a PSB subsequent to a healed juvenile basil...Figure 20.6 DM‐PaLO radiograph illustrating an acute apical fracture of a fo...Figure 20.7 (a) DM‐PaLO radiograph of a chronic medial apical PSB fracture. ...Figure 20.8 (a) An articular abaxial PSB fracture (arrows). (b) Transverse (...Figure 20.9 (a) DM‐PaLO radiograph of an abaxial fracture within the proxima...Figure 20.10 (a) DPa and (b) DM‐PaLO radiographs of a non‐articular abaxial ...Figure 20.11 Repair of a large acute abaxial/mid‐body fracture of a forelimb...Figure 20.12 DM‐PaLO radiographs of a minimally displaced proximal mid‐body ...Figure 20.13 Appropriate screw locations and trajectories (black arrows) for...Figure 20.14 Arthroscopically guided repair of a medial forelimb mid‐body fr...Figure 20.15 Repair of a medial forelimb distal mid‐body fracture. (a, b) Ra...Figure 20.16 DPa radiograph of a healed proximal mid‐body fracture repaired ...Figure 20.17 DM‐PaLO radiograph of a distal mid‐body fracture repaired with ...Figure 20.18 Axial basilar fracture (arrow) causing lameness in a racehorse:...Figure 20.19 DPa radiograph of a displaced basilar fracture that is also spl...Figure 20.20 Non‐articular basilar fragments found on yearling survey radiog...Figure 20.21 DPa radiographs of an abaxial sagittal fracture of a medial PSB...Figure 20.22 DP and LM radiographs of unsupported comminuted biaxial mid‐bod...Figure 20.23 DPa and LM radiographs of a MCP joint following biaxial mid‐bod...Figure 20.24 Technique for MCP joint arthrodesis. (a) Surgical approach. (b)...Figure 20.25 Arthrodesis for biaxial PSB fractures in a three‐year‐old Thoro...

      20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Fractures of Mc3/Mt3 condyles imaged by transverse (a) and recon...Figure 21.2 Fracture of the medial palmar subchondral bone and adjacent dens...Figure 21.3 Transverse MRI (a) and CT (b) images of a plantar fracture of th...Figure 21.4 Short bicortical fracture of the lateral condyle of Mc3. (a) DP ...Figure 21.5 Long incomplete fracture of the lateral condyle of Mc3 imaged on...Figure 21.6 Complete radiographically non‐displaced fracture of the lateral ...Figure 21.7 A radiographically non‐displaced fracture of the lateral condyle...Figure 21.8 Proximally comminuted displaced fracture of the lateral condyle ...Figure 21.9 DPl radiograph and transverse CT images taken at the depicted le...Figure 21.10 Transverse CT image of a displaced fracture of Mc3 demonstratin...Figure 21.11 Spiral fracture of the lateral condyle of Mc3 (arrows) propagat...Figure 21.12 Pre‐operative (a) and post‐operative (d) transverse CT images a...Figure 21.13 DP radiographs of repair of an incomplete fracture of the later...Figure 21.14 Intra‐operative DP radiographs in repair of a short bicortical ...Figure 21.15 DP radiographs of an incomplete fracture of the lateral condyle...Figure 21.16 DP radiographs of an incomplete fracture of the lateral condyle...Figure 21.17 A complete radiographically non‐displaced fracture of the later...Figure 21.18 Complete radiographically non‐displaced fracture of the lateral...Figure 21.19 Palmar comminution in a complete non‐displaced fracture of the ...Figure 21.20 (a) DP radiograph and (b) dorsal arthroscopic image of a displa...Figure 21.21 Reduction of proximal and rotational displacement usually requi...Figure 21.22 Arthroscopically guided reduction of a displaced fracture of th...Figure 21.23 Repair of a displaced fracture of the lateral condyle of Mt3. (...Figure 21.24 Displaced fracture of the lateral condyle of Mt3 with dorsal an...Figure 21.25 Sagittally propagating fracture of the medial condyle of Mc3. (...Figure 21.26 Spiral propagation of a fracture of the medial condyle of Mc3. ...Figure 21.27 Intra‐operative dorsal (a) and lateral (b) views of percutaneou...Figure 21.28 Spiral fracture of the lateral condyle of Mc3. (a) DP radiograp...Figure 21.29 MIPPO dorsolateral plate insertion from a distal portal. (a) Us...Figure 21.30 Proximal to distal MIPPO in a Mc3. Six‐plate screws have been i...Figure 21.31 Repair of a spiral fracture of the medial condyle of Mt3 with t...

      21 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Common configuration of complete fractures of Mc3/Mt3 in adult h...Figure 22.2 Common Mc3/Mt3 fractures in foals. (I) Salter–Harris type II. (I...Figure 22.3 (a) Incomplete stress fracture in the dorsolateral Mc3 cortex wi...Figure 22.4 Acute, incomplete longitudinal spiralling fracture of the Mc3 cr...Figure 22.5 An acute, incomplete, longitudinal fracture of Mc3 (arrows) (a) ...Figure 22.6 Nine‐year old shows jumper with an avulsion fracture of the prox...Figure 22.7 Lateromedial (a) and oblique (b) radiographs of a Thoroughbred r...Figure 22.8 Lateromedial radiographs of a transverse fracture of the distal ...Figure 22.9 Comminuted fracture of the Mc3 in a 200 kg pony. (a) Dorsopalmar...Figure 22.10 Dorsopalmar radiographs

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