The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks. Dougal Jerram

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The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks - Dougal Jerram

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is oc...Figure 1.2 The P/T diagram: (a) the classic fields of metamorphism of mafic ...Figure 1.3 The classic Barrovian Zones of regional metamorphism first descri...Figure 1.4 Examples of classic (Barrovian) regional metamorphic rocks Figure 1.5 (a) Blueschist facies, Syros, Greece (Mark Caddick for scale) wit...Figure 1.6 Highly folded metamorphic carbonate turbidites, Namibia Figure 1.7 Contact metamorphism. (a) schematic of contacts around a granite ...Figure 1.8 Serpentinised ocean crust from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus. A f...Figure 1.9 Summary of the two main types of tectonic settings with an outlin...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Be prepared! Picture of field kit; hard hat, compass clinometer, ...Figure 2.2 Example of a simple but effective start of day layout. Figure 2.3 Example of a field notebook with an outline sketch of an outcrop....Figure 2.4 Example of a field notebook with outcrop sketch and closer sketch...Figure 2.5 Examples of small, detailed, texture sketches Figure 2.6 Example of a field notebook with synoptic sketch Figure 2.7 Example of a graphic log highlighting a banded meta‐gabbro sequen...Figure 2.8 Detailed lithostratigraphic log of metamorphic units found south ...Figure 2.9 Some of the common mapping symbols used in metamorphic terrains...Figure 2.10 Detailed map sketch within a notebook Figure 2.11 Example of a metamorphic map of part of the Isle of Syros, Greec...Figure 2.12 Example of contact relationships within a complex terrain, inclu...Figure 2.13 (a) The process of mapping outcrops in 3D using a drone. The cor...Figure 2.14 3D outcrop model of large folds in metamorphic calc‐schists, NW ...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Generalised mineral occurrences and compatibilities in the typica...Figure 3.2 Examples of pillow structures within basic igneous protoliths at ...Figure 3.3 Sillimanite in two forms: (a) Folded fibrolitic sillimanite from ...Figure 3.4 Vein containing white calcite (CaCO3) crystals that have orange‐b...Figure 3.5 (a) High‐pressure metamorphic pyroxene, with green colour due to ...Figure 3.6 (a) A version of the classic metamorphic facies diagram, showing ...Figure 3.7 Characteristics of various protolith types upon heating Figure 3.8 (a) Apparent lawsonite crystals at the outcrop scale. A thin sect...Figure 3.9 Stabilities of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs (aluminium silicates). (a) ...Figure 3.10 (a) A P‐T grid showing possible reactions experienced by pelitic...Figure 3.11 The Barrovian sequence can be deceptive! This staurolite, garnet...Figure 3.12 The compositions of key minerals in mafic, pelitic, and calc‐sil...Figure 3.13 Notebook example where a triangular diagram has been drawn to he...Figure 3.14 Reactions between contrasting compositional portions of a rock c...Figure 3.15 Representative rocks of the Barrovian sequence, and their approx...Figure 3.16 Reactions between contrasting compositional portions of a rock c...Figure 3.17 A schematic PT grid showing the three major reactions associated...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Banded rocks of the Greenland Banded orthogneiss in contact with ...Figure 4.2 Examples of compositional complexities. (a) Small en‐echelon vein...Figure 4.3 Later cross‐cutting examples. (a) An early intrusion into a parag...Figure 4.4 Examples of types of banding. (a) Deformed, quartz‐rich segregati...Figure 4.5 Boudinage / pinch and swell. (a) Pinch and swell structures in a ...Figure 4.6 Cm‐scale, garnet‐rich reaction selvages (pink) formed at the inte...Figure 4.7 Examples of sharp versus graded banding. (a) Gradational and shar...Figure 4.8 Sigma 1 and fabric formation schematic. (a–a1) Grain/object defor...Figure 4.9 Schematic of simple fabric symmetry types. Figure 4.10 Alpine rock with oriented mineral patches. Annotations highlight...Figure 4.11 Examples of cleavage types. (a) Slate quarry, Penn Big bed, Slat...Figure 4.12 Example of schistosity as highlighted by crenulated shiny micas,...Figure 4.13 Example of a phyllite, NW Scotland. Figure 4.14 Outline of lineation cleavage relationships. (a) Bedding/cleavag...Figure 4.15 Examples of crenulation cleavage. (a) Well‐preserved ripples in ...Figure 4.16 Gneisses and migmatites: (a) mm to cm‐scale irregular and folded...Figure 4.17 (a) Large, planar segregations in a migmatite, Montana, USA. (b)...Figure 4.18 Refraction, kinking, and shearing. Top: (a) Refraction, showing ...Figure 4.19 Example of cleavage refraction in metasediments, Namibia Figure 4.20 Kinked foliation, Boscastle, Cornwall (photo width ~1.5 m) Figure 4.21 (a) Fold and cleavage relationships in three dimensions. (b) Exa...Figure 4.22 Fabric/fold relationships on profile sections. Thin lines repres...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Field sketches of textures from which the sequence of mineral gro...Figure 5.2 Sketches of textures that show relationships between metamorphic ...Figure 5.3 Garnet porphyroblasts (orange) and pseudomorphs after lawsonite (...Figure 5.4 Examples of porphyroblasts. (a) Kyanite‐garnet paragneiss from th...Figure 5.5 Example of an augen gneiss, Brazil Figure 5.6 Flaser fabric in a quartz, feldspar, and biotite‐rich gneiss from...Figure 5.7 Sketches of early metamorphic (or inherited) crystals that can re...Figure 5.8 Examples of rotated augen (a) and (b) sheared feldspar porphyrocl...Figure 5.9 Schematic of different stages of fabric development in relation t...Figure 5.10 Rotated inclusions in garnet compared to matrix. Example shows q...Figure 5.11 Pseudomorphs. (a) Sketch showing development from original miner...Figure 5.12 Gabbroic texture overgrown by green metamorphic pyroxene, Syros,...Figure 5.13 Examples of pseudomorphs. (a) Pseudomorphs after lawsonite Syros...Figure 5.14 Examples of mafic pods. (a) Zoomed‐in Greenland pod (photo; see ...Figure 5.15 Boudins and shear pods. (a) Formation of boudins (b) Boudins ...Figure 5.16 A knocker of mafic eclogite, Syros, Greece. The eclogite was onc...Figure 5.17 Examples of mafic pods and mafic layers within the Lewisian comp...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Examples of intrusions within a metamorphic context. (a) Complex ...Figure 6.2 (a) Example of an aureole beneath a large ponded lava flow on top...Figure 6.3 Examples of hornfels. (a) Cordierite porphyroblasts in a calc sch...Figure 6.4 Examples of melting at contacts. (a) Pitted sandstone contact aga...Figure 6.5 Subtle effected aureoles around a picritic dyke in Namibia. The z...Figure 6.6 Simplified map of Ross of Mull contact metamorphic zones found ar...Figure 6.7 Examples of metamorphic textures from the Ross of Mull aureole, S...Figure 6.8 Complex metasomatic zones around the edges of multiple dyke sheet...Figure 6.9 Compositional banding (bedding) where quartz veins are more stron...Figure 6.10 En‐echelon veins/tension gashes rotated during a progressive she...Figure 6.11 Conjugate en‐echelon tension gashes in Old Red Sandstone. Marloe...Figure 6.12 Vein patterns, shapes, and elements. (a) Extensional veins perpe...Figure 6.13 (a) Tremolite and chlorite growing into a vein, Syros, Greece. (...Figure 6.14 Deformation of vein structures. (a) Folded veins cross‐cut by la...Figure 6.15 Reaction at wall of vein in a garnet blueschist, Syros, Greece...Figure 6.16 Examples of reaction zones and contacts. (a) Pegmatitic vein par...Figure 6.17 Exceptional mm scale mineral reaction zones of (centre out) orth...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The classic major faults and terrains of Scotland, including the ...Figure 7.2 Schematic to highlight changes from ductile to brittle behaviour ...Figure 7.3 Quartz slickenfibres with congruous steps in quartzite, indicatin...Figure 7.4 Schematic to show how steps on slickenside surface can be interpr...Figure 7.5 Epidote formation along

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