Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2. Группа авторов

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Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2 - Группа авторов

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2.1. (a) Rayleigh–Taylor instability produced by carefully injecting hot,...Figure 2.2. The atomization of a solution of distilled water and 80% glycerin, a...Figure 2.3. Liquid mass excited by ultrasonic oscillation. The Oz axis is orient...Figure 2.4. Stability diagram of a liquid layer subject to forced oscillation: s...Figure 2.5. Diagram of the device used by Ben Rayana, Cartellier and Hopfinger (...Figure 2.6. Study of the crest of the axial wave resulting from a convective Kel...Figure 2.7. Transverse waves with the wavelength λTR ∝ UG −1/4 (UG − UC)−1 (seen...Figure 2.8. Rupture regimes in space for the parameters ReL/We. The lines with c...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Comparison of the three solvers. For a color version of this figure,...Figure 3.2. (a) Cartesian domain; (b) cylindrical domainFigure 3.3. (a) Relaxed Cartesian mesh; (b) refined Cartesian mesh; (c) relaxed ...Figure 3.4. Boundary and initial conditions IFigure 3.5. Boundary conditions and initial conditions IIFigure 3.6. Upstream and downstream positionsFigure 3.7. Different sections showing the upstream and downstream positions 1, ...Figure 3.8. (a) Mean flow rate over space during the outward movement; (b) mean ...Figure 3.9. (a) Mean flow rate for position 1 during the outward movement; (b) m...Figure 3.10. (a) Mean flow rate for position 1 during the outward movement; (b) ...Figure 3.11. Left: volume contained between the upstream position 1 and downstre...Figure 3.12. Variation of the mass m(Vi, t) over time. For a color version of th...Figure 3.13. (a) Velocity vector field for a relaxed mesh; (b) velocity vector f...Figure 3.14. (a) Contour lines for a relaxed mesh; (b) contour lines for a refin...Figure 3.15. (a) Isosurfaces for a relaxed mesh; (b) isosurfaces for a refined m...Figure 3.16. Calculation cost in minutes. For a color version of this figure, se...Figure 3.17. Calculation cost ratio. For a color version of this figure, see www...Figure 3.18. (a) Mean flow rate for position 1 during an outward movement associ...Figure 3.19. (a) Vector field for a non-refined mesh; (b) vector field for a ref...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Geometric configuration of a pastille equivalent to a sphere with di...Figure 4.2. Droplet with radius r̄s fed with liquid with a flow rate

and the e...Figure 4.3. Influence of the exchange coefficient with the values being identica...Figure 4.4. Influence of the Péclet number (inverse of θ) with the values being ...Figure 4.5. Curves showing the reduced response factor N /α as a function of the...Figure 4.6. Differences between the temperature field in the liquid for two cond...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Physical phenomena brought into play in a cryogenic, coaxial injecto...Figure 5.2. (a) Packet of drops in combustion in a schematized combustion chambe...Figure 5.3. Spherical drop with adiabatic feeding regime: the influence of θ on ...Figure 5.4. Influence of the Péclet number PeL (inverse of θ) with all other par...Figure 5.5. Pastille with adiabatic feeding regime (h = 0). For a color version ...Figure 5.6. Pastille with isothermal feeding regime (h is infinite). For a color...Figure 5.7. Spherical drop with adiabatic feeding regime: the influence of θ on ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Description of a Savonius rotor and the calculation field. For a col...Figure 6.2. Presentation of the three frames used. For a color version of this f...Figure 6.3. Meshes in the blade-to-blade plane and meridian plane. For a color v...Figure 6.4. Meshing on the blades and at the foot, halfway-up and at the head of...Figure 6.5. Dynamic pressure depression in the study by Butaud (top); and that o...Figure 6.6. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 0.4. For a color version of this ...Figure 6.7. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 0.6. For a color version of this ...Figure 6.8. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 0.8. For a color version of this ...Figure 6.9. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 1.0. For a color version of this ...Figure 6.10. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 1.2. For a color version of this...Figure 6.11. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 1.4. For a color version of this...Figure 6.12. Isobar and iso-Mach curves for λ = 1.6. For a color version of this...Figure 6.13. Isobar and iso-Mach curves at t = 0 s and α = 90°. For a color vers...Figure 6.14. Isobar curves at the instant t = 0.927 s, α = 90° after one rotatio...Figure 6.15. Isobar curves at the instant t = 5.677 s, α = 90° after six rotatio...Figure 6.16. Isobar curves at the instant t = 11.35 s, α = 90° after 12 rotation...Figure 6.17. Isobar curves at the instant t = 11.83 s, α = 90° after 13 rotation...Figure 6.18. Isobar curves at the instant t = 11.94 s, α = 180° after 13 more ro...Figure 6.19. Isobar curves at the instant t = 12.06 s, α = 270° after 13 more ro...Figure 6.20. Isobar curves at the instant t = 12.18 s, α = 360° after 13 more ro...Figure 6.21. Isobar curves at the instant t = 12.29 s, α = 90° after 14 rotation...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface

      6  Begin Reading

      7  List of Authors

      8  Index

      9  Summary of Volume 1

      10  End User License Agreement


      1  v

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  ix

      5  x

      6  xi

      7  1

      8  2

      9  3

      10  4

      11  5

      12  6

      13  7

      14  8

      15  9

      16  10

      17  11

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