Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1. Группа авторов

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Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1 - Группа авторов

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Classification of the subgrid terms according to their relative contr...Table 2.5. Physical properties of the two phases in the METERO test caseTable 2.6. Time steps according to the flow regime and the turbulence model for ...

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Coordinates of the critical point of some bodies (Garrabos et al. 199...Table 4.2. Some properties in the vicinity of a critical point and the associate...

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Useful data: (a) Beysens et al. (1982); (b) see text; (c) Giddings an...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Interfacial layer and interface. a) Gray rectangular zone obtained b...Figure 1.2. Capillary interface. Capillary surface at rest between a liquid and ...Figure 1.3. Eutectic colonies in CBr4-C2Cl6-naphthalene, V = 31 µm s-1 (Akamatsu...Figure 1.4. Examples of generalized interfaces. a) Thermal drop in a liquid.Figure 1.5. Orthogonal meshes. a) An example of a curvilinear coordinate system ...Figure 1.6. Coordinate surfaces and interfacial layer. Ci are the coordinate cur...Figure 1.7. Definition of the velocity vector V for two common types of interfac...Figure 1.8. Different terms that come into play in the general equation of inter...Figure 1.9. Hugoniot adiabatic curve in the planes a) | The Mach number for the ...Figure 1.10. a) The line of mass flow rate (in both cases) and the Hugoniot adia...Figure 1.11. Comparison of the structures of the planar flame and the curved fla...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Initial conditions of the phase inversion benchmark. For a color ver...Figure 2.2. Order of magnitude of the normalized subgrid terms, top: for the oil...Figure 2.3. Relative error obtained by comparison between the modeled subgrid te...Figure 2.4. Correlation between the turbulence models and the subgrid terms eval...Figure 2.5. Comparison of the equivalent viscosity μeq predicted by DNS and the ...Figure 2.6. Relative error of the convection subgrid term (top) and the predicte...Figure 2.7. Order of magnitude of the normalized subgrid terms obtained with the...Figure 2.8. Relative error obtained by comparison between the modeled subgrid te...Figure 2.9. METERO flow pattern at X = 40 D. JL corresponds to the water velocit...Figure 2.10. Schematic view of the horizontal pipe of the METERO experiment (e.g...Figure 2.11. Slice of the mesh used for the simulation of the METERO test case. ...Figure 2.12. Qualitative comparison of the simulations performed with the WALE m...Figure 2.13. Average liquid velocity and average void fraction at X = 40D. Top t...Figure 2.14. Notations for the implementation of the new heat flux model. Red ci...Figure 2.15. Definition sketch of the 1D computational domain used for the simul...Figure 2.16. Simulation conditions at a given time for the sucking problem, the ...Figure 2.17. Schematic view of the temperature profile and vapor/liquid interfac...Figure 2.18. Evolution of the interface position obtained with the new heat tran...Figure 2.19. Average relative error for the interface position compared to the t...Figure 2.20. Simulation conditions at a given time for the Stefan problem, the l...Figure 2.21. Schematic view of the temperature profile and vapor–liquid interfac...Figure 2.22. Evolution of the interface position obtained with the new heat tran...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Details of a 2D discretization of the particle surface S and extrapo...Figure 3.2. Spherical coordinate system around a particle. The flow direction is...Figure 3.3. Details of the domain subdivision for Aslam extension (Aslam 2004)Figure 3.4. Details of Taylor interpolation points for drag force/heat flux comp...Figure 3.5. Details of the Aslam extension validation exampleFigure 3.6. Contour (with a 0.2 increment) of the initial conditions of g for As...Figure 3.7. Contour (with a 0.2 increment) of the function g extrapolated using ...Figure 3.8. Contour (with a 0.2 increment) of the function g extrapolated using ...Figure 3.9. Contour (with a 0.2 increment) of the function g extrapolated using ...Figure 3.10. Contour (with a 0.2 increment) of the function g extrapolated using...Figure 3.11. Convergence orders in two dimensions for Aslam extension from: (a) ...Figure 3.12. Convergence orders in three dimensions for Aslam extension from: (a...Figure 3.13. Streamlines and temperature field for a uniform flow past a sphere ...Figure 3.14. Drag force relative error (%) for the uniform flow past a sphere in...Figure 3.15. Pressure coefficient for a uniform flow past an isolated sphere at ...Figure 3.16. Streamlines and temperature field for a uniform flow past a sphere ...Figure 3.17. Drag coefficient for uniform flow past sphere at different Reynolds...Figure 3.18. Local Nusselt coefficient for a uniform flow past an isolated spher...Figure 3.19. Local Nusselt number relative error compared to Massol’s result (Ma...Figure 3.20. Nusselt coefficient for the uniform flow past a hot sphere at vario...Figure 3.21. Streamlines and temperature field for a steady flow along the x-axi...Figure 3.22. Drag force for a uniform flow past an FCC, normalized by Schiller a...Figure 3.23. Global Nusselt coefficient for a uniform flow past an FCC, normaliz...Figure 3.24. FCC/FCC bidisperse arrangement of spheres for Re = 50 and αd = 0.3 ...Figure 3.25. Non-dimensional drag force F for a uniform flow past an FCC/FCC pac...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. (a) The two phases (liquid and gas) of CO2 are clearly seen (meniscu...Figure 4.2. State diagram of a pure body, S: solid state, L: liquid state, G: ga...Figure 4.3. Definition of the standard state: view of isobars z(x) for y = p/pc ...Figure 4.4. Schematic representation of the piston effect mechanism (the dark le...Figure 4.5. Evolution of a thermal boundary layer around a heating thermistor (C...Figure 4.6. Temperature field at t = 8.8 s with a temperature difference between...Figure 4.7. Square of the diameter of the droplet as a function of reduced time ...Figure 4.8. A thermal drop. The cold drop at -7°C falling into the same liquid, ...Figure 4.9. Temperature–pressure diagram of a pure body; T: triple point, C: cri...Figure 4.10. Heating and deformation of a dense pocket over its life span. The r...Figure 4.11. Overheating observed during a thermal quenching of 0.1°C in an SF6 ...Figure 4.12. The heat bubble stretching over a heating wall, under the action of...Figure 4.13. Deformation of the liquid–vapor interface under the action of the r...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Schematics of a symmetric fluctuation (dotted) deformed by shear flo...Figure 5.2. Suppression of viscosity enhancement (colored zones) due to the shea...Figure 5.3. Temperature dependence of the particle self-diffusion constant D (lo...Figure 5.4. Light scattering arrangement. | incident light wave vector; |: scatt...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Comparison of a flame a) under Earth’s gravity and b) in zero gravit...Figure 6.2. The candle flame, a complex process including a diffusion flame. The...Figure 6.3. a) Shapes of the Burke–Schumann diffusion flame for coaxial cylinder...Figure 6.4. Kelvin–Helmholtz double instability downstream of a running O2–H2 in...Figure 6.5. Visualization of a turbulent jet produced by laser-induced fluoresce...Figure 6.6. Simplified representation of the Peters diagram (Peters 2000) in the...Figure 6.7. a) Application of the Rankine–Hugoniot theory (see Appendix A, secti...Figure 6.8. Two scales for the same problem. a) The Rankine–Hugoniot configurati...Figure 6.9. Evolution of the reduced temperature and concentration in a deflagra...Figure 6.10. Effect of turbulence on a thin, planar premixed flame: the Damköhle...Figure 6.11. Combustion of plates through experimental simulation devices: a) ev...Figure 6.12. a) The configuration of the Emmons problem and b) curve (-f(0)) as ...Figure 6.13. Using thermite for soldering rails. The temperatures attained durin...Figure 6.14. a) Schematic of a solid propellant rocket (source: https://fr.wikip...Figure 6.15. Schema for the combustion of an aluminum particle in a propellant e...Figure 6.16. Propagation of a discrete combustion wave in multilayer spin mode (...Figure 6.17. Spray combustion: a) individual drop combusting with a spherical di...Figure 6.18. Traces of the droplet paths illustrating the continuous cascading f...Figure 6.19. Control volume (V), the normal n is at boundary(V)Figure 6.20. Discontinuity

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