Elastic Waves in Solids 1. Daniel Royer

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Elastic Waves in Solids 1 - Daniel Royer

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The stiffness of cube A, which has one of its six faces free, is red...Figure 3.7. Variation, with depth, of the longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) co...Figure 3.8. TV and QTH waves propagating in the (001) plane of a cubic crystalFigure 3.9. Phase matching condition between the Rayleigh wave and the QTH wave ...Figure 3.10. Propagation of Rayleigh waves (R), and pseudo-surface acoustic wave...Figure 3.11. Characteristic curves in the XY plane of crystallographic axes for ...Figure 3.12. Capacitor formed of two electrodes in contact with the piezoelectri...Figure 3.13. Methods for investigating surface acoustic wave properties of a cry...Figure 3.14. Waves at the solid-fluid interface, disposition of the axesFigure 3.15. Displacement of the Scholte wave in the liquid (top) and in the sol...Figure 3.16. Fused silica-fluid interface. a) Attenuation of the leaky Rayleigh ...Figure 3.17. Waves at the interface between two solids, arrangement of the axesFigure 3.18. Variation, on both sides of a steel-duralumin interface, of the two...Figure 3.19. Maps of the Stoneley wave velocity (km/s) as functions of the ratio...Figure 3.20. Bleustein–Gulyaev wave in a zinc oxide crystal. Variation of mechan...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. General structure of a guide. The waves propagate along the x1 axisFigure 4.2. The wave travels in the Ox1 direction by successive reflections on t...Figure 4.3. A guided wave presents nodal planes along the walls and also inside ...Figure 4.4. Dispersion curves of an elementary waveguide. At the angular frequen...Figure 4.5. Wave packet: a) Signal at a given time and b) amplitude density as a...Figure 4.6. Signals carried by the Lamb waves a) S0 and b) A0 for different prop...Figure 4.7. Phase velocities (solid lines) and group velocities (dashed line) of...Figure 4.8. The Love wave propagates in a structure composed of a plate of thick...Figure 4.9. Phase velocity (solid lines) and group velocity (dashed lines) for t...Figure 4.10. Love waves: a) tangential displacement u3 and b) stress σ23 in the ...Figure 4.11. The propagation medium, inhomogeneous along x2, is divided into N s...Figure 4.12. Arrangement of the axes. The plate thickness is d = 2hFigure 4.13. Lamb wave displacement. a) Symmetric: on either side of the median ...Figure 4.14. The (ω, k) plane is divided into three sectors, depending on the va...Figure 4.15. Dispersion curves of the first Lamb modes in a duralumin plate. Sym...Figure 4.16. a) Phase velocities and b) group velocities of the first Lamb modes...Figure 4.17. Particle displacements for a duralumin plate of thickness d =2 mm, ...Figure 4.18. Lamb wave in an isotropic plate. Mechanical displacement of the fir...Figure 4.19. Dispersion curves of the S5 and S8 modes for different values of th...Figure 4.20. Normalized cut-off frequencies fcd/VT (solid lines) and fcd/VL (das...Figure 4.21. Variation with Poisson’s ratio (0 ≤ ν ≤ 0.49) of Lamb waves in a fr...Figure 4.22. Specific behavior for ν = 0 (rigid solid). a) Segments of the line ...Figure 4.23. Lamé modes. a) The guided wave is a transverse wave propagating at ...Figure 4.24. a) Dispersion curves of Lamb modes S0, S1, S2, S2b and of the first...Figure 4.25. Immersed plate. Disposition of axes and components of the wave vect...Figure 4.26. Duralumin plate immersed in water. a) Phase velocity of the fundame...Figure 4.27. a) Plate immersed in water, map of the intensity reflection coeffic...Figure 4.28. Unidirectional composite material made of carbon fibers embedded in...Figure 4.29. Lamb wave slowness curves for a unidirectional composite plate of t...Figure 4.30. Cylindrical waveguide of radius a and coordinates r, θ, zFigure 4.31. Steel cylinder (ν = 0.27). Dispersion curves for the first longitud...Figure 4.32. First three longitudinal modes propagating in a steel cylinder. Var...Figure 4.33. Dispersion curves for the first flexural modes of a steel wire with...Figure 4.34. Dispersion curves for the first torsional modes. The mode T(0,1) is...Figure 4.35. Steel tube (mean radius: 3.75 mm, thickness: 1.5 mm). Variation of ...

      5 Appendix 1Figure A1.1. Cylindrical coordinate system. For a color version of this figure, ...Figure A1.2. Spherical coordinate system. For a color version of this figure, se...

      6 Appendix 2Figure A2.1. a) Two-dimensional crystalline lattice: all nodes are equivalent, a...Figure A2.2. Rows. The nodes in a two-dimensional lattice are located at the int...Figure A2.3. Miller indices. The spacing between two neighboring lattice planes ...Figure A2.4. A twofold inverse axis (A2) is equivalent...Figure A2.5. Stereographic projection. a) Triangles SOp and SPN are similar, so ...Figure A2.6. Association of an n-fold direct axis with n perpendicular binary ax...Figure A2.7. The symmetry elements of a cube are

Figure A2.8. The 32-point symmetry classes of crystals

      7 Appendix 3Figure A3.1. The waves propagate along the x1 axis of the waveguide. Quantities ...

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Values of Lamé constants, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and mass d...Table 1.2. Bulk wave velocities for various isotropic materials. The media that ...Table 1.3. Remarkable values for the Poisson’s ratio ν, the bulk modulus K and t...Table 1.4. Relations between the various elastic constants and the Poisson’s rat...Table 1.5. Components of the stiffness tensor CIJ for crystals, according to the...Table 1.6. Mass density (in kg.m−3) and stiffness constants (in GPa) for some an...Table 1.7. Components of the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric tensors: | an...Table 1.8. Piezoelectric constants (C/m2) and dielectric constants (10−11 F/m) o...

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Characteristics of Rayleigh waves for different piezoelectric materia...

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Cut-off frequency and mechanical displacement of higher order Lamb mo...Table 4.2. Critical values of the velocity ratio VL/VT, of Poisson’s ratio ν and...Table 4.3. Characteristic velocities of elastic waves propagating in an isotropi...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface

      6  List of Main Symbols

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Appendix 1 Differential Operators in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

      9  Appendix 2 Symmetry and Tensors

      10  Appendix 3 Transport of Energy

      11  References

      12  Index

      13  End User License Agreement


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