Product Maturity 1. Franck Bayle

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Product Maturity 1 - Franck Bayle

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section id="u4fb72908-6834-5304-a893-d9800ebda104">


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Foreword by Laurent Denis

      5  Foreword by Serge Zaninotti

      6  Acknowledgements

      7  Introduction

      8  1 Reliability Review 1.1. Failure rate 1.2. Temperature effect 1.3. Effect of maintenance 1.4. MTBF 1.5. Nature of the reliability objective

      9  2 Maturity 2.1. Context 2.2. Normative context and its implications 2.3. Building of maturity 2.4. Confirmation of maturity

      10  3 Derating Analysis 3.1. Derating 3.2. Rules provided by the manufacturers of components 3.3. Reference-based approach 3.4. Creation of derating rules 3.5. Summary

      11  4 Components with Limited Service Life 4.1. RDF 2000 guide 4.2. FIDES 2009 guide 4.3. Manufacturer’s data 4.4. Summary of components with limited service life

      12  5 Analysis of Product Performances 5.1. Analyses during the design stage 5.2. Analyses during the manufacturing stage

      13  6 Aggravated Tests 6.1. Definition 6.2. Objectives of aggravated tests 6.3. Principles of aggravated tests 6.4. Robustness

      14  7 Burn-In Test 7.1. Link between HALT and HASS tests 7.2. POS1 test 7.3. POS2 test 7.4. HASS cycle 7.5. Should burn-in tests be systematically conducted? 7.6. Test coverage 7.7. Economic aspect of burn-in

      15  8 Run-In 8.1. Run-in principle 8.2. Stabilization 8.3. Expression of the corresponding degradation 8.4. Optimization of the stabilization time 8.5. Estimation of a prediction interval of the degradation

      16  List of Notations

      17  List of Definitions

      18  List of Acronyms

      19  References

      20  Index

      21  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Bathtub curve exampleFigure 1.2. Fall leaves illustrating aging. For a color version of this figure, ...Figure 1.3. Failure instants for β = 3 and β = 10Figure 1.4. Example of a car that has not been maintained. For a color version o...Figure 1.5. MTBF (mean time between failures)Figure 1.6. MTBF (mean time between failures). For a color version of this figur...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Phases of the product lifecycle. For a color version of this figure,...Figure 2.2. Stages of maturity. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste...Figure 2.3. Gilbert modelFigure 2.4. Ishikawa method. For a color version of this figure,

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