Искренность после коммунизма. Культурная история. Эллен Руттен

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Искренность после коммунизма. Культурная история - Эллен Руттен

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Robison A. J., Weigel M. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. 2009 (https://www.macfound.org/media/article_pdfs/jenkins_white_paper.pdf).


      de Zengotita Th. Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and the Way You Live in It. New York: Bloomsbury, 2005.


      Об использовании Кольбером этого понятия см.: Zimmer B. Truthiness or Trustiness? // Language Log. 2005. October 26 (http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/002586.html).


      Нэнси Бэйм дает обоснование этому понятию в своей работе: Baym N. Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011; то же делают и другие авторы, см.: Gilmore J. H., Pine II B. J. Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007.


      Первое широкомасштабное научное обсуждение проблемы произошло в 1991 году на Штутгартском семинаре по культурологическим исследованиям, который назывался «Конец постмодернизма: новые направления» (см.: Ziegler H. (ed.) The End of Postmodernism: New Directions. Proceedings of the First Stuttgart Seminar in Cultural Studies, 04.08–18.08.1991. Stuttgart: M & P, 1993). Среди других важных исследований: Smith T., Enwezor O., Condee N. (eds) Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 2009; Turner T. City as Landscape: A Post-Postmodern View of Design and Planning. London: Taylor & Francis, 1995; Scharg C. O. The Self after Postmodernity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997; Braidotti R. A Cartography of Feminist Post-Postmodernism // Australian Feminist Studies. 2005. № 20 (47). P. 169–180; Harris W. V. (ed.) Beyond Poststructuralism: The Speculations of Theory and the Experience of Reading. University Park: Penn State University Press, 1996; López J., Potter G. (eds) After Postmodernism: An Introduction to Critical Realism. New York: Athlone, 2001; Rebein R. Hicks, Tribes, and Dirty Realists: American Fiction after Postmodernism. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2001; Stierstorfer K. (ed.) Beyond Postmodernism: Reassessments in Literature, Theory, and Culture. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2003; Brooks N., Toth J. (eds) The Mourning After: Attending the Wake of Postmodernism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007; Hoberek A. (ed.) After Postmodernism // Twentieth-Century Literature (Special issue). 2007. № 53 (3); Timmer N. Do You Feel It Too? The Post-Postmodern Syndrome in American Fiction at the Turn of the Millennium. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010; Vaessens Th., van Dijk Y. (eds) Reconsidering the Postmodern. Из теоретических работ, касавшихся постпостмодернистской искренности, см.: Cioffi F. L. Postmodernism, Etc.: An Interview with Ihab Hassan // Style. 1999. № 33 (3). P. 357–371; Caputo J. D. The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event // Brooks N., Toth J. Op. cit. P. 285–302; Eshelman R. Performatism, or the End of Postmodernism // Anthropoetics. 2001. № 6 (2) (www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0602/perform.htm). Отрывки из последней работы, «Перформатизм», где Эшельман обосновал идеи об искренности, публиковались с 2001 года; Gilmore J. H., Pine II B. J. Authenticity; den Dulk A. Voorbij de doelloze ironie: De romans van Dave Eggers en David Foster Wallace vergeleken met het denken van Søren Kierkegaard // Derksen L., Koster E., van der Stoep J. (eds) Het postmodernisme voorbij? Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2008. P. 83–99.


      Вот ряд представительных работ, касающихся последних трех понятий: Anton C. Selfhood and Authenticity. Albany: New York University Press, 2001; Gilmore J. H., Pine II B. J. Authenticity; Straub J. (ed.) Paradoxes of Authenticity: Studies on a Critical Concept. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012; Foster H. The Return of the Real: The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996; Farrell F. B. Subjectivity, Realism, and Postmodernism: The Recovery of the World in Present Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996; López J., Potter G. (eds) Op. cit.; Rebein R. Op. cit.; Polanyi M., Rorty R. Postmodern Ethics // Southern Humanities Review. 1995. № 29 (1). P. 15–34; Thacker J. Postmodernism and the Ethics of Theological Knowledge. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.


      Многие исследования обсуждаются в первой главе, но два из них наиболее важны для меня: Trilling L. Sincerity and Authenticity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971; Peyre H. Literature and Sincerity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963.


      См. среди прочего: Korthals Altes L. Sincerity, Reliability and Other Ironies – Notes on Dave Eggers’ «A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius» // D’Hoker E., Martens G. (eds) Narrative Unreliability in the Twentieth-Century First-Person Novel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. P. 107–128; An Yanming. The Idea of Cheng (Sincerity/Reality) in the History of Chinese Philosophy. New York: Global Scholarly Publications, 2008; Bretzke J., Sim L. The Notion of Sincerity (Ch’eng) in the Confucian Classics // Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 1994. № 21. P. 179–212.


      Bal M., Smith C., van Alphen E. (eds) The Rhetoric of Sincerity. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009; Puett M. J., Seligman A. B., Simon B., Weller R. P. Ritual and Its Consequences: An Essay on the Limits of Sincerity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008; Milnes T., Sinanan K. (eds) Romanticism, Sincerity, and Authenticity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010; Magill Jr. J. R. Sincerity: How a Moral Ideal Born Five Hundred Years Ago Inspired Religious Wars, Modern Art, Hipster Chic, and the Curious Notion That We All Have Something to Say (No Matter How Dull). New York: Norton, 2012; Beeman W. O. Emotion and Sincerity in Persian Discourse: Accomplishing the Representation of Inner States // International Journal of Sociology of Language-publication. 2001. № 148. P. 31–57; An Yanming. The Idea of Cheng; Assmann A. Authenticity – the Signature of Western Exceptionalism? // Straub J. (ed.) Paradoxes of Authenticity: Studies on a Critical Concept. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012. P. 33–57; den Dulk A. Over de drempel: Voorbij de postmoderne impasse naar een zelf bewust engagement. De literaire zoektocht van Dave Eggers vergeleken met het denken van Friedrich Nietzsche en Albert Camus. The Hague: Allard den Dulk, 2004; Kelly A. David Foster Wallace and the New Sincerity in American Fiction // Hering D. (ed.) Consider David Foster Wallace: Critical Essays. Los Angeles: Sideshow, 2010. P. 131–147; Korthals Altes L. Blessedly post-ironic? Enkele tendensen in de hedendaagse literatuur en literatuurwetenschap. Groningen: E. J. Korthals Altes, 2001; Idem. Sincerity, Reliability and Other Ironies – Notes on Dave Eggers’ «A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius» // D’Hoker E., Martens G. (eds) Narrative Unreliability in the Twentieth-Century First-Person Novel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. P. 107–128; Rosenbaum S. Professing Sincerity: Modern Lyric Poetry, Commercial Culture, and the Crisis in Reading. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007; Jackson J. Real Black: Adventures in Racial Sincerity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005;

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