Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes. Группа авторов

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Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes - Группа авторов

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reduced sulfur species. The overall difference in redox potential from the substrate to the electron acceptor must match the sum of differences in redox potential of all steps in a pathway (as shown schematically in Figure 3.3), in order to yield the maximum amount of ATP or other energy equivalents for the organism to develop its full competitive potential. Thereby each enzyme, and each reactive site within the enzymes (e.g. heme groups in a cytochrome; cf. Santos et al. 2015), should represent a step in the a cascade of increasing redox potential through the electron transport chain from the electron donor to the terminal electron acceptor.

Schematic illustration of redox potentials of enzymes in the cascade of an electron transport chain, linking the organic substrate with iron oxide as terminal electron acceptor. Schematic illustration of multiheme cytochromes involved in transporting electrons from the organic substrate within the cell to the surface of an iron oxide mineral in (A) Shewanella and (B) Geobacter, adapted from Shi et al.

      Hypotheses exist regarding how electrons could be transferred from certain hemes of the outer membrane cytochrome MtrF in MR‐1 (Clarke et al. 2011) to iron oxide (see below), but whether the electron transfer per se is specific to particular electron acceptors remains unclear. To date, there is only one study, involving Shewanella oneidensis MR‐1 that has provided protein‐crystallographic evidence of how iron as iron(III)‐citrate and iron(III)‐NTA bind to specific sites of the outer membrane cytochrome UndA before reduction (Edwards et al. 2012). Single frozen crystals of UndA, soaked in chelated iron, were analysed by synchrotron radiation. While binding sites near heme 7 of the undecaheme cytochrome UndA of MR‐1 appear to specifically bind chelated iron(III), they do not appear to differentiate between the type of chelator, e.g. NTA or citrate (Edwards et al. 2012). Thus, sites near heme 7 could in general bind different types of chelated iron(III). These results imply that at least for this cytochrome there are specific sites for soluble iron reduction.

      Geobacter sulfurreducens possesses at least 30 outer membrane cytochromes (Costa et al. 2018), although they are not structurally characterized to the extent of those of MR‐1, and it is not known which hemes interact with different electron acceptors. Otero et al. (2018) have shown that multiple pathways of iron‐oxide and iron(III)‐citrate reduction are possible in G. sulfurreducens involving different combinations of cytochromes, supporting results from earlier studies. One proposed pathway for the reduction of iron oxides involves electron transfer from a quinone pool to multiheme cytochromes ImcH (Levar et al. 2014) and CbcL (Zacharoff et al. 2015) in the inner membrane. These in turn could transfer electrons to the periplasmic cytochrome PpcA (Lloyd et al. 2003) and from PpcA to the outer membrane cytochromes OmcBC via the porin proteins OmaBC (Shi et al. 2016). Other outer membrane cytochromes OmcE and OmcS were shown to be important for reduction of iron oxides but not of iron(III)‐citrate (Mehta et al. 2005).

      3.3.2. Microbial Strategies to Reduce Solid Iron Phases

      In addition to the fact that the electrons have to be channeled from the substrate to the electron acceptor, it is particularly challenging for microorganisms that iron is usually not dissolved under marine, circumneutral pH conditions. Despite these challenges, several strategies still allow bacteria to deliver electrons to a solid‐phase electron acceptor. Biochemical methods have allowed for whole cell interactions with metal oxides (Lower et al. 2007) and electrodes (Coursolle et al. 2010) to be determined and abiotic (Lower et al. 2007, 2008; Clarke et al. 2011; Breuer et al. 2015) and biotic (Lower et al. 2007) binding of specific multiheme cytochromes with different iron oxide mineral surfaces to be resolved. However, the mechanism of electron transport from the hemes to these solid‐phase electron acceptors is still unknown.

      Many studies of electron transfer from MR‐1 cell suspensions to the surface of electrodes in microbial fuel cells and in cyclic voltammetry have been made using different types of electrodes including glassy carbon (Kim et al. 1999, p. 128; Kim et al. 2002), graphite (Bretschger et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2011), and hematite (Meitl et al. 2009). In all cases under specific experimental conditions with specific redox potentials, the cells have been able to deliver electrons to these various types of electrodes. Thus, it is irrelevant that the electron acceptor is iron, as electrons would be equally transported to any electrode with a particular electron potential. What matters is that the microorganism has the molecular pathway to transfer electrons from a substrate in the cell interior to an extracellular electron acceptor.

      Theoretically, the bacteria could be growing directly on the surface of the iron mineral, which is indeed observed in laboratory experiments (Jeong et al. 2006). However, this is not always possible in natural sediments. Organisms have developed strategies to transport electrons to the mineral surface, either via secreted organic molecules that act as electron shuttles, such as flavins, or through extensions of the outer membrane, such as nanowires, capable of transporting electrons. Alternatively, there are also strategies to transport Fe3+ ions from the mineral to the cell, using chelators (i.e. siderophores). In any case, the communities have to be highly organized, as otherwise the energetic costs of manufacturing such structures

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