Granny by Pushi around in Australia. Hermine Stampa-Rabe

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Granny by Pushi around in Australia - Hermine Stampa-Rabe

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of me over the street. Sheep graze sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right on the earthy fields.

      And then I reach already after 50 instead of 56 km Orroorroo. Pleasantly! Quite at the beginning I find the caravan park there and am cleared up very in detail about my future distance guidance in the Riverland by the owner. She owns good maps and charts for her guests. She also gives me a mosquito spray with the help of which the bothering flies disappear. She leads me to the best place for my tent where it stands later in the shade.

      On account of my sleeping lack I lie down in my tent and fall right away asleep. On the way back from the shower to my tent I see a caravan driver with his wife coming out of their car and smiling to me. They greet me immediately with the statement: „You are from Germany and cycle here in Australia. Would you like to come with us to our caravan? We would like to invite you to have warm dinner.“

      „But I am quite full and stand in the pajama here. My eyes already close of tiredness. Many thanks for your invitation. Immediately I must go to bed to get up tomorrow very early and continue my ride.“

      We still talk about my tour and his in England graduated two big walking tours, first from coast to coast crosswise and then from John O'Groats in Scotland to Land's End. He shows me his taut calves. Yes, he is a sport man. I congratulate him and say goodbye.

      While I roll me just so nicely comfortably into my small sleeping-bag, outside it begins to rain. The storm has completely decreased. Tomorrow he also may do this please.

       19.01.2013: Orroorro – Jamestown: 70 km

      At 4.00 am in the morning it is cold in the tent and outdoors still even more. The weather has totally overturned. This is, because I sent the heat by email home. I know this already from former. Outdoors it is floor-dark. And because my panniers stand up ready packed in the tent without the washing bag, I lie down once again on my ear. Here it is getting light since 6.00 am.

      To my joy I find out that the storm has decreased. Well for me. The sky has thinned out. Far away many smaller clouds swim darkly at the light blue firmament. All people still sleep.

      When I leave the caravan park, a man comes calling behind me on the street. He holds his toothbrush still in the hand and asks me: „In which direction would you like to go?“

      „To Jamestown“, I give to the answer.

      „Yes, to there I also want to go with my caravan and will overtake you later.“

      Smiling we say goodbye. Then I roll in the morning. It cycles well; since, finally, substantially I have got a good night's sleep.

      Slowly there arises the wind which becomes apparent stronger and stronger to me and my bicycle. My street to Jamestown cuts through many wheat fields. Later I see on both sides earthy fields on which sheep graze. As soon as they note me, they race away.

      Twice I insert a rest in the street, may not sit down, however, because to the side of the street there are a lot of ants. I had to ascertain this unpleasantly on my journey of Ceduna to Wirrula when I sat down simple-minded in the shade of a Mallee-Tree to rest. Nevertheless, there I had really sat down in an ant-hill! Well, this happens to me only once, I hope.

      To the right hand before me a kangaroo hops along the fence, crosses the street and continues his escape from me in other jumps. Later I see it again on the right side. Further it can not make way on account of the fences on both sides of the big street. A fox soon laces in front of me over the street from the right to the left, later from the left to the right.

      And completely a lot much later there lies a knockeded down and killed fox on the big street. Such a splendid, healthy animal! I am properly sorry for him, certainly because he could not further flee on account of the fences. Whether has he still to supply baby animals under construction? Who feeds them now?

      After one more rest, because the storm strongly comes from the front, I interrupt my tour to Jamestown once again because on the right at an old house stands a sign "Winery". A man rises there from a pickup truck, lets down his ugly, gray spotted dog and opens the door. I hope to be able to eat here something. He shows me in, however, but he must work even outdoor of the house. He comes from Adelaide and has in the near his cows. I may sit down inside. This building is probably used only by men as a meeting place for parties I think.

      I go further to the rear space. There stands an ancient piano and besides an entire percussion arrangement. I take a photo of everything and turn to the exit. In this manner I enter once again the first room which I have not perceived at all so properly with the entry.

      Here stand four softy sofas and on a board witty, even made figures from metal canes. But what shoots „the bird“ and what allows me no more to wait for the landlord, but flee from here, this is besides the upper skull of a death's-head. Besides, the cut-off man's head of Rottnest Island occurs to me. No, this is too much for me! Outdoors I catch me my bicycle and flee.

      At noon I reach the small town Jamestown. On the caravan park I receive a pitch for my tent which lies, however, still totally in the hot sunshine. If the sun has walked further around, I set up my tent in the evening; since I am very tired and long for my restful and deserving sleep. Five guinea fowls from Africa peck the vermin from the lawn which is just sprayed.

      About 6.00 pm the sun has walked around and leaves enough shade on the very much soft and big lawn. Finally, I can set up my tent and go in it to bed. It is still warm. Therefore, I am only in my pajama.

       20.01.2013: Jamestown – Burra: 73 km

      At night I awake of the cold. My thermometer registers only 10 ° C. For this my soft, yellow and warm AUSTRALIA Fleece jacket purposes and already lies beside my sleeping-bag. Thus I lie down again. But then I awake again because my thighs freeze in my small sleeping bag. I cover that with my small fleece towel. Over the end of my sleeping bag I push my big pocket. Blessedly I fall asleep again and awake at 4.00 am in the early morning.

      Yes, 10 ° C outdoors. Which clothes today? Luckily I have not sent completely the bicycle clothes for cold days, nevertheless, to Townsville. I start in the cold morning. The sky is cloudless. Yesterday my landlord told me that it should become today to 30 ° C. With it I can live.

      On a very quiet street I roll gently uphill in the direction of Hallett. Today it goes on the relatively lowest mountain distance on the other side of the mountain range. First these become 16 km against the stronger and stronger growing headwind. Then I may race delightfully downhill and there 8 km along in the wide valley. Then it goes, however, only 8 km uphill. From there on top I look down in another valley and towards at the next mountain hurdle. When I cycle up there, I must descend really still and the rest uphill. But it has been worthwhile.

      To recover me a little, here I insert a small break. Then I roll like the wind delightfully down and with some tailwind on and on. I reach Burra and search the caravan park.

      But it is not there where it ordinarily lies, namely at the beginning of the town. Tomorrow it should become hot again, but the level of the distance totally flat. Which luck!

      At the registration I receive a pitch which glows at the moment still in the hot sunshine. About evening the sun in the sky should have turned so far that it lies in shade. And, nevertheless, I am so very tired!

      Now I wait at the crying of the cockatoos for the fact that the sun has disappeared far enough behind the big trees that I can build up my tent in the shade and go to bed straight away. And, nevertheless, I am so very tired! And, nevertheless, tomorrow I have birthday – quite alone in the far!

      My birthday away from home

       21.01.2013: Burra – Morgan: 90 km

      At night I awake again by the cold, dress me more warmly and go then on sleeping, however, till 4.40 am. Outdoors it is getting light only at 6.00 am. Also only then the cockatoos and black Australian magpies begin her loud morning concert.

      And also if the cockatoos fly in crowds about the place screamingly

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