Life in the Open Ocean. Joseph J. Torres

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Life in the Open Ocean - Joseph J. Torres

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of depth (Denny 1993).

      Salinity alters the density of water considerably more than does temperature or pressure. The difference in density between freshwater and seawater is substantial. Salinity itself is the amount of dissolved material expressed in g per kg of seawater. The material consists mainly of salts; the principal salt is sodium chloride. The nicely intuitive definition of salinity as g per kg, or parts per thousand, has been replaced in some circles by the introduction of practical salinity. Practical salinity (Sp; UNESCO 1983) is the ratio of the electrical conductivity of a seawater sample and to a standard solution of potassium chloride. Since it is a ratio, practical salinity has no units. It is very close to actual salinity, though. To get back to actual salinity in g per kg from practical salinity, you use the following equation: S = 1.00510 Sp (Bearman 1989).

      The fact that water is far denser than air has its good points and bad points from the perspective of a swimming animal. On the plus side, it means that much less structural investment is required to support the weight of an organism in water than on land. A popular analogy compares a tree and a kelp of equal height above the substrate. Clearly, the kelp has far less energy invested in its 0.05 m diameter stipe than the tree has in its 0.5 m trunk. The principle works equally well for a jellyfish elegantly trailing its tentacles in the ocean or piled up in a soggy mass on the beach.

      The aquatic medium provides buoyant support according to the difference in density between the body and the medium in which it is immersed. The weight of an object in water is described by the equation

      where ρ (rho) is the density of the object, ρ w is the density of water, g is the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m s−2), and V is the volume of the object in question. The expression ( ρ ρ w) is the effective density or ρ e of our submerged body and determines whether it will float, remain suspended, or sink. Its effective weight in water is thus g· ρ e V, and it follows logically that a body will weigh more in air than in water, usually by 5‐ to 50‐fold (Denny 1993). Do not be guilty of synonymizing weight and mass. Mass is a scalar quantity measured in kilograms; weight is a force that is measured in newtons. You will notice that the mass of an object in water does not change, but its weight does.


      The first characteristic of fluids that must be appreciated for an understanding of viscosity is the “no‐slip condition” with respect to solids. That is, at the interface between a solid and a fluid flowing over it, the velocity of the fluid is zero. A zero‐velocity boundary layer is created, whose thickness depends on the velocity of the fluid flow. At the solid–fluid boundary, fluids stick to solids absolutely. Any object in a flow thus creates a shear, as the fluid particles at the no‐slip boundary must be moving at a different velocity than those at a distance from the body in the flow.

      A second type of viscosity is quite important in understanding flow around and through objects: the kinematic viscosity or υ. It is the ratio of dynamic viscosity ( μ ) to density ( ρ ):


      Kinematic viscosity is considerably less easy to grasp on an intuitive level, but it relates two important properties of a fluid that will be significant to us in examining the locomotion of open‐ocean fauna. Viscosity and density have much to do with patterns of flow around an organism. On the one hand, viscosity measures how adjacent particles retard a fellow fluid particle’s movement when it encounters a body in a flow. On the other, density is a measure of how likely it is that a fluid particle will keep moving. The ratio of the two forces, inertial and viscous, is the subject of our next topic, the Reynolds number.

      Reynolds Number

      Osborne Reynolds observed that a dye stream introduced into a liquid flowing through a pipe would yield a nice linear (laminar) flow or a turbulent disturbed one depending upon three characteristics of the liquid and one of the pipe. The velocity of the flow, the density of the liquid, the viscosity of the liquid, and the diameter of the pipe determined whether the flow was laminar or turbulent. Manipulating any one of the four variables was equally effective in changing the characteristics of the flow. The relationship between those variables is described in the equation for Reynolds number:


      where U is the velocity of the flow, l is the diameter of the pipe, and ρ and μ are by now familiar

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