Muography. Группа авторов

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Muography - Группа авторов

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      16 Daya Bay Collaboration (2018). Seasonal variation of the underground cosmic muon flux observed at Daya Bay. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018, 001.‐7516/2018/01/001

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      32 Kusagaya T., & Tanaka H. K. M. (2015a). Development of the very long‐range cosmic ray muon radiographic imaging technique to explore the internal structure of an erupting volcano, Shinmoe‐dake. Japan. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 4, 215–226.‐4‐215‐2015

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      34 Kusagaya, T. (2017). Reduction of the background noise in muographic images for detecting magma dynamics in an active volcano. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tokyo, Retrieved from https://repository.dl.itc.u‐

      35 Kusagaya T., & Tanaka H. K. M. (2015b). Muographic imaging with a multi‐layered telescope and its application to the study of the subsurface structure of a volcano. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B 91, 501–510.

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      37 Matsushima, J. (2019). Biogenic gas in Tokyo Bay and Bessi Copper Mine. Muographers 2019 Conference, 09 September 10 September, 24 September – 26, September, Tokyo, Japan,

      38 Nagamine, K., Iwasaki, M., Shimomura, K., & Ishida, K. (1995). Method of probing inner‐structure of geophysical substance with the horizontal cosmic‐ray muons and possible application to volcanic eruption prediction. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 356, 585–595.‐9002(94)01169‐9

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      40 Nomura, Y., Nemoto, M., Hayashi, N., Hanaoka, S., Murata, M., Yoshikawa, T., et al. (2020). Pilot study of eruption forecasting with muography using convolutional neural network, Scientific Reports 10, 5272.‐020‐62342‐y

      41 Oláh,

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