Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Группа авторов

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Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Группа авторов

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extraction of a large number of pesticides within a wide polarity range in only one step [94]. Two different extraction solvents, dichloromethane:acetone (1 : 1, v/v) and acetonitrile:water (2 : 1, v/v), were used for the determination of triazines, phenylureas and phenoxy acid pesticides [95]. Fungicides and insecticides were also extracted using PLE, applying two extraction solvents, methanol:acetonitrile (70 : 30, v/v) and methanol:acetonitrile:formic acid (65 : 30:5, v/v), obtaining recoveries from 57% to 136% [96].

      Finally, SPE, using OASIS HLB cartridges, was also applied to concentrate the extract before chromatographic analysis [93].

Pesticides Matrix Extraction technique Determination technique Recovery (%) LOQ (ng g−1) Reference
Fish QuEChERS LC-QqQ [49]
50 (TPs) Fish QuEChERS Clean-up: d-SPE (MgSO4 + C18 + active coal) LC-QqQ 58−140 0.90−11.25 [46]
40 (TPs) Fish QuEChERS Clean-up: d-SPE (MgSO4 + C18 + PSA + activated charcoal) LC-QqQ 58−145 0.01−1b [47]
50 Fish QuEChERS Clean-up: d-SPE (MgSO4 + C18 + PSA + active coal) LC-QqQ 58−140 0.90−11.251 [48]
10 OCPs Fish PLE: dichloromethane:hexane 1 : 1 v/v. Clean-up: silica gel & basic alumina GC-Q-MS 50−110 0.0055−0.0300 dw b [105]
OCPs Several species Soxhlet: Hexane:acetone 3 : 1 v/v. Clean-up: acid silica GC-Q-MS 1−4 [103]
16 OCPs Soil & microorganisms Soxhlet: Hexane:dichloromethane 3 : 2 v/v. Clean-up: GPC Hexane:dichloromethane 1 : 1 v/v GC-ECD [45]

      aAbbreviations: d-SPE: Dispersive solid phase extraction; dw: dry weight; ECD: Electron capture detector; GPC: Gel permeation chromatography; LC: Liquid chromatography; MS: Mass spectrometry; MS/MS: Tandem mass spectrometry; OCPs: Organochlorine pesticides; PLE: Pressurized liquid extraction; PSA: Primary secondary amine; Q: Single quadrupole; QqQ: Triple quadrupole; TPs: Transformation products.

      bLimit of detection.

Pesticides Matrix Extraction technique Determination technique Recovery (%) LOQ (pg m−3) Reference
20 Passive Sampling (VERAM) MAE: acetone:hexane, 1 :
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