Graphs and Networks. S. R. Kingan

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Graphs and Networks - S. R. Kingan

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Graphs and networks / Sandra Kingan.

      Description: First edition. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021010555 (print) | LCCN 2021010556 (ebook) | ISBN 9781118937181 (cloth) | ISBN 9781118937204 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781118937273 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Graph theory. | System analysis.

      Classification: LCC QA166 .K545 2021 (print) | LCC QA166 (ebook) | DDC 511/.5–dc23

      LC record available at

      LC ebook record available at

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Wikipedia

       in loving memory of my mother Shery Reuben

      Network science is another name for the modern applications of graph theory and should be studied alongside the usual theorems and techniques in a graph theory course. On the other hand, data scientists, biologists, physicists, and social scientists using networks as models might be interested in the theory behind the results they use. This book attempts to bridge the growing division between graph theory and network science by weaving theory, algorithms, and applications together into the narrative. Only the theorems are numbered because it is through them that the subject unfolds. Moreover, a curated selection of theorems is presented to make the text read like a story, except that this is not fiction and the story never ends.

      Chapter 1 presents a broad overview of the book and the basic concepts and examples used throughout the book. Chapter 2 presents foundational topics such as trees, distance, and matrices that represent graphs. Chapters 3 and 4 contain applications found in network science books such as centrality measures, small‐world networks, and scale‐free networks. Their inclusion early in the book indicates their importance and emphasizes how little classical graph theory these applications require. They do, however, require a working knowledge of elementary linear algebra, probability, and statistics. The required concepts are in Appendices A and B. Chapter 5 and Appendices C and D provide an introduction to graph algorithms including graph traversal algorithms, greedy algorithms, and shortest path algorithms. Subsequently, algorithms are treated as an integral part of the story. Chapter 6 is a collection of results on Eulerian circuits, Hamiltonian cycles, coloring, and higher connectivity including Menger's Theorem and the Splitter Theorem. Chapter 7 provides an introduction to planar graphs. Chapter 8 is on flows, stable sets, matchings, and coverings, and ends with Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm, one of the finest examples of a graph algorithm.

      This book is written so that students can review the material and come prepared for a discussion in the classroom. The selection of results in this book gradually increases in difficulty and makes self–study possible. The exercises encourage playing with examples and experimentation. Each chapter has a list of topics suitable for independent study projects and research experiences.

      The book also serves as a guide for navigating the large amount of free graph theory and network science resources on the web. Most papers can be obtained within seconds via a web search. Many older textbooks are freely available on the Internet. All these excellent resources for further study are built into the narrative. Students are encouraged to begin gathering original sources as a matter of routine. A seemingly random collection of papers may initially have no connection, but gradually patterns will appear and point toward a research project.

      My husband Robert Kingan helped me with the algorithms, figures and references. This book would never have been completed without his encouragement and assistance. My sons Rohan, Arun, and Ravi cheered me on. My colleagues from the New York combinatorics group Kira Adaricheva, Deepak Bal, Nadia Benakli, Jonathan Cutler, Ezra Halleck, Joseph Malkevitch, Eric Rowland, Kerry Ojakian, Peter Winkler, and Mingxian Zhong gave valuable feedback. Many thanks to Noemi Halpern and Murray Hochberg for their long standing support and encouragement and the anonymous reviewers for their nice reviews of my original book proposal. My students helped me by finding typos and errors. I was able to refine explanations by teaching the same topics over and over again. Last, but not least, Susanne Filler, the original acquisitions editor for this book, the expert team at Wiley, Inc. Kimberly Hill, Kalli Schultea, and Gayathree Sekar have been patient and easy to work with. I am grateful to all noted here and to many others who helped in bringing this book to fruition.

       S. R. Kingan

      Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center

      The City University of New York

      New York, NY

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