Arthritis For Dummies. Barry Fox

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Arthritis For Dummies - Barry  Fox

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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_86781182-3793-537f-ae45-401de522584f.png" alt="Warning"/> Although pain and inflammation are early signs of RA, they’re not always the first to herald the arrival of the disease. RA typically begins with minor symptoms and slowly makes its presence known. But it can also strike dramatically, causing several joints to become inflamed all at once.

Schematic illustration of the areas where rheumatoid arthritis is most likely to strike.

      © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

      FIGURE 3-3: The areas where rheumatoid arthritis is most likely to strike.

       Pain, warmth, redness, swelling, or tightness in a joint

       Swelling of three or more joints for six or more weeks

       Joints affected in a symmetrical, mirror-image pattern (for example, both knees, both shoulders, and so on)

       Joint pain or stiffness lasting longer than 30 minutes upon arising or after prolonged inactivity

       Pea-shaped bumps under the skin (called rheumatoid nodules), especially on pressure points like the elbows or the feet, or overlying affected joints. In bedridden patients, they may also occur at the base of the scalp or on the back side of the hip

       Evidence of joint erosion on an X-ray

       Loss of mobility

       General soreness, aching, stiffness

       A general “sick” feeling (malaise)


       Periodic low-grade fever and/or sweats

       Difficulty sleeping

       Anemia caused by chronic inflammation in the body

       Blood tests showing the presence of positive rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibody. These are antibodies that are found in up to 80 percent of RA patients.

      As RA progresses, the joints enlarge and can become deformed. They may even freeze in a semicontracted position, making complete extension impossible. The fingers can start to curl up, pointing away from the thumb, as their tendons slip out of place. RA may also attack other parts of the body, causing the following conditions:

       Pleurisy: If RA attacks the lungs, it can cause pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes around the lungs), prompting difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and scarring and inflammation of the lungs causing chronic dry cough and difficult breathing, especially with exercise.

       Episcleritis or scleritis: If it attacks the tissues covering the white part of the eye, it can cause eye pain, sensitivity to light, and tearing of the eye.

       Pericarditis: If it settles in the membrane surrounding the heart (a condition called pericarditis), it can cause chest pain while lying down, or impair the heart’s ability to pump blood properly.

       Vasculitis: If it affects the blood vessels (vasculitis), the blood supply to other parts of the body can be cut off, causing nerve damage, skin ulcers, gangrene, and other types of tissue death.


Even though rheumatoid arthritis can have some very serious consequences, this disease can be managed. Many people with RA live long, successful lives, and we now have many FDA-approved medications that can improve quality of life, level of function, and protect the joints from permanent damage and deformity. But remember: Early treatment can make a big difference in RA, so don’t wait to see a doctor.The earlier RA is diagnosed and treated, the better the overall prognosis and the higher the likelihood that the disease can be controlled.

      Understanding the causes of RA

      Hormones or hormone deficiencies may also play a part, although their possible role is unclear. Women are more likely than men to develop RA, suggesting a possible link to estrogen. But, at present, doctors have more questions than answers about RA.

      Pinpointing the most likely victim of RA

      Rheumatoid arthritis can strike just about anybody — children, the elderly, the middle-aged, and people of almost all racial or ethnic groups. But RA has a particular affinity for women, especially those between the ages of 20 and 50. Women account for over two-thirds of the 1.5 million Americans who suffer from RA, making them about three times as likely as men to get the disease, although scientists have yet to determine why.


      Lucille Ball, the famous comedienne and zany star of the I Love Lucy television series, was just 17 years old and working as a model in Hattie Carnegie’s internationally renowned dress shop when she suddenly developed a fiery pain in both her legs. “It was so bad, I had to sit down,” she wrote in her autobiography, Love, Lucy. She had recently recovered from a bout with pneumonia and a high fever; now this!

      Hurrying to her doctor, she received the terrifying news: She had rheumatoid arthritis, a crippling disease that becomes progressively worse over time. In fact, it was conceivable that she would spend her life in a wheelchair. Lucy’s doctor sent her to an orthopedic clinic where she waited for three hours, nearly fainting from the pain, before the doctor informed her that there was no cure. He did ask if she would like to try an experimental treatment, though — injections of a kind of “horse serum.” Lucy agreed and received these shots over the next several weeks until she finally ran out of money. Unfortunately, the pain continued.

      Discouraged but not about to give up, Lucy went back home to her parents, who massaged her legs, gave her money to continue the horse serum injections, and encouraged her to take better care of her health. Finally, months later, the pain began to ease, and Lucy was able to stand up on weak and shaky legs. Her left leg had shortened a bit during the course of the disease, so she added a 20-pound weight to her corrective shoe to stretch the leg out. (Note: RA is no longer treated with horse serum. We’ve come a long way since then!)

      Unfortunately, no one test can tell your doctor you definitely have RA. Instead, your doctor looks for

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