Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt
Читать онлайн книгу.9.2 Types of corneal ulcerations in the dog.Table 9.3 Antiproteolytic agents for topical treatment of melting corneal u...Table 9.4 Breed predisposition to CSK (pannus) with age of onset if availab...Table 9.5 Crystalline corneal opacities in the dog.
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Types of glaucomas reported.Table 10.2 Clinical effects of elevated IOP.Table 10.3 Clinical signs of the primary glaucomas in the dog.Table 10.4 Breeds with primary glaucomas.
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Clinical signs of uveitis in the dog.Table 11.2 Recommended therapies for anterior uveitis in the dog.Table 11.3 Diagnosis and treatment of the systemic mycoses and anterior uve...
11 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Breed predisposed to dystrophic PPMs causing secondary anterior ...Table 12.2 Canine breeds affected by PHPV/PHTVL causing lens opacification ...Table 12.3 Canine breeds affected by presumed HCs.Table 12.4 Canine breeds affected by HCs in which mode of inheritance has b...Table 12.5 Canine breeds affected with PLL mode of inheritance and genetic ...
12 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Ophthalmoscopic findings in Collie eye anomaly.Table 13.2 Ophthalmoscopic findings in canine retinal dysplasia.Table 13.3 Breeds of dogs affected with retinal dysplasia (RD).Table 13.4 Ophthalmoscopic changes in PRA.Table 13.5 Characteristics of the canine retinal photoreceptor dysplasias....Table 13.6 Characteristics of canine retinal photoreceptor degenerations.Table 13.7 Ophthalmoscopic changes in chorioretinitis.
13 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Frequency of feline eyelid tumors.
14 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Treatment for periocular squamous cell carcinoma.Table 15.2 Treatment for periocular sarcoids.Table 15.3 Goals of corneal ulceration therapy in the horse.
15 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Reported ophthalmic disorders in mice and rats.Table 17.2 Important clinical characteristics of the rabbit eye.Table 17.3 Ocular diseases in the rabbit.
16 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Neuroanatomical location of various nuclei and ganglia important...Table 18.2 Neuroanatomical localization of Horner's syndrome.
17 Chapter 19Table 19.1 Coat color‐related diseases/conditions in dogs.Table 19.2 Hydrocephalus in dogs.Table 19.3 Histopathological lesions in masticatory myositis.Table 19.4 Canine infectious diseases with ophthalmic signs.Table 19.5 Toxicities producing ophthalmic lesions in the dog.
18 AppendixTable A.1 Genes associated with inherited ophthalmic diseases in the dog. a
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Development of the optic sulci, which are the first sign of eye d...Figure 1.2 Formation of the lens vesicle and optic cup. Note that the optic ...Figure 1.3 Cross section through optic cup and optic fissure. The lens vesic...Figure 1.4 The hyaloid vascular system and TVL.Figure 1.5 (a) Canine orbit. (b) Feline orbit. Bones of the orbit: frontal (...Figure 1.6 Equine orbit. Bones of the orbit: frontal (F), lacrimal (L), sphe...Figure 1.7 Divisions of orbital fascia: muscle fascia, periorbita, orbital s...Figure 1.8 Arrangement of the orbital muscles of domestic animals. Annulus o...Figure 1.9 Orbital apex of the dog, illustrating structures passing through ...Figure 1.10 Canine eye. Medial canthus (A), lateral canthus (B), cilia (C), ...Figure 1.11 Equine eye. (a) Medial canthus (A), lateral canthus (B), cilia (...Figure 1.12 Photomicrograph of the eyelid of a dog. Hair follicle (HF), cili...Figure 1.13 Bulbar conjunctiva of a porcine eyelid is externally lined by a ...Figure 1.14 Drawing of a histological section of the mammalian NM.Figure 1.15 NM of the horse contains both glandular (G) and lymphoid (L) tis...Figure 1.16 The nasolacrimal system: lacrimal puncta, canaliculi, lacrimal s...Figure 1.17 Diagram of the three tunics that comprise the mammalian globe. O...Figure 1.18 (a) Lateral view of the equine globe. Note the marked flattening...Figure 1.19 Histological view of the four layers in the equine cornea: anter...Figure 1.20 Basement membrane (arrows) of the anterior epithelium of the can...Figure 1.21 SEM shows the surface of the anterior epithelium of a bovine cor...Figure 1.22 The corneal epithelium and anterior stroma. Nonkeratinized squam...Figure 1.23 (a) SEM of corneal stroma in the dog. (b) TEM of corneal stroma ...Figure 1.24 SEM of a four‐year‐old canine corneal endothelium reveals occasi...Figure 1.25 Photomicrographs of canine limbus. (a) The irregular connective ...Figure 1.26 The intrascleral plexus (ISP) of a dog is located within the mid...Figure 1.27 Scleral ossicles (SO) in birds vary in size and shape. (a) Scree...Figure 1.28 SEM of the canine anterior uvea. Cornea (C), ciliary processes (Figure 1.29 Equine iris (I) and anterior ciliary body (CB). The arrow points...Figure 1.30 (a) In many canine irides, melanocytes are concentrated in a wid...Figure 1.31 Sphincter muscle (SM) location in the dog (a) and in the horse (...Figure 1.32 (a) Iris sphincter muscles that create a slit pupil when the pup...Figure 1.33 Inner surface of the ciliary body of a dog treated with α‐chymot...Figure 1.34 SEM (sagittal view) of the inner ciliary body of a dog reveals n...Figure 1.35 SEM of the ciliary processes and zonular fibers in a horse. Cili...Figure 1.36 The bilayered ciliary epithelium that lines the ciliary processe...Figure 1.37 Apical junctions of nonpigmented (NPE) and pigmented (PE) ciliar...Figure 1.38 Degree of development of the ciliary body musculature among mamm...Figure 1.39 Gonioscopic view of the anterior ciliary body shows the fibrous ...Figure 1.40 Frontal view SEM of the canine ICA. Fibrous pillars that attach ...Figure 1.41 Cells associated with the operculum in the