From Reopen to Reinvent. Michael B. Horn

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From Reopen to Reinvent - Michael B. Horn

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has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and is prepared for both work and life in the twenty-first century.”

      —Margaret Spellings, former U.S. secretary of education under President George W. Bush and president and CEO of Texas 2036

      —Phyllis Lockett, CEO, LEAP Innovations

      “In From Reopen to Reinvent, Michael Horn presents a carefully reasoned case for moving from time-denominated public education to a system of student-centered mastery. Reinforced with ample evidence, his insightful articulation of the operation and impacts of our current design is clear-eyed and pragmatic, showing that improvement is not only needed but mandatory. He offers clear and sensible ideas for building support and practice to move to a mastery system. Wide-ranging examples of schools, districts, and communities where successful adoption of mastery-based education already has been achieved provide compelling proof that we can do far better for our students, educators, and the nation.”

      —Macke Raymond, director of CREDO at Stanford University

      “The challenges facing our K–12 schools are unprecedented. In this book, Michael Horn gives a concise, compelling outline of a way forward that holds the promise of excellent education for every child.”

      —Jane Swift, president of LearnLaunch Institute and former Massachusetts governor

      —Vicki Phillips, CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, and former director of education, College Ready at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

      “Michael Horn does not shy away from presenting bold ideas and frameworks to make learning more equitable and empowering for every student, with care and attention to how critical parent involvement and understanding are as we seek to unlock each child's potential. This book is packed with research alongside concrete strategies for implementing the ideas presented; the storytelling and examples woven throughout make it particularly compelling and powerful. At a time when being an educator feels challenging, this book is filled with a hopeful vision of what is possible and methods educators and administrators should consider as we seek to improve the education system.”

      —Stacey Roshan, math teacher and director of innovation and educational technology at Bullis School and author of Tech with Heart: Leveraging Technology to Empower Student Voice, Ease Anxiety, & Create Compassionate Classrooms

      —Chip Slaven, former executive director and CEO, National School Boards Association

      “While some wring their hands about the disruption of school as we knew it, Michael Horn asks us to seize this moment to design the learning environments and experiences our children have needed and deserved all along … and then offers a practical guide on how to begin. Let's go!”

      —Jim Shelton, chief impact and investment officer, Blue Meridian Partners and former deputy secretary, U.S. Department of Education

      “Michael Horn's call to recreate schools so that they work for every child is particularly timely and important for our nation. Horn provides a clear pathway and action plan for school leaders, teachers, and parents to envision a different future—one that really honors and enables the individual talents and dreams of each child. A thought-provoking read with great real-life examples, this book should be essential reading for school leaders, teachers, parents, policymakers, and others who want to step up and create more opportunities for students and schools to thrive.”

      —Kevin Hall, CEO of the Charter School Growth Fund




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