Claves del derecho de redes empresariales. AAVV
Читать онлайн книгу.theory, network dynamics and competition are only beginning to be understood, and results from and implications for commercial and competition law are widely neglected, even though strong interrelations exist. For example, the reduction of rivalry between multi-market competitors (firms that encounter each other on several markets)is a widely acknowledged effect among industrial economists (Edwards, 1955) and strategy researchers (Yu, Subramaniam & Cannella, 2009).However, despite its implications for the functioning of competition, this “mutual forbearance effect” seems to have found only little reception in competition law and regulatory practice. Additionally, the formation of formal cooperative ties between such multi-market competitors is frequently observable (Luo, 2007); the formation of alliances among multi-market firms implies that these firms (which already “mutually forbear”) addexplicit, formal cooperation agreements that cover some of their common markets. The effect of such agreements among multi-market competitors, or their role in business networks would be of high relevance for the rivalry between them and thus, for firm performance(Albers, 2011; Li & Netessine, 2011), but would also unfold relevant implications for competition authorities. In competition law and regulatory practice, it seems that these interdependencies that include implicit and explicit cooperative agreements across diversified firms’ markets and divisions are not yet fully acknowledged.
Thus, further research is needed in all of these fields, and dialogue between disciplines needs to be encouraged in order to allow for effective networks to emerge, and survive, but also to be terminated, in a regulatory environment that understands their inner logic to prevent misuse.
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