Cказки Призраков. Tales of Ghosts. Премия им. Эдгара По / Edgar Poe Award (Билингва: Rus/Eng). Александра Крючкова
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– Так ты же не хочешь быть монахиней! – захохотал Чёрт.
В палату вбежали реаниматологи и забрали тело Людмилы, а её душа, Ангел и Чёрт проследовали за телом в реанимацию, чтобы продолжить разговор уже там.
– Слышь, Валь, – окликнула соседку Галина Петровна, – а неверующая-то наша, наверно, Свет-таки увидела! И так ей там, в Раю, понравилось, что возвращаться не захотелось! Эх, хорошо-то как, Господи, что я до Рая не добралась! А то, как она, взяла бы да и не вернулась сдуру! А у меня внуков четверо! Пропадут без меня-то! Кто им борщи варить будет?
Валентина Ивановна вздохнула, молча кивнула в ответ и посмотрела на улицу сквозь пыльное больничное окно. Она слышала разговор души Людмилы с Ангелом и Демоном, хотя и не видела их самих в палате.
У Валентины Ивановны здесь уже давно никого не осталось. Разве что кроме… спасённого ею прошлой зимой рыжего кота.
«Возможно, служение Барсику и есть моя задача на Земле? Не Барсик ли – причина того, что я до сих пор жива? – задумалась Валентина Ивановна. – А может… служение Барсикам? Интересно, сколько котов я могла бы спасти за свою жизнь, а спасла всего одного… Как он там сейчас, без меня? Не забывает ли его кормить консьержка? Небось, уже пару горшков с цветами разбил, проказник!»
Валентина Ивановна улыбнулась, и ей захотелось поскорее вернуться домой, чтобы успеть выразить свою любовь и благодарность маленькому рыжему шалунишке, даже если он не имеет никакого отношения к её миссии на Земле…
3. God, Barsik and Borsch
Three women were talking in a hospital room. One of them, Lyudmila, a young and beautiful girl, had just been brought in by ambulance for an urgent surgery under general anesthesia. Lyudmila settled down on the bed by the door and didn’t even bother to put out the things, hastily gathered at home, leaving the packages at the bedside table.
«Don’t worry, Lyudmila,» Galina, already operated on, encouraged the girl. «Everything happens to us once for the first time! My first anesthesia was like a dream without dreams! Nothing interesting! And the second one… I relaxed, I thought, „I won’t see God, and thank God!“ An-no! Imagine, I found myself flying at a high speed in a dark corridor, like in a pipe. As soon as I noticed the Light at the end of the corridor – at the most interesting moment! – they woke me up!»
«I don’t remember how many times I’ve been under anesthesia,» said Valentina, whose bed was located right by the window. «Each time it was some kind of a new experience. Yesterday I felt as if in reality. There was a light, but such a muffled one, and some voices were heard. Were they calling me? Maybe. The grass in the field was fresh and bright, of emerald color, there were a lot of flowers and beautiful butterflies there. I felt so good, so easy, walking across the field into the distance. As if in my childhood, with parents nearby. I raised my head and saw them waving to me and saying, „We love you. We watch you from here, and we know everything about you, and we’ll always help you!“»
«Why on earth didn’t you stay in that Paradise?» sighed Galina. «Anyway, it’s easier there than here!»
«It seemed to be a border there,» Valentina replied. «Right in the fields. An invisible one. As I reached it, I just couldn’t go further, that’s all.»
«I believe neither in God nor in Light,» Lyudmila said smiling. «Even if a million people swear on the Bible. I will never believe it, until I see it myself!»
…After the surgery, which was a success and didn’t portend any complications, anesthesiologist began to wake Lyudmila up, but she remained unconscious. Her heart slowed down and… stopped. The girl’s face expressed neither sadness, nor pain, nor joy. It was mysteriously beautiful in its unearthly calmness. The anesthesiologist ran out of the room for the resuscitators. Lyudmila’s roommates remained speechless.
An Angel appeared in the room. Lyudmila, sitting by her body on the edge of the bed, involuntarily smiled.
«Wow! So, do angels exist?! Have you come to take me away?»
«Hello, my soul! In fact, everything exists, both real and once imagined by humans. Now you will be taken to the intensive care unit and returned to your body.»
«Oh, no!» exclaimed Lyudmila. «I feel great here! I see no reason to return! No one needs me on Earth, and I’m completely un-adapted to life! Everything fell out of hand! I was always approaching some goal, step by step, and bang! – at the last moment! – the world used to collapse!»
«Every soul has its own mission on Earth. If you don’t complete it, you won’t be able to continue your journey in Heaven.»
«And which one is mine?»
«Just to serve God and people.»
«To serve? What do you mean?» Lyudmila asked, having understood nothing.
«One day you will be a famous nun. Right because you are un-adapted to live as common people.»
«Me? A nun?!» Lyudmila cringed at the mere thought of it. «Are you saying that I am not destined to find earthly love?