Остров Харона. The Island of Charon. Премия им. А. де Сент-Экзюпери / A. de Saint-Exupery Award (Билингва: Rus / Eng). Александра Крючкова
Читать онлайн книгу.Koroleva.
The newspaper «Literary News» («Literaturnye Izvestia») No. 3 (201), 2022, article by S. Bersenev
The newspaper «Literary News» / («Literaturnye Izvestia») No. 11—12 (197—198), 2021, «The results of the literary awards 2021» by the press-secretary of the Moscow State Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, https://reading-hall.ru/publication.php?id=30044
The most famous novel of Alexander Grin is called «Scarlet Sails». The main character, named Assol, lives in a seaside village and believes that one day a ship with scarlet sails will come to their pier, and the captain of the ship, named Gray, will marry her.
Are published only in the original Russian edition.
Стихотворения представлены только в издании на русском языке.
*The most famous novel of Alexander Grin is called «Scarlet Sails». The main character, named Assol, lives in a seaside village and believes that one day a ship with scarlet sails will come to their pier, and the captain of the ship, named Gray, will marry her.
Poems are present in the original. There is only one of them included by the author into English version of the book.
Единственный из обитаемых островов Халкидики. Расположен у полуострова Афон (Айон-Орос), до 1922 года принадлежал монастырям Святой Горы. Электрифицирован лишь в 1973 году. Паромное сообщение – с деревнями Трипити и Урануполис. Население около 540 человек, площадь 4,5 км.
Главная героиня повести А. С. Грина «Алые паруса».
Ammouliani is the only inhabited island of C. Located near the peninsula of Athos (Aion-Oros), until 1922 it belonged to the monasteries of the Holy Mountain. It was electrified in 1973. It has ferry service with the villages of Trypiti and Ouranoupolis. The population is about 540 people, the area is 4.5 square kilometers.
Protagonist of the famous book of Alexander Grin «Scarlet Sails». Assol lives in a seaside village and believes that one day a ship with scarlet sails will come to their pier, and the captain of the ship, named Gray, will marry her.
Камотес – группа островков Филиппинского архипелага, куда отправляются желающие уединения, готовые пожертвовать благами цивилизации ради затерянного среди тропических пальм и песчаных пляжей Рая.
The Camotes Islands is a group of tiny islands in the Philippine archipelago. If you prefer solitude & are ready to sacrifice the benefits of civilization, you’ll enjoy the paradise, lost among tropical palm trees & sandy beaches.