Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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luck would have it

      As mad as a hornet

      As mad as a wet hen

      As meek as a lamb

      As merry as a cricket

      As naked as a jaybird

      As nervous as a cat

      As nutty as a fruitcake

      As old as the hills

      As one

      As phony as a three-dollar bill

      As plain as the nose on one's face

      As poor as a church mouse

      As proud as a peacock

      As quiet as a mouse

      As red as a cherry

      As red as a lobster

      As red as a poppy

      As red as a rose

      As red as a ruby

      As red as blood

      As scarce as hen's teeth

      As scarce as hen's teeth/scarcer than hen's teeth

      As scared as a rabbit

      As sick as a dog

      As silly as a goose

      As slippery as an eel

      As sly as a fox

      As snug as a bug in a rug

      As sober as a judge

      As soft as a baby's bottom

      As soft as down

      As sound as a dollar

      As sour as vinegar

      As strong as a horse/lion/ox

      As stubborn as a mule

      As such

      As sweet as honey/sugar

      As the crow flies

      As thick as pea soup

      As ugly as a toad

      As usual

      As warm as toast

      As weak as a kitten

      As well as

      As white as a ghost

      As white as a sheet

      As white as the driven snow

      As wild as a tiger

      As wise as an owl

      As yet


      Ask (someone) out

      Ask for someone's hand in marriage

      Ask for the moon

      Ask for trouble

      Asleep at the switch

      Assault and battery

      Assault the ears

      Assemble a case (against someone)

      Assume liability

      At (someone's) beck and call

      At (someone's) earliest convenience

      At (someone's) service

      At a loss

      At a loss (for words)

      At a premium

      At a sitting

      At a stretch

      At all costs

      At any rate

      At arm's length

      At bay

      At best

      At cross-purposes

      At death's door

      At each other's throats

      At ease

      At every turn

      At face value

      At fault

      At first

      At first blush

      At hand

      At heart

      At home

      At it again

      At large

      At last

      At least

      At length

      At loggerheads with (someone)

      At loose ends

      At odds (with someone)

      At once

      At one sitting

      At one time

      At one with (someone)

      At one's fingertips

      At one's heels

      At one's wit's end

      At peace

      At random

      At risk

      At sea

      At sea (about something)

      At sixes and sevens

      At stake

      At the appointed time/hour

      At the bottom of the hour

      At the bottom of the ladder

      At the crack of dawn

      At the drop of a hat

      At the eleventh hour

      At the end of one's rope

      At the end of the day

      At the expense of (someone or something)

      At the hands of (someone or something)

      At the latest

      At the mercy of (the court/someone)

      At the present time

      At the top of one's lungs

      At the top of the hour

      At this juncture

      At this stage of the game

      At times

      At will

      Attend to (someone or something)

      Attract (someone's) attention

      Attracted to (someone)

      Augur well for (someone or something)

      Avail oneself of (something)

      Avenue of escape

      Avoid (someone or something) like the plague






      Back and forth

      Back down

      Back down (from someone or something)

      Back in circulation

      Back of beyond

      Back on one's feet

      Back out (of something)

      Back the wrong horse

      Back to basics

      Back to square one

      Back to the drawing board

      Back to the salt mines

      Back up (someone or something)


      Bad blood (between people)

      Bad egg

      Bad hair day

      Bad-mouth (someone or something)

      Bad/rotten apple

      Badger (someone)

      Bag of tricks

      Bail (someone or something) out


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