Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Читать онлайн книгу.Corner, bend, elbow, knee, crotch, cusp, point (where two lines meet).
Angle, v. n. Fish (with a rod), bob.
Angle for, Fish for, scheme for, plot for, try to get by artifice.
Angler, n. Fisherman, fisher.
Anglican, a. English (said of the Church).
Anglice, ad. [L.] In English.
Anglicism, n. English idiom.
Anglicize, v. a. Give an English form to, introduce into English.
Angling, n. Fishing (with a rod).
Angry, a. Provoked, exasperated, irritated, incensed, piqued, indignant, moody, sulky, stuffy, irate, ireful, wroth, wrathful, storming, infuriate, mad, in a passion, out of humor, out of temper, out of tune.
Anguilliform, a. Eel-shaped.
Anguish, n. Agony (especially of the mind), torment, torture, rack, pang, severe pain, extreme suffering, acute distress.
Angular, a. Pointed, with angles, with corners.
Angular distance, Apparent distance, distance as measured by an angle.
Anile, a. Aged, imbecile, senile, doting, decrepit, superannuated, old-womanish.
Anility, n. Imbecility, dotage, senility, decrepitude, superannuation, weakness.
Animadversion, n. Reproof, stricture, censure, blame, condemnation, reprobation, reprehension, severe criticism.
Animadvert upon, Censure, disapprove, find fault with, object to, take exception to, protest against, criticise severely.
Animal, n. 1. Creature, living being, created being.
2. Beast, brute, irrational creature, dumb creature, beast of the field, fowl of the air, denizen of the deep.
Animalcula, n. pl. [L.] Animalcules, microscopic animals.
Animalcule, n. Microscopic animal, very minute animal.
Animal magnetism, Mesmerism.
Animal spirits, 1. Nervous fluid.
2. Energy, vigor, life, spirit, spiritedness, animation.
Animate, v. a. 1. Quicken, inform, make alive, give life to, vivify.
2. Invigorate, fortify, revive, give vigor or energy to.
3. Stimulate, waken, rouse, whet, incite, impel, excite, fire, heat, urge, provoke, warm, goad, kindle, prompt, work up, set on.
4. Encourage, inspire, inspirit, embolden, enhearten, hearten, exhilarate, gladden, elate, elevate, flush, erect.
Animated, a. Lively, vigorous, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, spirited, jocund, blithe, gay, elated, full of life, full of spirit.
Animating, a. Cheering, inspiring, enlivening, encouraging, spirit-stirring, heart-stirring.
Animation, n. 1. Life, existence, vitality, breath, vital power, vital spark, breath of life.
2. Liveliness, spirit, spiritedness, vivacity, sprightliness, buoyancy, elasticity, airiness, vigor, ardor, force, strength, energy, exhilaration, cheerfulness, gayety, cheer, animal spirits, high spirits, good spirits.
Animosity, n. Malignity, virulence, bitterness, rancor, hostility, hatred, hate, enmity, grudge, rankling, spleen, ill-will, heart-burning.
Annals, n. pl. Records (in the order of years), chronicles, registers, rolls, archives, historical accounts.
Anneal, v. a. Temper (as glass, by slow cooling).
Annex, v. a. 1. Affix, attach, subjoin, add, superadd, append, tag, tack.
2. Join, unite, connect.
Annexation, n. 1. Affixing, attaching, adding, appending.
2. Junction, joining, connection, conjunction, union.
Annihilate, v. a. Destroy, extinguish, quench, kill, exterminate, raze, blast, ruin, nullify, annul, put an end to.
Anniversary, a. Yearly (in the sense of returning with the year), annual.
Anno Domini, [L.] In the year of our Lord.
Annotate, v. n. Comment, make notes, make comments or remarks.
Annotation, n. Note, comment, commentary, remark, observation, gloss, scholium, explanation.
Announce, v. a. Publish, proclaim, advertise, communicate, promulgate, declare, report, trumpet, placard, enounce, enunciate, blaze abroad, spread abroad, give notice of, make proclamation of, lay before the public, bring to the notice of the public.
Announcement, n. Advertisement, notice, notification, proclamation, declaration, promulgation, annunciation, pronunciamento, manifesto.
Annoy, v. a. Molest, trouble, vex, tease, plague, worry, harry, irritate, badger, harass, fret, gall, chafe, hector, bore, incommode, offend, disturb, disquiet, pester, bother, infest, embarrass, pain, wound.
Annoyance, n. Trouble, vexation, molestation, discomfort, plague, nuisance, bore, torment, curse, infliction, abomination, scourge, thorn, bitter pill, gall and wormwood.
Annual, a. Yearly, anniversary.
Annually, ad. Yearly, by the year, year by year, per annum.
Annul, v. a. Cancel, abrogate, repeal, revoke, recall, recant, countermand, reverse, rescind, abolish, disannul, vacate, quash, nullify, supersede, invalidate, overrule, make void, set aside.
Annular, a. Ring-shaped.
Annulet, n. 1. Little ring.
2. (Arch.) Fillet, listel, list.
Annulling, n. Annulment.
Annulment, n. Annulling, nullification, abrogation, repeal, rescission, cancelling, revocation, abolition.
Annunciation, n. Announcement.
Anodyne, n. Opiate, sedative, narcotic.
Anoint, v. a. 1. Smear, rub over with oil or unctuous matter.
2. Consecrate by unction.
Anomalistic, a. Anomalous.
Anomalous, a. Irregular, abnormal, anomalistic, unconformable, preternatural, unnatural, unusual, singular, peculiar, exceptional, aberrant, eccentric, erratic, monstrous, out of the way.
Anomaly, n. Irregularity, abnormity, singularity, peculiarity, unconformity, eccentricity, monstrosity.
Anon, ad. Soon, quickly, shortly, immediately, in a short time, ere long.
Anonymous, a. Nameless, without the name of the author.
Another, a. 1. Some other, any other, not the same.
2. One more.
Answer, v. n. 1. Reply (especially to a question), rejoin, respond, say in reply, make answer.
2. Be accountable, be responsible or liable.
3. Correspond, be like, be similar.
4. Do, pass, serve, be sufficient, be enough, do well enough, pass muster, be of use.
Answer, v. a. 1. Reply to, respond to, make answer to.
2. Refute, meet by argument or explanation.
3. Satisfy, fulfil, be suitable to, be sufficient for.
Answer, n. 1. Reply, response, rejoinder, replication.
2. Refutation, defence.
Answerable, a. 1. Refutable, that may be answered.
2. Accountable, responsible, amenable, liable.
3. Corresponding, correspondent, correlative, proportionate, suitable, suited, fit.
Ant, n. Pismire, emmet.
Antagonism, n. Opposition, contrariety, repugnance, contradiction, clashing.
Antagonist, n. Opponent, adversary, rival, competitor, enemy, foe, adverse party.
Antagonistic, a. Opposing, adverse, opposite, hostile, inimical.
Antecedence, n. Priority