Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Power to move from place to place.

      Locomotive, a. Able to move from place to place.

      Locomotive, n. Locomotive engine.

      Locum tenens, [L.] Deputy, substitute, lieutenant, agent, proxy.

      Locust, n. [U. S., where this name is improperly applied to the harvest-fly.] Cicada, harvest-fly.

      Lode, n. Metallic vein, mineral vein.

      Lodestar, n. [Written also Loadstar.] Polestar.

      Lodge, n. 1. Cottage, cot, small house.

      2. Den, lair, haunt.

      3. Association (as of freemasons), secret society.

      4. Collection, group.

      Lodge, v. a. 1. Place, put, deposit.

      2. Plant, infix, fix.

      3. Harbor, quarter, provide lodging for.

      4. Lay flat, beat down.

      Lodge, v. n. 1. Inhabit (for a season), dwell, live, reside, abide.

      2. Sojourn, tarry, rest, stop, take up one's quarters, pitch one's tent, put up, take lodgings, have lodgings.

      Lodging, n. 1. Place of rest, apartment for sleeping.

      2. Habitation (for a season), abode, residence, dwelling quarters, dwelling-place, place of residence, headquarters.

      Loftiness, n. 1. Height, elevation, altitude.

      2. Pride, haughtiness.

      3. Sublimity, dignity.

      Lofty, a. 1. High, elevated.

      2. Proud, haughty, arrogant, magisterial.

      3. Sublime, dignified.

      Logan, n. Rocking-stone.

      Loggerhead, n. Simpleton, dunce.

      Logic, n. 1. Science of reasoning, science of the laws of thought, analysis of the process of reasoning.

      2. Dialectics, application of logical principles, applied logic.

      Logical, a. 1. Of logic.

      2. Dialectical, according to the rules of logic, that conforms to the laws of thought.

      3. Coherent, consistent.

      4. Discriminating, skilled in reasoning, versed in logic.

      Logomachy, n. Dispute, controversy, altercation, bickering, wrangling, war of words, words.

      Logwood, n. Campeachy wood.

      Loins, n. pl. Reins, lumbar region.

      Loiter, v. n. Lag, linger, delay, saunter, dillydally, move slowly.

      Loitering, a. Dilatory, lingering.

      Loll, v. n. Lounge, recline, lean, sprawl, lie at ease.

      Lone, a. 1. Solitary, isolated, secluded, lonely, alone.

      2. Unfrequented, deserted, uninhabited, unoccupied, lonesome.

      Loneliness, n. Solitariness, seclusion, solitude, retirement, isolation.

      Lonely, a. 1. Apart, retired, solitary, secluded, isolated, sequestered, remote, dreary, lonesome.

      2. Lone, alone, solitary, unaccompanied, companionless.

      Lonesome, a. 1. Solitary, lonely, secluded, deserted, lone.

      2. Desolate, cheerless, dismal, gloomy, dreary.

      Long, a. 1. Extended, lengthy, not short.

      2. Protracted, prolonged, long-winded, spun out.

      3. Slow, dilatory, slack, lingering, tardy, not quick.

      Long home, The tomb, the sepulchre, the grave, narrow house, house of death.

      Long, ad. 1. To a great extent.

      2. A long time, for a long time.

      3. Throughout, all along.

      Long for, Crave, hanker for, hanker after, lust after, pine for, have a longing for, yearn for, aspire after.

      Long-breathed, a. Long-winded.

      Longe, n. & v. n. [Fr.] Pass, thrust, allonge, lunge.

      Longevity, n. Long life.

      Long-headed, a. Sagacious, discerning, intelligent, acute, shrewd, clear-sighted, keen-sighted.

      Longing, n. Craving, yearning, hankering, itching, aspiration, breathing, continual wish, earnest desire, wistful eye, lickerish tooth.

      Longitudinally, ad. Lengthwise, from end to end.

      Long-sighted, a. Far-sighted.

      Long-spun, a. Lengthy, tedious, long-winded, spun out.

      Long-suffering, a. Forbearing, patient, not easily provoked.

      Long-suffering, n. Forbearance, clemency, patient endurance (of injuries).

      Long-winded, a. 1. Long-breathed.

      2. Protracted, prolonged, spun out.

      3. Tedious, wearisome.

      Look, v. n. 1. Direct the eye.

      2. Turn the thoughts, apply the mind.

      3. Mind, consider, take care, take heed.

      4. Front, face, be turned, be directed.

      5. Appear, seem; have, wear, or present the appearance; strike one as being.

      Look, v. a. Influence by looks.

      Look, interj. See, lo, behold.

      Look, n. 1. Gaze.

      2. Appearance, aspect, complexion.

      3. Mien, air of the face, cast of countenance.

      Look after, 1. Attend to, take care of, see to.

      2. Seek, search for, look for.

      3. Expect, wait for.

      Look down upon, Despise, contemn, spurn, regard with contempt.

      Look for, 1. Expect.

      2. Search, seek, look after.

      Look in the face, Face, meet boldly.

      Look into, Investigate, examine, study, consider, inspect closely, observe narrowly.

      Look on, 1. Be a spectator.

      2. Regard, esteem, consider, look upon.

      Look out, (Active.) Search for, look up.

      Look out, (Neuter.) Be on the watch, be on one's guard.

      Look over, Examine, cast the eye over.

      Look sharp, Be vigilant, have all one's eyes about one.

      Look to, 1. Watch, take care of, look after.

      2. Rely on, depend on.

      Look upon, Regard, consider, esteem, look on.

      Look up, Search for, look out.

      Look up to, Respect, honor, defer to, think much of, think highly of.

      Loon, n. 1. (Ornith.) Great northern diver (Colymbus glacialis).

      2. Simpleton, fool, dunce.

      Looper, n. Canker-worm, span-worm, geometer.

      Loophole, n. 1. Opening (in the wall of a fortification), aperture.

      2. Plea, pretext, pretence, excuse, way for evasion, way of escape.

      Loose, v. a. 1. Unfasten, untie, unbind, unloose, cast off.

      2. Release, liberate, free, set free.

      3. Detach, disconnect, disengage.

      Loose, a. 1. Unbound, untied, not fastened, not confined.

      2. Movable, not fast, not fixed.

      3. Slack, relaxed, not tense, not tight.

      4. Open, not close, not compact, not dense.

      5. Prolix, rambling, not concise.


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