Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Manliness, n. Bravery, courage, intrepidity, heroism, firmness, resolution, nobleness.
Manly, a. Brave, courageous, intrepid, stout, bold, firm, undaunted, vigorous, strong, daring, heroic, noble, manful.
Man-midwife, n. Accoucheur, obstetrician.
Manner, n. 1. Method, mode, fashion, form, way, style, cast.
2. Custom, habit, practice.
3. Degree, measure, extent.
4. [Sing, and pl.] Sort, kind, sorts, kinds.
5. Behavior, carriage, deportment.
Mannerism, n. Sameness of manner.
Mannerly, a. Courteous, civil, polite, urbane, complaisant, gentlemanly, refined, well-bred.
Manners, n. pl. Morals, habits, carriage, behavior, deportment, bearing, breeding, air, customary conduct.
Manoeuvre, n. [Written also Maneuver.] 1. Evolution, movement.
2. Scheme, plan, plot, stratagem, artifice, ruse, trick, finesse, artful management, adroit procedure.
Manoeuvre, v. n. 1. Perform evolutions.
2. Contrive, plan, plot, manage, pull the wires or strings.
Manoeuvrer, n. [Written also Maneuverer.] Tactician, adroit manager, wire-puller.
Man of straw, Imaginary person.
Man-of-war, n. Ship of war.
Manor, n. Lordship, feudal estate of a nobleman.
Manor-house, n. Hall.
Mansard-roof, n. Curb-roof, gambrel-roof.
Manse, n. [Scotland.] Parsonage, parsonage house.
Mansion, n. Dwelling, seat, residence, habitation, dwelling-house, mansion-house.
Mansion-house, n. Dwelling-house, mansion.
Manslaughter, n. Homicide (without malice).
Man-slayer, n. Murderer, homicide, man-killer.
Mantilla, n. Small mantle.
Mantle, n. 1. Cloak.
2. Cover, covering.
3. Mantel-piece, mantel-tree, mantel-shelf.
Mantle, v. a. Cloak, overspread, cover.
Mantle, v. n. 1. Expand, spread, be expanded.
2. Be suffused (said of blood rushing to the face).
3. Effervesce, bubble, foam, sparkle, froth.
Mantel-piece, n. Mantle.
Mantel-shelf, n. Mantle.
Mantel-tree, n. Mantle.
Mantua-maker, n. Dressmaker.
Manual, n. Of the hand, by the hand.
Manual, n. Hand-book.
Manufactory, n. Mill, factory.
Manufacture, n. 1. Production, fabrication.
2. Manufactured product.
Manufacture, v. a. Make by art.
Manumission, n. Emancipation, enfranchisement, liberation.
Manumit, v. a. Free, liberate, release, emancipate, enfranchise, set free.
Manure, v. a. Fertilize, enrich.
Manure, n. Fertilizer, compost, dressing, fertilizing mixture.
Manuscript, n. Copy, written paper.
Many, a. Numerous, manifold, various, multiplied, divers.
Many, n. Multitude, people, many persons, many people.
Many-sided, 1. Of many sides.
2. Liberal, not narrow, not bigoted.
Many times, Often, frequently, repeatedly, often times.
Map, n. Chart.
Mar, v. a. Injure, spoil, ruin, disfigure, hurt, damage, harm.
Marasmus, n. Atrophy, emaciation, decline, gradual wasting.
Maraud, v. n. Rove for plunder.
Maraud, n. Marauding, ravage, plunder.
Marauder, n. Plunderer, ravager, pillager, robber, freebooter, highwayman, brigand, footpad, outlaw, bandit.
March, v. n. 1. Walk (by regular steps, as soldiers), move forward.
2. Walk in a steady manner.
March, n. 1. Military movement, passage of soldiers.
2. Stately walk.
3. Progression, advance.
4. Military tune.
Marches, n. pl. Borders, limits, frontiers, confines, precincts, boundaries.
Mare, n. Female horse.
Mare's-nest, n. [Colloquial.] Absurdity, absurd or ridiculous thing (such as wags impose upon the credulous by way of hoax or practical joke).
Mare's-tail, n. Cirrus, cat's-tail.
Margin, n. Border, edge, rim, brim, verge, brink, confine, limit, skirt.
Marine, a. 1. Oceanic, pelagic, of the sea.
2. Maritime, naval, nautical.
Marine, n. 1. Navy, shipping, sea affairs.
2. Soldier (of a ship of war).
Mariner, n. Seaman, sailor, seafarer, tar, seafaring man.
Mariput, n. Zoril (Viverra zorilla).
Marital, a. Of a husband, incident to a husband.
Maritime, a. 1. Marine, naval, nautical, of the sea.
2. Near the sea.
Mark, n. 1. Sign, token, note, symbol, index.
2. Indication, evidence, proof, badge, symptom.
3. Line, impression, stamp, print, incision.
4. Trace, track, vestige, footprint.
5. Object (aimed at).
6. Eminence, consequence, distinction.
7. Cross (made as a signature).
Mark, v. a. 1. Distinguish by a mark, put a mark upon.
2. Stamp, brand, trace a line or lines upon.
3. Notice, note, observe, remark, take notice of.
Mark, v. n. Observe, note, remark, take notice.
Marked, a. Notable, remarkable, noted, prominent, conspicuous, eminent, distinguished.
Market, n. 1. Mart, emporium, entrepot, place of traffic.
2. Market-house, market-place.
3. Sale, opportunity to sell.
Marketable, a. Salable.
Market-place, n. Market-house, bazaar.
Mark out, Designate, indicate, point out.
Marriage, n. 1. Nuptials, wedding, espousals, spousals, nuptial rites.
2. Matrimony, wedlock.
Maroon, n. Chestnut color.
Maroon, a. Of a chestnut color.
Marrow, n. 1. Medulla, pith.
2. Essence, quintessence, best part, essential part.
Marrow-bones, n. pl. [Colloquial.] Knees.
Marry, v. a. 1. Join in marriage, unite in marriage.
2. Wed, espouse, take for husband or wife, lead to the altar, bestow one's hand upon.
3. Give in marriage.
Marry, v. n. Enter into the married state, assume the conjugal relation, take a husband or a wife.
Marsh, n. Fen, bog, quagmire, morass, swamp, slough.
Marshal, v. a. Arrange, range, rank, dispose, array,