Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Hitch, running knot.

      Normal, a. 1. Regular, analogical, according to rule.

      2. Perpendicular, vertical, erect.

      North, a. Northerly, northern, boreal, arctic.

      Northern, a. North, northerly, boreal, arctic.

      Northern lights, Aurora Borealis.

      North star, n. Polestar, lodestar.

      Nose, n. Snout, nozzle.

      Nose of wax, Doughface, pliable politician.

      Nosegay, n. Bouquet, posy.

      Nostalgia, n. (Med.) Homesickness.

      Nostrum, n. Quack medicine, patent medicine.

      Notability, n. Notable person, person of note.

      Notable, a. Remarkable, memorable, extraordinary, signal, distinguished, noted, worthy of notice.

      Notable, a. Active, diligent, sedulous, industrious, assiduous, busy, watchful, attentive, careful.

      Notary, n. Notary public.

      Notch, n. Nick, indentation, dent, dint, incision.

      Notch, v. a. Nick, cut notches in.

      Note, n. 1. Sign, symbol, token, indication, character, mark.

      2. Memorandum, minute, record.

      3. Comment, annotation, schollum, remark.

      4. Billet, short letter or epistle.

      5. Notice, heed, observation, regard, consideration.

      6. Distinction, reputation, celebrity, fame, repute, renown, credit, account, consequence, respectability.

      7. Bill, bank-note, promissory note, note of hand, paper money.

      Note, v. a. 1. Notice, remark, observe, heed, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to.

      2. Record, make a note of, make a memorandum of, make a minute of, set down in writing, jot down.

      3. Designate, denote.

      Note-book, n. Memorandum book, adversaria, journal, commonplace book.

      Noted, a. Distinguished, celebrated, famous, famed, renowned, conspicuous, eminent, illustrious, well known.

      Nothing, n. 1. Non-existence, nihility, inexistence, nihilism, nonentity, nothingness, nullity.

      2. Nought, zero, cipher.

      3. Trifle, bagatelle, small matter, thing of no importance, matter of no consequence.

      Nothing, ad. Not at all, in no degree.

      Nothingness, n. Nihility, nihilism, non-existence, nonentity.

      Notice, n. 1. Note, heed, observation, regard, cognizance.

      2. Information, notification, advice, intelligence, announcement, mention.

      3. Intimation, premonition, warning.

      Notice, v. a. Heed, regard, mark, note, observe, remark, attend to, advert to, take cognizance of.

      Noticeable, a. Observable, worthy of notice.

      Notification, n. 1. Information, notice, advice, intelligence, announcement.

      2. Advertisement.

      Notify, v. a. 1. Declare, promulgate, publish, announce, advertise, make known.

      2. Inform, apprise, acquaint, make known to, give notice to, signify to.

      Notion, n. 1. Conception, concept, universal idea, general or universal conception.

      2. Opinion, sentiment, apprehension, judgment, belief, view, impression, estimation, conceit, conviction.

      Notional, a. 1. Imaginary, fantastical, ideal, chimerical.

      2. Whimsical, capricious, visionary, crotchety, freakish.

      Notoriety, n. Repute (generally in a bad sense), reputation, celebrity, fame, name, note, vogue, figure.

      Notorious, a. 1. Open, overt, patent, manifest, obvious, apparent, evident, well-known.

      2. Conspicuous (generally in a bad sense), noted, celebrated, famous, famed.

      Notwithstanding, prep. Despite, in spite of.

      Notwithstanding, conj. Nevertheless, yet, however, for all that.

      Nought, n. Nothing, naught.

      Noun, n. Substantive.

      Nourish, v. a. 1. Nurture, nurse, feed, support, maintain, supply with food or nutriment, furnish sustenance to.

      2. Train, educate, instruct, breed, bring up.

      3. Cherish, encourage, foster, promote, succor.

      Nourishing, n. Nutrition.

      Nourishing, a. Nutritious, nutritive, strengthening, invigorating, healthful, wholesome.

      Nourishment, n. Food, aliment, diet, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition.

      Novaculite, n. Turkey-stone, Turkey oil-stone.

      Novel, a. New, strange, unusual, late, modern, recent.

      Novel, n. Tale, romance, story, fiction, fictitious narrative, extended parable.

      Novice, n. 1. Probationer.

      2. Tyro, beginner, learner.

      Novitiate, n. Probation.

      Now, ad. At this time, at once, at this moment, at present.

      Now and then, Occasionally, once in a while.

      Nowadays, ad. In these days, in this age, in the present age.

      Noway, ad. Not at all, in no degree, in no manner.

      Noways, ad. Not at all, in no degree, in no manner.

      Nowise, ad. Noway, noways.

      Noxious, a. Injurious, hurtful, baneful, pernicious, detrimental, unwholesome, mischievous, insalubrious, deleterious, noisome, pestiferous, pestilent, deadly, baleful, destructive, poisonous.

      Nozzle, n. Nose, snout.

      Nucleus, n. Kernel, core, centre.

      Nude, a. Bare, uncovered, undressed, unclothed, naked, exposed, denuded, stark naked, in a state of nature, in puris naturalibus.

      Nudge, v. a. Push gently.

      Nudge, n. Gentle push.

      Nudity, n. Nakedness.

      Nugatory, a. 1. Trifling, futile, vain, insignificant, trivial, frivolous, worthless.

      2. Inoperative, ineffectual, inefficacious, unavailing, useless, bootless, null, to no purpose.

      Nugget, n. Lump.

      Nuisance, n. Annoyance, plague, bane, infliction, curse, scourge, pest.

      Null, a. Void, invalid, useless, nugatory, of no efficacy, of no account.

      Nullify, v. a. Annul, invalidate, cancel, abrogate, repeal, make void, make of no effect.

      Nullity, n. Non-existence, nonentity, nihility, nothing.

      Numb, a. Torpid, benumbed.

      Number, v. a. Count, enumerate, tell, reckon, calculate, compute, numerate, call over, tell off, run over, sum up.

      Number, n. 1. Figure, numeral, digit.

      2. Many, multitude, great many.

      Number one, [Colloquial.] One's self.

      Numbers, n. pl. Verses, poetry, song.

      Numbness, n. Torpor, insensibility, deadness, paralysis, palsy.

      Numeral, n. Figure, number, digit.

      Numerate, v. a. Beckon, enumerate, count, number, call over, tell off.

      Numerous, a. 1. Large (in number), made up of many.

      2. [Rare.] Rhythmical, melodious, musical.

      Numskull, n. Blockhead, simpleton, fool, dunce.

      Nuncio, n. 1. Messenger.


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