Английская грамматика: объяснения и тесты. Часть 3. М. М. Битюкова
Читать онлайн книгу.То же самое относится и к Past Continuous. Например: “I was reading the book while my parents were watching TV” – She said (that) she was reading the book while her parents were watching TV.
3) Если речь идет об общеизвестном факте или непреложной истине, то время смещать назад не надо. Например: “The Earth is a planet”, he said – He said (that) the Earth is a planet; “Moscow is the capital of Russia”, she said – She said (that) Moscow is the capital of Russia.
Помимо местоимений есть еще наречия времени и места, которые также меняются, если глаголы say и tell стоят в прошедшем времени:
now → then / right away
two days ago → two days before / earlier
today → that day
tonight → that night
tomorrow → the next / the following day
yesterday → the previous day / the day before
last night → the night before
here → there
this place → that place
these places → those places
Например: “We’ve been here since yesterday”, they said – They said (that) they had been there since the day before; “I’ll phone you this evening”, he said – He said he would phone me that evening.
Чтобы разнообразить свою речь, глаголы say и tell можно заменить на другие, более выразительные:
accuse (обвинять)
admit (признавать)
advise (советовать)
agree (соглашаться)
apologise (извиняться)
ask (спрашивать)
beg (умолять)
boast (хвастаться)
complain (жаловаться)
deny (отрицать)
explain (объяснять)
insist (настаивать)
invite (приглашать)
offer (предлагать)
order (приказывать)
promise (обещать)
refuse (отказываться)
remind (напоминать)
suggest (предлагать)
threaten (угрожать)
warn (предупреждать)
wonder (интересоваться)
Однако с этими глаголами важно знать и помнить, какая конструкция идет после них. Об этом подробнее поговорим в главах, посвященных Инфинитиву и Герундию.
Подводим итоги
Мы рассмотрели достаточно большую и важную тему в английской грамматике – косвенную речь. Теперь вы можете безошибочно передавать информацию, услышанную от кого-либо или прочитанную в прессе. Главное – помнить, как и что меняется при переходе из прямой речи в косвенную.
Тест для проверки пройденного уровня A
1. Lucy: “I know three foreign languages.” – Lucy says that … three foreign languages.
a) I know
b) she knows
c) she knew
2. Jane: “My brother is a very capable young man.” – Jane says that … a very capable young man.
a) my brother is
b) her brother is
c) her brother was
3. Daniel: “You will have no problems getting to my country place.” – Daniel tells us that … .
a) you will have no problems getting to my country place
b) we will have no problems getting to our country place
c) we will have no problems getting to his country place
4. Anna to Tom: “I have never seen your car.” – Anna tells Tom that … .
a) she have never seen your car
b) she has never seen her car
c) she has never seen his car
5.Father: “I want to go to the seaside.” – Father said that … to go to the seaside.
a) he wanted
b) he wants
c) I wanted
6. Julia: “I like the novel so much that I’m reading it for the second time.” – Julia said that … it for the second time.
a) she likes the novel so much that she’s reading
b) she liked the novel so much that she’s reading
c) she liked the novel so much that she was reading
7. Mark: “I have never been to this country before.” – Mark told me that … before.
a) I have never been to this country
b) he had never been to that country
c) he has never been to this country
8. Peter: “I will call you tomorrow.” – Peter said that … .
a) he would call you tomorrow
b) he would call me the following day
c) he will call me tomorrow
9. Teacher: “I have already checked your tests.” – The teacher told the students that … .
a) she had already checked your tests
b) she already checked