The President / The Prince. Due Machiavelli
Читать онлайн книгу.public administration, too a form of the power – only more rigid.
Revolt, riot, revolution give the chance to change, regulate the governing which became intolerable. Also this means to fill a lack of the power, having replaced it another meeting the requirements of time. Such uncivilized way of change of rulers in the countries of the second and third type is explained with "backwardness", backwardness of the people, genetic humility, social system and so forth. I will not rely on ethical concepts as I consider that differences between societies have the natural reasons connected with features of their formation, development and current existence.
In the lawful government superiority is in artillery.
So, in England at the beginning of the XIII century and in Russia at the beginning of XVII there were similar situations. The monarchy for a number of the internal and external reasons weakened, and the power passed to large feudal lords – barons in England and boyars in Russia. In the first case of the risen barons supported clergy, knights and citizens so almost all segments of the population were interested in outcome of the case. The Great charter of liberties which gave rise to the constitutional acts and in general a parliamentary system was as a result accepted.
In Russia by 1614, after the Time of Troubles, population and its most active part – a national militia, having expelled – a neck of Poles from Moscow, demanded not parliament, and the tsar. And it is clear: because of weakening of the central power, going in eight years, the population in the country reduced on a quarter. It is enormous figure if to consider that in 40 years of wars and Ivan the Terrible's repressions this reduction made no more than fifteen percent. In the Time of Troubles because of paralysis of the Supreme power enemy armies passed Russia almost through: the Crimea-Tatar cavalry from the South, Poles and Swedes from the West and North. Transportation of the food, necessary in the conditions of risky agriculture, from one regions in others stopped. Regional barter decayed as traffic on roads because of enormous number of robbers almost stopped, local princes, having stood apart, were engaged in robbery. In this situation the simple person, to keep the life and to remain the resident of Russia, had to be part of the government, the tsar's citizen. Any ethical preferences were given on the last place. The Supreme power in Russia as a fur coat in the winter: and it is inconvenient in it, and it is heavy, and you sweat, and you will remove – you will die. It is felt and now especially as on a global scale we have a certain time of troubles and now.
The Lord helps those who helps himself; the government – all the rest.
It should be noted also present high politicization of Russians. In Russia there are a lot of people who can not only tell the names of the former rulers of the country, but also give the characteristic to their actions that is very problematic for citizens The USA and England, and even for rather politized France. Americans can tell more often: "I think of the authorities a little. I mind my own business, and they – their own". In Russia citizens infrequently can dare to "think nothing" of the power as his actions directly influence their everyday life. Here performance against the existing power is a performance also against the existing way, and against the working model of economy, as in other countries the press of counterfeit money.
Of course, not everywhere the state is a frame of economic life. Weak or strong dependence of production and trade on the government arises not because of the morals accepted in society, and for the historical and geographical reasons. During the Renaissance epoch, prosperity of England was provided by sale of sheep wool. The country was covered by the stone fences protecting pasture places, – they became a visible embodiment of concept of a private property. Thus, the royalty on places was limited to the power of lords. The state was necessary rather for development and observance of laws, on which misters and simple inhabitants solved the problems independently or at the local level. Approximately matter and in the USA since colonization – without lords, certainly also was. Embedding of the state in private life was not comprehensive.
Opposite example – Ancient Egypt. After flood of Nile river there was perfectly fertilized earth, but frequency of floods prevented to create capital stone fences to designate borders of personal fields. For a repeated marking after leaving of Nile water geometry specialists were necessary, and adequately the private peasant could not pay their work. For preservation of water channels and reservoirs – difficult engineering constructions which needed to be built in strictly certain terms were necessary, differently the next flood of Nile threatened to wash away them. The engineering structure of channels could be only uniform, and the farmer had no opportunity rigidly to define the property right to water – the main value in North Africa. Therefore, Egyptians needed the state training and supporting officials and engineers, builders and military. Life, the economic relations forced people to be part of the state. Without it – hunger and death. By the outcome of the New kingdom Egypt became a granary of all antique civilization whereas without irrigational constructions, without the state in general and the Pharaoh in particular, fields along Nile could not support also 200 thousand people.
There was a similar situation in China: during the period of anarchy which came after falling of the empire the largest in the world technogenic accident on river Yangtze dams in 1931 claimed the lives of 140 thousand people. 5,5 million houses were destroyed, about 60 million citizens suffered, many of which died of diseases and hunger after destruction of fields. It is unlikely even the weak central power would allow dilapidations of so important dams. However, the tangerines occupied with civil war were anxious only the results of fights. In 1954, already at communists, the situation nearly repeated. But then, at threat of flooding on the appeal of the central government more than 300 thousand people built a dam hundred kilometers long and stopped water; one more national tragedy managed to be prevented.
Existence of China is impossible without the pervasive power which is the survival tool for this difficult, overpopulated country. And progress of modern rapid development of China is also impossible without the power which serves as the most important, but not additional mechanism of economy.
In his time George Bush Jr. declared that after the tragedy on September 11, 2001 the world changed. Incorrectly: the world changed much earlier for this reason there could be these acts of terrorism. Training of terrorists for fight against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in which CIA was engaged, led eventually to blows to the American cities. New terrorists were trained in the same camps also by the same Mujahedeen who were prepared by the American advisers. Development of a civilization made both economy, and water resources, and terrorists the uniform global phenomena. The world becomes uniform and at the same time all less steady. Current trends are that that to the individual, "the little person", in any country it is already impossible to sit out behind any stone fences, and it is the extremely important fact – citizens of any country can appear in position of the ancient Egyptians waiting for flood of Nile. Therefore all of us are compelled even more often appeal to forces operating at the highest political level.
Any power is magnificent, and absolute power is absolutely magnificent.
I will provide the statement of the American political scientists investigating the modern international situation: "Neither real Existing national governments, nor regional managing can not Provide an effective discipline without speaking about ensuring control over the autonomous financial and economic Universe formed by globalization, "Internetization" and deregulation".
Who then can provide "control over … to the Universe" and protect people? If not to hope for a miracle, there are after all national governments which only received for the solution of so complex challenges big, than earlier, the power. I will remind that since crisis of 2008 only in the USA in economy about three trillion "printed" and, generally, provided by nothing dollars were injected[4]. So more and more "an invisible hand of the market" operates the state: orders of its economic departments in general and the president in particular influence millions of residents of the country and the whole world. Importance for citizens of the power, the president increases in all countries, and first of all in the countries of the first type. As a result, politicization of society grows practically
Result of three programs of so-called "quantitative mitigation".