Банк России на перепутье. Нужно ли смягчать денежно-кредитную политику. Евгений Горюнов
Читать онлайн книгу.Песков. http://ria.ru / economy/20130 327 / 929 22 9 980.html
См.: Blinder A. (1999) Central banking in theory and practice // The MIT Press; Clarida R., Gali J., GertlerM. (1999) The Science of Monetary Policy: A New Keynesian Perspective // Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 37; Gali J. (2009) Monetary Policy, infl ation, and the Business Cycle: An introduction to the new Keynesian Framework // Princeton University Press; GoodfriendM., RobertK. (1997) The New Neoclassical Synthesis and the Role of Monetary Policy // NBER Macroeconomics Annual.
См. эмпирические исследования: Barro R. (1995) Inflation and economic growth // NBER Working paper No. wS326; Roubini, N., Salai-Martin. (1992) Financial repression and economic growth // Journal of Development Economics, 39 (1); De Gregorio, J. (1992) Economic Growth in Latin America // Journal of Development Economics, 39 (1); De Gregorio, J. (1993) Infl ation, taxation, and long-run growth // Journal of Monetary Economics, 31 (3).