Проблемы реализации принципов права в предпринимательской деятельности. Коллектив авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.feature of this study is its substantive part. Regarding the topic of the monograph, the authors have did not confined themselves to indicating the principles of civil or business law research, focusing on the implementation of general legal principles. On the other hand, the specificity of this work is the implementation of these principles in actual business activities, as it is in this sphere of social relations, as no other area of civil law relations so fully demonstrates the the potential of the fundamental ideas of law, which, owing to the versatility and uniqueness of entrepreneurship in some cases just cannot be expressed in a specific legal form, as a feature of entrepreneurial activity is that it becomes essential not only legal, but also business, moral, ethical, reputational institutions that require the direct application of the basic ideas of not only legal but also of social content. So the focus of the monograph on the actual implementation of the principles is not coincidental, because it has practical value in the field of law practice. Judicial practice often demonstrates how the misinterpretation of governmental authorities and other enforcement agencies not only of the content of the principles of law in general but the discrepancy of the understanding of the special principles on business and their ratio research institutes, on the one hand, with general legal principles, but on the other hand, the principles of business ethics or customs of business turnover. The whole book progresses from general to specific. The first chapter discussed the primary features of the implementation of general legal principles for regulation of entrepreneurial activity. It reflects the general theoretical approaches to the legal nature and content of these principles, the implementation of common legal principles in the application of the method of civil law regulation, problems of correlation of principles of business law branch and civil law principles, the effect of general legal principles on the formation of legal regime of entrepreneurship in general. The subsequent parts of the monograph consistently reveal the specificity of implementation of certain principles of law in the business enterprise regarding making. The second chapter covers the implementation of principles of good faith and prohibition of abuse of rights as principles inherent to civil legal relations in general, which characterizes the relationship of the method and principles of legal regulation in general and in entrepreneurship in particular. The third chapter of the monograph is devoted to the implementation of the fundamental principle of civil law – the principle of freedom of contract in the entrepreneurial activity. This work demonstrates the close connection of civil and entrepreneurial law, as the agreement has been and, apparently always will be the main legal instrument for achieving economic goals in business, you are filling not only regulatory, but also, and primarily, to guarantee the function. The principle of freedom of contract on one side is an example of the close interrelation of the civil and entrepreneurial relations, on the other hand to set limits for it is only a particular case of the existence of state regulation of social relations, that the doctrine of business law refers to the special principle of legal regulation of entrepreneurial relations. In this sense, the most important aspect in business regulation is to balance private and public interests, i.e. the formation of a consistent model of balancing the principle of state regulation of entrepreneurship research activities with the principle of freedom of contract. Problems of implementation of the principle of balance private and public interests are discussed in the fourth chapter of this monograph. Of practical interest is the implementation of the principles of law to specific types of business relations in the corporate sphere, banking sector, property relations between pre-makers, in bankruptcy proceedings. All these issues are reflected in the fifth chapter of the book dedicated to the implementation of the principles of law in certain types of entrepreneurial activity. Offer the reader a collective work is practically the first legal doctrine, the synthesis of current scientific ideas about the content and peculiarities of realization of the principles of law in regulating individual areas of public relations – business research activities. The authors hope that this book will not only be a milestone in summarizing the results of scientific controversy in this matter, but will have a significant impact on the formation of more complete representations on this issue, will contribute to the development of coherent law enforcement practice and will be of interest not only a wide range of practical lawyers who are interested in problems of legal regulations of entrepreneurship, and the business persons, because the content of the work is not limited to purely legal principles, but also extends to other social principles, understanding of content which is available to a wide circle of readers.
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Общие вопросы реализации принципов права в правовом регулировании предпринимательской деятельности
§ 1. К вопросу о принципах предпринимательского права
Правовые принципы – это выраженные в праве исходные нормативно-руководящие начала, характеризующие его содержание (основы) и закрепленные в нем закономерности общественной жизни[1]. Принципы обладают рядом свойств, что ставит их в один ряд с другими системообразующими факторами, такими как предмет, метод правового регулирования общественных отношений, правовые презумпции. При этом различают понятия «правовые принципы» и «основные начала законодательства». Они не противопоставляются и не рассматриваются как взаимоисключающие[2].
Во-первых, принципы права – это его сквозные фундаментальные «идеи», которые пронизывают права. Однако указанные начала не представляют собой что-то абстрактное. Напротив, они являются не чем иным, как идеологическим (надстроечным) отражением потребностей общественного развития. В них получают выражение не только основы права, но и закономерности социально-экономической жизни общества[3]. Однако, на наш взгляд, эти фундаментальные идеи проявляются не во всех правовых принципах. Они пронизывают право в целом (общеправовые), отдельные отрасли права (отраслевые). Но здесь вряд ли можно говорить о принципах правовых институтов.
Простой пример: известный принцип гражданского права – принцип надлежащего исполнения обязательств – прямо не сформулирован в ГК РФ. Нет его и в перечне основных начал гражданского законодательства (ст.1 ГК РФ). Основная причина этому заключается в том, что принцип надлежащего исполнения
Алексеев С.С. Проблемы теории права. Курс лекций в двух томах. Т.1. Свердловск, 1972. С. 102–112.
См.: Комиссарова Е.Г. Принципы в праве и основные начала гражданского законодательства. Автореф. докт. юрид. наук. Екатеринбург, 2002. С. 8–9.
Советское гражданское право: Учебное пособие/ под ред. О.А. Красавчикова. Вып.1. Свердловск, 1976. С.ЗО.