Архетипическая психология. Джеймс Хиллман

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Архетипическая психология - Джеймс Хиллман

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James. An Essay on Pan. In Pan and the Nightmare (with W. H. Roscher). pp. i-lxiii. Spring Publications, 1972a.

      Hillman James. Failure and Analysis. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1972b: 17,1–6.

      Hillman James. The Myth of Analysis. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1972c.

      Hillman James. Plotino. Ficino e Vico precursori della psicologia degliarchetipi. Rivista di Psicologia Analitica, 1973a: 4, 322–340.

      Hillman James. The Great Mother, Her Son, Her Hero, and the Puer. In Fathers and Mothers: Five Papers on the Archetypal Background of Family Psychology, edited by Patricia Berry, pp. 75 – 127. Spring Publications, 1973b.

      Hillman James. Anima. Spring. 1973c: 97 – 132.

      Hillman James. On the Necessity of Abnormal Psychology. In Eranos Jahrbuch 1943–1974, pp. 91 – 135. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1977a.

      Hillman James. Anima (II)». Spring. 1974b: 113–146.

      Hillman James. Re-Visioning Psychology. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1975a.

      Hillman James. Loose Ends: Primary Papers in Archetypal Psychology. Spring Publications, 1975b.

      Hillman James. The Fiction of Case History. In Religion as Story, edited by J. B. Wiggins, pp. 123–173. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1975c.

      Hillman James. The ‘Negative’ Senex and a Renaissance Solution. Spring. 1975d: 77 – 109.

      Hillman James. Peaks and Vales: The Soul/Spirit Distinction as Basis for the Differences between Psychotherapy and Spiritual Discipline. In On the Way to Self-Knowledge, edited by J. Needle-man and D. Lewis, pp. 114–147. New York: Knopf, 1976 [reprinted: in Puer Papers, pp. 54–74. Spring Publications, 1979].

      Hillman James. The Pandaemonium of Images: С. G. Jung’s Contribution to Know Thyself. New Lugano Review. 1977a: 3, 35–45.

      Hillman James. An Inquiry into Image. Spring. 1977b: 62–88.

      Hillman James (1977c). Psychotherapy’s Inferiority Complex. In Eranos Jahrbuch 1946–1977, pp. 121–174. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 1981.

      Hillman James. Further Notes on Images. Spring. 1978: 152–182. Hillman James. The Dream and the Underworld. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1979a.

      Hillman James. Image-Sense. Spring. 1979b: 130–143.

      Hillman James. The Thought of the Heart. In Eranos Jahrbuch 1948–1979. pp. 133–182. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, (1979c)1981.

      Hillman James. Silver and the White Earth (Part Two). Spring. 1981a: 21–66. Hillman James. Alchemical Blue and the Unio Mentalis. Sulfur. 1981b: 1, 33–50.

      Hillman James. Anima Mundi: The Return of the Soul to the World. Spring. 1982: 71–93.

      Hillman James and Berry Patricia. Archetypal Therapy. Paper: First International Seminar of Archetypal Psychology, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, 1977.

      Hough Graham. Poetry and the Anima. Spring. 1973: 85–96.

      Hull R. F. C. Bibliographical Notes on Active Imagination in the Works of С. G. Jung. Spring. 1971: 115–120.

      Hulme Т. Е. Speculations. London: Routledge, 1924.

      Humbert Elie. Active Imagination: Theory and Practice. Spring. 1971: 101–114.

      James William. A Pluralistic Universe. London, 1909.

      Jung С. G. The Collected Works (CW). Translated by R. F. С. Hull. Bollingen Series XX, vols. 1 – 20. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953.

      Jung Emma. Animus and Anima. Spring Publications, 1957.

      Kelly George. The Psychology of Personal Constructs. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 1955.

      Kugelmann Robert. The Windows of Soul: Psychological Physiology of the Human Eye and Primary Glaucoma. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell Press, forthcoming.

      Kugler Paul K. Image and Sound. Spring. 1978: 136–151.

      Kugler Paul K. The Phonetic Imagination. Spring 1979a: 118–129.

      Kugler Paul K. The Alchemy of Discourse: An Archetypal Approach to Language. Dissertation, С. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, 1979b [Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press, 1982].

      Leveranz John. The Sacred Disease. Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology. 1979: 1, 18–38.

      Lockhart Russell A. Cancer in Myth and Disease. Spring. 1977: 1 – 26. Lockhart Russell A. Words as Eggs. Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology. 1978: 1, 3 – 32.

      Lockhart Russell A. Psyche in Hiding. Quadrant. 1980: 13, 76 – 105. Lopez-Pedraza Rafael. Hermes and His Children. Spring Publications, 1977.

      Lockhart Russell A. Moon Madness – Titanic Love: A Meeting of Pathology and Poetry. In Images of the Untouched, edited by J. Stroud and G. Thomas, pp. 11–26. Spring Publications, 1982.

      McConeghey Howard. Art Education and Archetypal Psychology. Spring. 1981: 127–135.

      Micklem Niel. The Intolerable Image: The Mythic Background of Psychosis. Spring. 1979: 1 – 18.

      Miller David L. Polytheism and Archetypal Theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 1972: 40, 513–527.

      Miller David L. The New Polytheism. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1974 [reissued: with appendix «Psychology: Monotheistic or Polytheistic» (J. Hillman). Spring Publications, 1981].

      Miller David L. Fairy Tale or Myth. Spring. 1976a: 157–164.

      Miller David L. Mythopoesis, Psychopoesis, Theopoesis: The Poetries of Meaning. Panarion Conference tape, 1976b.

      Miller David L. Imaginings No End. In Eranos Jahrbuch 1946–1977, pp. 451–500. Leiden: E. J. Brill, (1977) 1981.

      Miller David L. Christs: Meditations on Archetypal Images in Christian Theology. New York: The Seabury Press, 1981a.

      Miller David L. The Two Sandals of Christ: Descent into History and into Hell. In Eranos Jahrbuch 1950–1981, pp. 147–221. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, (1981b) 1982.

      Moore Tom. Musical Therapy. Spring. 1978: 128–135.

      Moore Tom. Artemis and the Puer. In Puer Papers, pp. 169–204. Spring Publications, 1979a.

      Moore Tom. Images in Asthma: Notes for a Study of Disease. Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology. 1979b: 1, 3 – 14.

      Moore Tom. James Hillman: Psychology with Soul. Religious Studies Review. 1980: 6, 278–284.

      Moore Tom. The Planets Within. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press, 1982.

      Newman K. D. Counter-Transference and Consciousness. Spring. 1980: 117–127.

      Ogilvy James. Many-Dimensional Man: Decentralizing Self, Society and the Sacred. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

      Ritsema Rudolf. On the Syntax of the Imaginal. Spring. 1976: 191–194.

      Romanyshyn Robert. Remarks on the Metaphorical Basis of Psychological Life. Paper: First International Seminar on Archetypal Psychology, University of Dallas, 1977.

      Romanyshyn Robert. Psychological Language and the Voice of Things (I and II). Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology. 1978, 1979: 1, 74–90, 73–79.

      Sardello Robert J. Ensouling Language. Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology. 1978a: 1, 1–2.

      Sardello Robert J. An Empirical – Phenomenological Study of Fantasy. Psychocultural Review. 1978b: 2.

      Sardello Robert J. Imagination and the Transformation of the Perceptual World. Paper: Third American Conference on Fantasy and the Imaging Process, New York, 1979a.


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