Любимые рассказы на английском / Best Short Stories. Коллектив авторов

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Любимые рассказы на английском / Best Short Stories - Коллектив авторов

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took the Innocent aside, and showed him a pair of snowshoes, which he had fashioned from the old pack saddle. ‘There’s one chance in a hundred to save her yet,’ he said, pointing to Piney; ‘but it’s there,’ he added, pointing toward Poker Flat. ‘If you can reach there in two days she’s safe.’ ‘And you?’ asked Tom Simson. ‘I’ll stay here,’ was the curt reply.

      The lovers parted with a long embrace. ‘You are not going, too?’ said the Duchess as she saw Mr. Oakhurst apparently waiting to accompany him. ‘As far as the canyon,’ he replied. He turned suddenly, and kissed the Duchess, leaving her pallid face aflame and her trembling limbs rigid with amazement.

      Night came, but not Mr. Oakhurst. It brought the storm again and the whirling snow. Then the Duchess, feeding the fire, found that someone had quietly piled beside the hut enough fuel to last a few days longer. The tears rose to her eyes, but she hid them from Piney.

      The women slept but little. In the morning, looking into each other’s faces, they read their fate. Neither spoke; but Piney, accepting the position of the stronger, drew near and placed her arm around the Duchess’s waist. They kept this attitude for the rest of the day. That night the storm reached its greatest fury, and, rending asunder the protecting pines, invaded the very hut.

      Toward morning they found themselves unable to feed the fire, which gradually died away. As the embers slowly blackened, the Duchess crept closer to Piney, and broke the silence of many hours: ‘Piney, can you pray?’ ‘No, dear,’ said Piney, simply. The Duchess, without knowing exactly why, felt relieved, and, putting her head upon Piney’s shoulder, spoke no more. And so reclining, the younger and purer pillowing the head of her soiled sister upon her virgin breast, they fell asleep.

      The wind lulled as if it feared to waken them. Feathery drifts of snow, shaken from the long pine boughs, flew like white-winged birds, and settled about them as they slept. The moon through the rifted clouds looked down upon what had been the camp. But all human stain, all trace of earthly travail, was hidden beneath the spotless mantle mercifully flung from above.

      They slept all that day and the next, nor did they waken when voices and footsteps broke the silence of the camp. And when pitying fingers brushed the snow from their wan faces, you could scarcely have told from the equal peace that dwelt upon them which was she that had sinned. Even the law of Poker Flat recognized this, and turned away, leaving them still locked in each other’s arms.

      But at the head of the gulch, on one of the largest pine trees, they found the deuce of clubs pinned to the bark with a bowie knife. It bore the following, written in pencil, in a firm hand:






      ON THE 23D OF NOVEMBER, 1850,



      ON THE 7TH DECEMBER, 1850.

      And pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat.

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      Alabama – Алабама, штат США; первыми европейскими переселенцами здесь были испанцы, а первое поселение было основано французами в 1701 г.; после войны 1763 г. территория отошла Англии.


      The Federal army – армия федерального правительства во время Гражданской войны 1861–1865 гг. с 11 рабовладельческими штатами Юга.


      The Southern cause – южные штаты вышли из Союза в 1860–1861 гг. вследствие политических, экономических и идеологических разногласий промышленного Севера и рабовладельческого Юга.


      Corinth – Коринф, город на северо-востоке штата Миссисипи, где во время Гражданской войны произошло кровопролитное сражение.


      The Yanks – янки, прозвище жителей Новой Англии; южане использовали его во время Гражданской войны для обозначения северян и солдат Федеральной армии.


      Niagara – Ниагарский водопад на реке Ниагара на границе штата Нью-Йорк и канадской провинции Онтарио.


      Aeolian harps – Эолова арфа, струнный инструмент, звучащий от колебания ветра; в древнегреческой мифологии, Эол – бог ветра.


      Delirium – делирий, психическое расстройство, характеризующееся спутанным сознанием, галлюцинациями и т. д. в результате интоксикации мозга, вызванной жаром или другим физическим расстройством.


      Crepuscular – сумеречный; тусклый, неясный.


      Northman – норманн – 1) викинг, скандинавский мореход

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