The comparative typology of Spanish and English. Texts, story and anecdotes for reading, translating and retelling in Spanish and English, adapted by © Linguistic Rescue method (level A1—A2). Татьяна Олива Моралес

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The comparative typology of Spanish and English. Texts, story and anecdotes for reading, translating and retelling in Spanish and English, adapted by © Linguistic Rescue method (level A1—A2) - Татьяна Олива Моралес

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e typology of Spanish and English

      Texts, story and anecdotes for reading, translating and retelling in Spanish and English, adapted by © Linguistic Rescue method (level A1—A2)

      Tatiana Oliva Morales

      © Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2016

      Illustration by Artem Krizhanovsky

      Illustration by Lev Litvinov

      ISBN 978-5-4483-5215-7

      Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

      About the author

      Tatiana Oliva Morales is the author of English and Spanish methods and manuals of the © Linguistic Rescue Series for accelerated preparation for the exams at school and university. The author has written more than 100 English and Spanish textbooks, including brochures and manuals; four English textbooks and exam tests for the Moscow Institute of Technology. She has got 25 years of teaching and translation experience in Europe, the UK, the USA and Latin America.


      Using of the Linguistic Rescue method (foreign words and transcription in brackets next to the word in a sentence) for the purpose of writing any textbooks or manuscripts is possible only after the author’s written permission.

      From the author

      Each book of the © Linguistic Rescue Series can be used for self-education. But if you need further advice or a class, you can always contact me. Consultations / classes on Skype are available. On my website you can learn everything about all the programs and conditions of English and Spanish languages training.


      tel. 8 (919) 784 86 56

      Skype: oliva-morales

      e-mail: [email protected]

      Yours faithfully,

      Tatiana Oliva Morales

      About the © Linguistic Rescue Series books

      All the English and Spanish language © Linguistic Rescue Series books can significantly reduce the training period of a foreign language course and improve the quality of learning of new words and normative grammar by a student. Their advantage is foreign words and (sometimes) transcription in brackets next to the word in a sentence. Using this technique, a student never studied English / Spanish before, having no vocabulary, can begin translating from Russian into English / Spanish, from Spanish into English or from English into Spanish. The technique allows you to learn new English / Spanish words and phrases easil, and quickly; improving the skills of correct translation into a foreign language.

      All the © Linguistic Rescue Series books have been written for “my difficult students”, for those who needed to obtain a large amount of high-quality knowledge in a short period of time. The latter is the aim of all the textbooks of this series.

      About the tutorial series “The comparative typology of English and Spanish”

      The tutorials series “Comparative typology of Spanish and English” may be recommended for English and Spanish teachers or lecturers; for pupils, students, as well as for a wide range of people, learning Spanish and English languages at school, university or independently.

      The level of knowledge required for possibility training by this this series must not be less than the Elementary A2, both in Spanish and in English.


      All texts, a story and anecdotes for the translation from Spanish into Russian and English and from English into Spanish of the book adapted by foreign words-tips on © Linguistic Rescue method. There are keys for all the texts, a story and anecdotes.

      In this book I tried to uncover the main difficulties encountered on the way of learning Spanish and English languages, the difficulties which are the reason of the most common mistakes of the students.

      What will the lessons on this book give you?

      1. The elimination of difficulties in the transition from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish.

      2. Reading skills, translating from Spanish into Russian and English and from English into Spanish, narration in Spanish and English.

      3. More than 2,250 Spanish and English words and expressions.

      What will this book give English and Spanish teachers and lecturers?

      The ability to use this tutorial for home reading, retelling the material, translating from Spanish into Russian and English, translating from English into Spanish, dictation, listening skills Spanish and English practice, completing Spanish and English phonetic exercises.

      Guidelines for working with this tutorial

      1. Attentively read the task.

      2. Complete the task in the written form.

      3. Having written one or several chapters, return to the beginning of the book and do the interpretation of all the exercises you have done. Try to interpret quickly and clearly.

      As a result, you must properly interpret from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish.

      To achieve such a result, you can do all the oral exercises several times.


      … – There is a place for a definite or indefinite article.

      … – There is a place for a personal pronoun.

      Book (libro..) – Don’t forget to put the noun in the plural.

      ! – There must be a preposition here.

      * – irregular verb.

      He (él) – English word / its Spanish equivalent.

      Él (he) – Spanish word / its English equivalent.

      He (él) – English word / its Spanish equivalent.

      Los padres (The parents) organizaron (arranged) 2.una (-) fiesta (party) 1.…maravillosa (an excellent). – the numbers before the words mean the order of the data words in the sentence. In this case, the correct order is: The parents arranged an excellent party.

      That (-) – You needn’t translate this word into Spanish or English.

      Chapter 1. Familia

      Texto 1

      *La clave de este ejercicio es el texto 2.

      Traduzca (Translate) el texto del (from) español al (into) inglés. Recuente (Retell) cerca (close) del (to the) contenido (content) del (of the) texto (text) en (in) inglés. Escriba (Write) una historia (story) sobre (about) sí mismo (yourself) en inglés, basando (basing) en (on) el vocabulario (vocabulary) del (of the) texto (text).

      Mi (my) familia (family)

      Me llamo (my name be* / is) Marisol. Vivo (I live) en (in) México (Mexico). Yo (I) estudio (study) en la Universidad Nacional (National). Estudio filología (philology), historia (history), geografía (geography), matemáticas (maths) y

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