Многосторонняя дипломатия в биполярной системе международных отношений (сборник). Коллектив авторов
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por organos del sistema interamericano en relacion con el communismo internacional». Caracas, 1954. P. 47.
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Schlesinger A. Jr. The Alliance for Progress: A Retrospective // Latin America: The Search for a New International Role. Ed. by Hellman R.G., Rosenbaum H.J. Beverly Hills (Calif), 1975. P. 68.
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См.: Микоян С. А. Анатомия Карибского кризиса. М., 2006. С. 228, 421, 325.
См.: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: National Security Archive Documents Reader. / Ed. by L. Chang; P. Kornbluh. N.Y., 1998.
Wilson L. C. International Law and the Cuban Quarantine of 1962 // Journal of Inter-American Studies. October 1965. P. 485-492; Atkins G. P. Encyclopedia of the Inter-American System. Westport, 1997. Р. 110–112.
См.: Иванов Н. С. Политическая культура и правая оппозиция в Бразилии накануне и в ходе переворота 1964 г // Латиноамериканский исторический альманах. 2009. № 9. С. 211–232.
Mesa-Lago С. Cuba in the 1970s: Pragmatism and Institutionalization. Santa Fe (New Mexico), 1978. P. 119–139; Dominguez J. I. Cuba: Internal and International Affairs. N.Y., 1982. P. 125–130.
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Meek G. D. United States Influence in the Organization of American States: 1948-1972. Wash., 1973. P. 105–114; Idem. U.S. Influence in the Organization of American States // Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs. Vol. 17, No. 3. Aug., 1975. P. 311–325.
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The Department of State Bulletin. Wash., 1965, May 17. P. 742.
Murphy S. D. Humanitarian Intervention: the United Nations in an Evolving World Order. Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), 1996. P. 94–97.
Fukuyama F. A Quiet Revolution. Latin America Unheralded Progress // Foreign Affairs, November/December 2007; Grandin G. Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism. N.Y., 2007; Reid M. Forgotten Continent: the Battle for Latin America's Soul. New Haven (Connecticut), 2007. P. 1.
См.: Falcoff M. Modern Chile, 1970-1989: A Critical History. New Brunswick (N.J.), 1989. P. 209–222. Nieto C, Brandt C. Masters of War: Latin America and United States Aggression from the Cuban Revolution through the Clinton Years. N.Y, 2003. P. 123–140.
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