Operas Every Child Should Know. Mary Schell Hoke Bacon

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Operas Every Child Should Know - Mary Schell Hoke  Bacon

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because you are of no more use on a farm than the fifth wheel is on a wagon."

      "Oh, come, come, brother, don't – "

      "That's all right! I meant no harm. You are my brother and I'll stick by you forever, but you aren't practical. Leave this maid-servant business to me, and take my word for it we must hurry the matter up and get home. Some day you'll be giving that fine ring of yours to Queen Anne, Lionel, and then heaven knows what will happen; but I suspect that whatever it is I shall find myself without a brother."

      "It shall never happen. I shall live and die quite contented beneath the roof where we have grown up together and where I have been happiest."

      "Ohe! Ohe! Ohe! the fair begins! Here comes the sheriff with his bell. Ye maids, come forth now, both young and old! Come forth, come forth! Make way there for the Law!" bawled a crier, clearing the way for the sheriff, who had come to preside over the business of contract-making between the serving maids and the farmers.

      I the statute first will read,

      Then to business we'll proceed,

      the burly sheriff called at the top of his voice; and all the yokels laughed and crowded about him while he mounted a box and began to read the Law. "'Tis our royal will and pleasure – ' Hats off! Rustics, look at me! Loyal feelings let us cherish! 'We, Queen Anne, hereby decree to all subjects of the crown, dwelling here in Richmond town, whoso at the fair engages, to perform a servant's part, for a year her service pledges; from this law let none depart.'"

      When the earnest money's taken, let the bargain stay unshaken!

      "Now, then, ye have heard? Stick to the bargains ye make – or the law will get ye!"

      "And now what can ye do, Molly Pitt?"

      I can sow, sir,

      I can mow, sir,

      I can bake and brew,

      Mend things like new,

      Can mind a house, and rule it, too,

      There's naught I cannot do.

      "She's worth four guineas. Who will hire her?"

      Molly was at once hired by a farmer.

      "And now you, Polly Smith?"

      I can cook, sir,

      By the book, sir,

      I can roast and toast,

      And 'tis my boast

      That nothing in house

      That I preside in yet was lost.

      "Polly's worth five guineas. Who wants her?"

      Polly was immediately hired by a farmer. After half a dozen buxom girls had told what they could do, and had found places for the year – none of them satisfying Plunkett and Lionel, however, who are feeling almost discouraged at the outlook – Lady Harriet (who called herself Martha) and Nancy and Sir Tristram came pushing merrily into the crowd. Lady Harriet (or Martha) was certain to want to see everything. Old Sir Tristram was protesting and having a most dreadful time of it.

      "This way, Rob," Martha called, dragging him by the hand and laughing. "What! must I lead you?"

      "Come, good, good Rob," Nancy mocked, entering into the spirit of it and poking the old beau ahead of her. Sir Tristram groaned.

      "Oh, I am just like a lamb led to the slaughter."

      "Look, brother," Plunkett now said, nudging Lionel. "What pretty lasses! Theirs are not like servants' faces."

      "Let's inquire," Lionel replied, a good deal interested and staring at Nancy and Martha.

      "Do you see how these disgusting rustics are staring? Let us fly, Lady – "

      "Martha," Lady Harriet reproved him. "Don't forget I'm Martha."

      "Well, 'Martha,' let us go – "

      "Not I! I am having the first moment of gaiety I have known in a year. No, ye'll not go." Then in bravado and to torment Sir Tristram she set up a cry:

      "No, here in the open fair, I refuse you for my master! I won't go with you!" By that outbreak she had attracted the attention of everybody about. Nancy, too, set up a screech and everybody crowded about them. Sir Tristram dared not say a word to help himself, because if he should really displease Lady Harriet he knew it would be all up with him.

      "Nonsense, nonsense," he said, confused and tormented.

      "Well, you can't force her, Master Rob," the frolicsome Nancy joined in.

      "Force the girl? No, I think not, old fellow," Plunkett now cried, coming forward with Lionel. The two of them had been watching the quarrel. "No farmer can hire a maid against her will. There are servants to spare here; take your pick and let these alone," and the tricky Martha and Nancy nearly fainted with trying to suppress their laughter as they witnessed Sir Tristram's plight.

      At that moment all the unhired serving maids rushed to Sir Tristram and crowded about him and began their eternal, "I can bake, sir, I can brew, sir," etc., and begged him to hire them. Now this was the last straw, and Sir Tristram looked for Martha and Nancy to come to his assistance, but they only shrieked with laughter and urged the girls on. Meantime, Plunkett and Lionel had approached them, and, when Martha noticed that they were about to speak, she became a little frightened.

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