A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. John James Audubon

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A Synopsis of the Birds of North America - John James Audubon

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Bonap. Syn. p. 33.

      Blue Yellow-backed Warbler, Sylvia Americana, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 78.

      92. 17. Sylvicola Townsendi, Nutt. Townsend's Wood-Warbler

      Plate CCCXCIII. Fig. 1. Male.

      Wings of moderate length, rather pointed, with the second and third quills longest, the first and second nearly equal and very little shorter; tail scarcely emarginate. Upper parts light greenish-olive, more yellow behind, all the feathers dusky in the centre; cheeks, ear-coverts, and throat black; a band over the eye, a broader band on the side of the neck, and the fore part of the breast bright yellow; the rest of the lower parts white, but the sides marked with oblong dusky spots; wings blackish-brown; the secondary coverts and first row of small coverts largely tipped with white, the quills margined with light grey; tail-feathers blackish-brown, edged with grey; outer two on each side almost entirely white, the next with a small white spot.

      Male, 410/12, wing 28/12.

      Columbia River, northward. Migratory.

      Sylvia Townsendi, Townsend's Warbler, Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. vii. p. 191.

      Townsend's Warbler, Sylvia Townsendi, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 36.

      93. 18. Sylvicola occidentalis, Towns. Hermit Wood-Warbler

      Plate CCCXCV. Fig. 3. Male. Fig. 4. Female.

      Wings of moderate length, the outer three quills almost equal, the third longest; tail slightly emarginate. Male with the upper parts bluish-grey, spotted with black; the upper part of the head, which is similarly spotted, the cheeks, and sides of the neck, bright yellow; throat black; breast and abdomen white; ground and tail-feathers greyish-dusky; two white bands on the wing formed by the tips of the secondary coverts and first row of small coverts; two outer tail-feathers on each side almost entirely white. Female with the upper parts of a duller grey, the yellow of the head less extended and not so bright; throat whitish, spotted with dusky.

      Male, 35/12, wing 28/12.

      Columbia River. Migratory.

      Sylvicola occidentalis, Hermit Wood-Warbler, Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. vii. p. 190.

      Hermit Warbler, Sylvia occidentalis, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 55.

      94. 19. Sylvia nigrescens, Towns. Black-throated Grey Wood-Warbler

      Plate CCCXCV. Figs. 5 and 6. Male.

      Wings of moderate length, with the outer three quills nearly equal, the second longest, the first shorter than the fourth; tail slightly rounded and emarginate. Male with the upper parts bluish ash-grey, the middle of the back and tail-coverts streaked with black; the upper part of the head and neck, the loral space and cheeks, and the fore part of the neck, with a small portion of the breast black; a band from the nostril to near the eye yellow; a band over the eye, and another from the lower mandible along the side of the neck white; breast and abdomen white, the sides tinged with grey, and streaked with black; wings blackish-brown, with two white bands formed by the tips of the secondary coverts and first row of small coverts; quills edged with light grey; tail blackish-brown, the two outer feathers on each side almost entirely white, the next with a white patch on the inner web.

      Male, 5, wing 28/12.

      Columbia River. Migratory.

      Sylvia nigrescens, Black-throated Grey Warbler, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. vii. p. 191.

      Black-throated Grey Warbler, Sylvia nigrescens, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 57.

      95. 20. Sylvicola canadensis, Linn. Canada or Black-throated Blue Wood-Warbler

      Plate CLV. Male. Plate CXLVIII. Female and Young.

      Wings rather long, with the third quill longest, the second almost equal, the fourth longer than the first; tail even. Male dull light blue above, white beneath; frontal band, cheeks, throat, and sides, black; a white patch on the wing formed by the bases of the primaries; outer three tail-feathers with a patch of white on the inner web near the end, all the rest with a touch of the same. Female greenish-olive above, light dull-yellow below, with a less extended white patch on the wing, the white on the tail unconspicuous. Young similar to the female.

      Male, 5, 71/2.

      From Texas northward. Migratory. Abundant.

      Motacilla canadensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. v. i. p. 334.

      Black-throated Blue Warbler, Sylvia canadensis, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 115. Male.

      Sylvia canadensis, Bonap. Syn. p. 84. Male.

      Black-throated Blue Warbler, Sylvia canadensis, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 398. Male.

      Black-throated Blue Warbler, Sylvia canadensis, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 309. Male.

      Pine-swamp Warbler, Sylvia pusilla, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. v. p. 100. Young.

      Sylvia sphagnosa, Bonap. Syn. p. 85. Young.

      Pine-swamp Warbler, Sylvia sphagnosa, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 406. Young.

      Pine-swamp Warbler, Sylvia sphagnosa, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 279. Female and Young.

      96. 21. Sylvicola maculosa, Lath. Blue-headed Yellow-rumped Wood-Warbler. – Black-and-Yellow Warbler

      Plate CXXIII. Male and Female. Plate L. Young.

      Wings of moderate length, the outer four quills nearly equal, the second and third longest and equal, the fourth longer than the first; tail almost even. Upper part of head and hind neck ash-grey; eyelids, and a band over the eye, white; part of forehead, loral space, and a broad band down the side of the neck, with the fore part of the back, and upper tail-coverts deep black; lower parts and rump bright yellow; the lower part of the throat, the breast and sides, spotted with black; wings and tail-feathers brownish-black, edged with grey; two white bands on the wing; all the tail-feathers, except the middle two, with a large patch of white on the inner web, at about two-thirds of their length. Young yellowish-grey above, with the head light grey, the rump yellow; lower parts of a duller yellow, with only faint dusky streaks on the sides.

      Male, 5, 71/2.

      From Texas northward. Very abundant. Migratory.

      Black-and-Yellow Warbler, Sylvia magnolia, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 63. Adult.

      Sylvia maculosa, Bonap. Syn. p. 78.

      Black-and-Yellow Warbler, Sylvia maculosa, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 370.

      Sylvicola maculosa, Yellow-rump Warbler, F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 213.

      Black-and-Yellow Warbler, Sylvia maculosa, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 145, Adult; v. i. p. 260, Young; v. v. p. 458.

      97. 22. Sylvicola discolor, Vieill. Prairie Wood-Warbler

      Plate XIV. Male and Female.

      Wings rather short, with the outer four quills nearly equal, the second and third longest; tail emarginate and rounded. Male with the upper parts yellowish-green, the back spotted with chestnut-red; lower parts, and a band over the eye, bright yellow; two bands of dull yellow on the wing; outer four tail-feathers with a white patch on the inner web; a small streak before and behind the eye, one on the cheek, a spot on the side of the neck, and oblong markings on the sides, black. Female similar, but paler, especially beneath, and without the black streaks on the side of the head.

      Male, 5, 7.

      From Texas to Massachusetts. Migratory. Abundant.

      Prairie Warbler, Sylvia minuta, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 87.

      Sylvia discolor, Bonap. Syn. p. 83.

      Prairie Warbler, Sylvia discolor, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 294.

      Prairie Warbler, Sylvia discolor, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 76.

      98. 23. Sylvicola montana, Wils. Blue-Mountain Warbler


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