The White Room. Hume Fergus

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The White Room - Hume Fergus

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coloured still more and glanced at him indignantly. "How can you speak to me like that?" she said; "do you suspect me?"

      "No. Certainly not. But the affair is strange, Miss Mason."

      "From the little I gathered from Mr. Tracey, it is," she assented.

      "Here is a house shut up," said Derrick, pursuing his own train of thought; "left without even a caretaker-"

      "There was no need for one to be left," interposed the girl. "My sister, Mrs. Fane, thinks that Troy is a safe suburb. There have been no burglaries hereabouts, so she merely asked the police to keep an eye on the house. Besides, she is away only for three weeks."

      "When do Mrs. Fane and family return?"

      "In six days."

      "You remained behind?"

      Laura bowed. "My sister and I are not on very good terms," she began, "and I thought it best to remain with my friend, Miss Baldwin, while the house was shut up. But you were saying something."

      "Merely that it is queer this woman-this stranger-if she is a stranger, should obtain admittance into the house while those who own it are away. She came on Saturday evening-at what time we are not as yet able to learn. No one saw her come. We do not know if she came alone or in the company of any one. But come she did, and entered the house. How did she get in?"

      "I am as puzzled as you are, sir. But if you will let me see the body, I may be able to tell you if it is that of a stranger to me."

      "We can do that later," said Derrick. "Meanwhile I wish to put a few questions. And even if this woman were not a stranger is it likely that she could enter the house?"

      "No. So far as I know, my brother-in-law alone has a latch-key."

      "Is there not another possessed by a young man?"

      Laura looked out of the window while answering this question. "Not that I know of," she said faintly.

      Derrick appeared satisfied with this reply, and took out his note-book. "Answer my questions, please," he began. "Who is Mr. Fane?"

      "My brother-in-law. He is the second partner in the shipping firm of Mason, Son, and Mason."

      "Oh! And why does not his name appear?"

      Laura explained. "The firm is an old one," she said; "there are two partners, my brother and Walter Fane. When my father died, the firm was Mason, Son, and Mason, and as it is an old-established one, my brother did not change the name when Mr. Fane became a partner."

      "When did Mr. Fane become a partner?"

      "Three years ago, when he married my sister Julia!"

      "Did Mr. Fane bring any money into the business?" asked Derrick; then seeing Laura's look of surprise, he continued apologetically, "Excuse me, Miss Mason, but I must know everything."

      "I believe Mr. Fane brought very little money into the business. It was my sister Julia who had the money, and she paid sufficient to my brother to buy Walter a share. But I have no right to tell you these things," said Laura, flushing. "If you wish to know anything further you must ask Mr. Fane himself."

      "I intend to. Will you give me his address?"

      "Ocean View, Wandle Road, Westcliff-on-Sea."

      Derrick noted this in his book. "I'll send a wire to him," he said, "as the inquest takes place to-morrow and we must have him present. By the way, do you know a young man with a pointed beard and slim figure? Is he a visitor at this house?"

      "Not that I know of," said Miss Mason promptly. "I know no one of that type-with a pointed beard, I mean."

      "Yet such a young man came out of the house, and held the policeman in talk while his accomplice murdered this woman."

      "Were there two men, then?"

      "We think so," answered Derrick cautiously. "I presume, Miss Mason," he added, "you have been to this house since Mrs. Fane left it?"

      "Certainly not."

      "But living so near-Meadow Lane is but a stone-throw away."

      "Quite so. All the same I had no reason to return here."

      "You live in this house?"

      "With my sister. Yes."

      "Then your things are here?"

      Laura looked hard at Derrick, trying to fathom his meaning. "I took all needful things with me, as though I were going on a long journey, Mr. Inspector. For nearly two weeks I have lived with Mrs. Baldwin, and have not been in Achilles Avenue."

      "Have you not passed the house?"

      "I said that I had not been in Achilles Avenue," replied Laura.

      "Then you know nothing," said Derrick, obviously disappointed with the result of his examination.

      "Absolutely nothing."

      The inspector nursed his chin, and thought with his eyes on the ground. There was nothing else he could ask. Mr. Fane was the owner of Ajax Villa, and as this unknown woman had been murdered therein, Mr. Fane alone would be able to say how she had come by her death. In his past life might be found the reason that the poor creature should be so slain. "What did Mr. Fane do before he joined the firm?"

      "Nothing," replied Laura, rousing herself from her own thoughts; "he is possessed of independent means and travelled a great deal. I suppose he grew weary of so aimless a life. However, my sister persuaded him to become a partner, which he did, after he married her."

      "Hum!" said Derrick, not finding this reply threw any light on the subject. Then he cast his eyes round the room. "This is a queer place, Miss Mason. Mrs. Fane's idea?"

      "No. Mr. Fane furnished the house. My sister does not like this room. It is too cold in its looks for her. Mr. Fane is fond of it. But the whole house was furnished before Mr. Fane married."

      "For the marriage, I presume."

      "No. Mr. Fane lived here as a bachelor for six months before he married my sister."

      "But no doubt the engagement lasted six months, and Mr. Fane furnished the house as he thought your sister would like it."

      "He did not. Mr. Fane married my sister at the end of three months, and before that he furnished the house according to his own taste."

      Derrick thought this strange. However, he did not ask any more questions, as he felt that he had rather exceeded the limits of an even official courtesy. "I am much obliged to you for replying so frankly to my questions, Miss Mason," he said. "If I have been too curious, the strange nature of this case must be my excuse. We will now inspect the body."

      Laura's cheeks grew even paler than they were. But she made no objection. Silently she followed the inspector, moving indifferently through the house. Only when they arrived at the door of the death-chamber did she draw back. "You have put the body into my room," she said resentfully.

      "I am sorry," said Derrick, opening the door, "but of course I was quite in ignorance."

      "I shall never be able to sleep in the room again," murmured Laura, and passed through the door which Derrick held open.

      Out of delicacy the inspector did not enter with her. He remained outside, thinking over what she had said. It seemed to him that Mr. Fane had married very suddenly, and had taken his bride to a house which had not been furnished for her. The house was too large for a bachelor, and must have been intended for two. What if Fane had been engaged to some one else, for whom the house was furnished, but the engagement being broken, and married Miss Julia Mason so hurriedly. If this were so, the house with its strange White Room which was not to the present Mrs. Fane's taste must have been furnished for the unknown woman. And perhaps the unknown woman was the poor soul who lay dead within. Only Fane had the latch-key, only Fane could have admitted her, and then-here Derrick broke off. He felt that he was taking too much for granted; that he was building up a theory on unsubstantial foundations. Until he saw Fane, and learned what kind of a man he was, it was impossible to formulate any theory. Still, for his own satisfaction, Derrick determined to ask Laura a few more questions. It was at this moment she emerged, pale

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