The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time. Lim Word

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The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time - Lim Word

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Britain and Argentina in 1982

      The war in Lebanon, 1982.

      The fall (disintegration) of the USSR

      The first war in the Persian Gulf 1990—1991.

      The first Chechen war of 1994—1996.

      The Second Chechen War of 1999—2000 (2009).

      Wars of the post-Soviet period outside the Russian Federation

      The Civil War in Somalia in 1988…

      The war in Yugoslavia, 1991—2001

      The Second Iraq War, 2003—2011.

      The war in Syria in 2011…

      The war in Libya in 2011…

      Armed conflict in South Ossetia 2008

      Armed conflict in the Donbass in 2014…

      Anglo-Scottish armed conflict

      Overview of some countries of interest to us

      Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Albania

      Byelorussia, Vietnam, Germany

      Georgia, Denmark, India

      Israel, Ireland, Kazakhstan

      Kyrgyzstan, Korea North, Korea South

      Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

      Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia

      Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

      Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

      Finland, Japan… Norway and Somalia

      Book Three.

      The history of a possible future.

      Big Bang

      The Big Bang is the generally accepted theory of the origin of the universe. Of course, this is an area of scientific legends and fantasies. At first, all that is now in the world (including this light itself, and even, it seems, the very time) was in the so-called proto-Egg – a region of space, about the size of an atom, with a density of 10 to 90 degrees kg / cm³. For unknown reasons, this Egg explodes. At first, one plasma passes into the other, and back with an unthinkable speed, emitting uniformly in all directions of the so-called «plasma». relic shortwave radiation. After 380,000 years, everything is more or less calming down. The first stable hydrogen atoms appear.

      After another 400 million years, gas nebulae arise. Thanks to the force of gravitational attraction, the gas concentrates in the stars and, with billions of luminaries, galaxies.

      Our Galaxy (with a capital letter), otherwise – the Milky Way (Latin – via lactea) is formed 13 billion years ago, and has 200 to 400 billion stars. The age of the Solar System is 4.5 billion years. It has 8 recognized classical planets, as well as 5 so-called dwarf ones, including now also «expelled» from group «A» Pluto.

      Geological Eons

      Qatarhei, Archei

      Our Earth, according to a widespread theory, originated from a protoplanetary disk, around this time. Strangely enough, the first, primitive forms of life, nuclear-free cells, prokaryotes, appeared almost almost immediately after the termination of the devastating asteroid bombardment (the eon of Qatarhei, 600 million years), as well as education, as a result of a terrible sliding strike on our planet, an object the size of Mars, the future companion of all lovers, the Moon. However, for another long and a half billion years, the stage of development, called Archean, life forms do not develop much. The top of this demiurgic process is unicellular eukaryotes and already relatively complex algae visible to the naked eye.

      All these organisms, presumably, have a single, universal common ancestor. The genetic set of all living things on Earth is the same. Their DNA is assembled from four nucleotides (biological molecules) – adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.


      – (other Greek approximately as «earlier life») – the longest geological period, 2 billion years, starts a little more than 2.5 billion years ago. For one reason or another, oxygen accumulates in the atmosphere – and it leads to the extinction of almost all anaerobic creatures. The ozone layer is formed. The next trouble for the already accustomed organisms to new conditions is the great Huronian glaciation (2.4—2.1 billion years ago). Methane combines with oxygen, forms carbon dioxide (which contributes much less to the greenhouse effect), as a result – the Earth turns into a huge «snowball». At the equator, it is almost as cold as in modern Antarctica. Life is preserved in relatively small polynyas and ponds with melt water.

      Volcanoes gradually increase the level of carbon dioxide and methane. A new perturbation is being prepared. For a thousand years, significant areas are freed of ice, and the planet’s climate, on the whole, returns to the norm known to us.

      The second option, explaining the presence of signs of ancient glaciers in the equatorial regions of the planet – a fairly rapid turn of the poles of the Earth, followed (300 million years) by their return to the site.

      Somehow, sea sponges appear, that is, aquatic multicellular animals that lead an attached lifestyle, as well as mushrooms, essence, eukaryotic communities that combine the signs of plants and animals. As a result of their vital activity, soil appears.

      The single continent of Rodinia splits into two parts, which diverge to the poles. The northern half is Laurasia, the southern half is Gondwana.

      The sun, meanwhile, increases luminosity by 12%. The Age of Precambrian or Cryptozoic, the «Hidden Life», (sometimes called the eons of Archean and the Proterozoic together) ends.


      Multicellular creatures, animals, higher plants, are 580 million years ago, thus assuming the onset of the turbulent Phanerozoic («clear life») eon – in which we live, too. His first era – Paleozoic («ancient life»). It is divided into six periods: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. They last for 20 to 60 million years.

      Galaxy the Milky Way. Reconstruction.

      continent of Rodinia

      Laurasia and Gondwana




      ) Meganevra (reconstruction)



      Ankylosaurus, recognized symbol of the Mesozoic era


      Representative of the order Mesonihia, the ancestor of whales, according to the theory of Darwin

      Evolution of the continents; from Laurasia, Gondwana and Pangea to the

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