Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion. Борис Романов

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Anna-Anastaia: the old and new versions and discussion - Борис Романов

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in my translation ): "Such a reconstruction would have a conclusive legal effect only if "sculptor" has never seen in his lifetime the images of these people's faces, sculpted portraits which he produces."

      (The letter to Dr. Popov you can read in full on the link: (in Russian))

      A short list of evidence of identity of Anna Anderson and Anastasia.

      For those who would like to study the problem of identification of Anna Anderson, I advise you to read two books:

      «Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna Anderson" by Peter Kurth;

      "The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery" by Greg King & Penny Wilson.

      These studies in most detail set forth the arguments "for (yes)" and "against (no)" an identification of Anna Anderson as tsar's daughter Anastasia. My criticism of the book by G. King and P. Wilson is here presented in a separate section of this publication («" Resurrection "of Franziska Shanzkowska»). Below I briefly lay out its findings of these studies – in favor of this identification.

      1. It is known the dozens (at least about forty) somehow confirmed later stories by Anna Anderson about the life of the Russian tsar family, which could not be known to anyone but the tsar's daughter, and which till now has not refuted or discredited by her opponents (see Customer Reviews on the King&wilson's book \"The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery"/)

      2. It is known the diagnoses (psychological aspects of medical reports) of the seven doctors of Anna Tchaikovsky (Anderson) from various psychiatric hospitals and health centers. Four of these doctors were professional psychologist (Dr.). All known diagnoses and medical reports say that (quote) "Mrs. Anna Tchaikovsky (Anderson) could born and live earlier only into an aristocratic family." All doctors unanimously rejected (and I quote) "the possibility of fraud, or hypnosis, or psychopathy in its self-identity." – This is the main conclusion of all physicians.

      In particular, the famous German psychiatrist in 1925, Bonhoeffer wrote: "Her posture, facial expressions and grace in a manner of speaking are indicating that she comes from an educated family … She probably grew up surrounded by the Grand Duchess, she was the daughter of an officer of the tsar's court or any of the royal family … She could not take over all it from the books or stories of others." ("Anastasia. Riddle Grand Princess" Peter Kurth, p.103, 104). In addition, I quote below the certificate of another psychiatrist of the sanatorium "Shtillehaus" in Oberstdorf, where AA was in the autumn and winter of 1927 ("Anastasia. Riddle Grand Princess" Peter Kurth, p.150-153).

      Dr. E.Saathof (Chapter sanatorium) wrote in the final diagnosis (along with the doctor Eitel): "I completely ruled out that Frau Tchaikovsky – the impostor. She is in any case always behaved quite differently, as one would expect from a fake one."

      Dr. Saathof also wrote "I think it is impossible that this woman was from the lower classes of society … I think it is absolutely impossible that this woman could be able deliberately played the role of the other woman. Moreover, the observation of her behavior as a whole, in any way do not contrary to her assertion that she is the one who calls herself."

      3. Anna Anderson could not be Franziska Shantskovska – for many reasons which I have outlined below in more detail in the section «Resurrection" of Franziska Shanzkowska»,

      Here, at least, I should note that Franziska Shanzkovska was much taller Anna Anderson that Shanzkovska wore shoes several sizes too big, that Shanzkovska was nulliparous woman (Anna Anderson, on medical evidence, gave birth a son), and, finally, even the brother of F. Shanzkovska refused admit as his sister Anna Anderson

      4. Comparative DNA tests (1994-th and 2010-s) of Anna Manahan (Anderson) and a great-nephew of F.Shantskovska, K. Maucher, – which allegedly gave positive results – these DNA tests can not be accepted for review by any modern court for two reasons: . First, their probability of error by orders of magnitude higher than the current requirements for DNA tests, and, secondly, because the "raw materials" of Anna Anderson (tissue samples of internal organs, and hair) have dubious origins and it were not provided with reliable oficial support in a shipping to the laboratory DNA analysis

      In addition to a complete external resemblance (including also highlighted blue eyes, smile and manner of expressing emotions and behavior), Anna Anderson (hereinafter AA) and Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova (hereinafter ANR) have also the following items of identification:

      1. AA as well as ANR had a very severe congenital deformity of both feet legs "Hallux Valgus" (bunions), and just on the right foot is much greater. This is an extremely rare coincidence. More on this, see the section «Cinderella's glass slippers of Grand Duchess Anastasia».

      2. Forensic judicial procedures comparison of the ears and of the handwritings of AA and ANR in the 1970-s and 1980-s have confirmed their identity.

      3. AA had those same scars and traces of wounds that were inflicted soldiers to ANR in the basement of Ipatiev House at night July 17, 1918

      4. AA had the same scar on his forehead, like ANR befor 1917, and she covered it with the same fringe.

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