The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits. Miki Lazović

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The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits - Miki Lazović

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type="note">[7] for sale in order to be able to pay taxes and to buy all necessary for the house, I met the shopkeeper Goyko. Every year his cattle is recognized the best in our edge. And he brought an ox to sell. All surrounded it, watching an ox and asking the price. Here I and Galonya appeared. At that moment, the cadi[8] Idriz offered him the price, but someone shouted: “Look, this ox is better, than his!” People began to gather around me, giving me hands and trading with me. The cadi came also. At first shook hands, asked about a family, and then took an interest:

      “Mitre, please admit, by what did you fed the ox and why he is so beautiful?”

      “Highly respected cadi, we fed it only by grass, we are not that family, which has scraps which can be given to an ox”.

      “Tell the Mitre, would you sell it for two ducats and fifteen aqca[9]? He wanted to pay the same for Goyko’s ox. You know that on this market nobody has sold an ox for such sum yet”.

      “Highly respected cadi, I am ready to sell it at this price only to you”.

      But, sonny, Goyko has interfered:

      “Highly respected cadi, before you finish the transaction I will tell you several words and after that you can decide whether you want to buy it or not”.

      “Speak, Goyko. I will listen to you, but it doesn’t mean that I will obey”.

      “Highly respected cadi, people speak, that there is no smoke without fire and that his child is obsessed”.

      “Well, Goyko, what have you told?” – Cadi has asked again.

      “It so, highly respected cadi, all speak about it”.

      “First, Goyko, tell how is it connected with the ox, and then proceed what you began to talk about.”

      “Look, highly respected cadi, – Goyko has begun to explain, and all around listened and didn’t speak a word. – You heard how some time ago he has told that he is not well – founded and the ox was fed only with a grass and hay. How it can be possible that his ox is better brought up than mine, and all know that in the morning and at evening I give mine oats. Tell, highly respected cadi how they two can be compared?”

      Then people have hooted, and Goyko has continued:

      “It, highly respected cadi, his son, – his finger points at me – who is obsessed, has made something and therefore he looks so good”.

      People on the square in a voice have begun to comment, and Goyko has added:

      “Think, cadi, his son was bitten by a venomous snake and he has survived…”

      Here Orthodox Christians have begun to be christened and Muslims – to bow to Allah. Standing nearby people began to move back from me, and others, standing far away, have begun to throw stones into our party. At that moment cadi has raised his hand and all have calmed down.

      “Listen Mitre, at first, I have told that I will buy your ox for two ducats and fifteen aqca and I will buy it for this money, I only don’t want to pay you now, before I want to be convinced whether evil forces live in your ox. If they are there, then your ox we’ll be killed and we will do it here all together”.

      The people have stopped, without saying a word!

      “Highly respected cadi, how will you learn whether there are evil spirits in it or not?” – Someone from crowd has asked, and the cadi has answered:

      “If ten days an ox don’t obey my servants, then he is obsessed. All we will gather here in two weeks and then Goyko’s ox and the Mitre’s will compete in several types of fight. I will buy the winner and we will kill the loser, we will bake and we will eat it together. You two, do you agree to this transaction?”

      Goyko has agreed at once. His ox is larger than ours and I had no choice and I have agreed too. Cadi took my ox and at the end has told:

      “Mitre, don’t forget to bring that child. We will find out whether people tell the truth or not”.

      “When I have understood that he wants to take you away, I began to ask cadi to take the ox if only he wouldn’t touch you, but he has told as cut off that the decision won’t change. Now, sonny, we fear as it will be. They will take away the ox, they will kill it and we won’t receive any aqca, at the same time you will be declared as obsessed. It is a trouble for all family. I think to leave everything and to run away somewhere”.

      “No, father, we won’t run anywhere. Together we will go there. – The grandfather has grinned to what was born in his consciousness, – our Galonya will win there. We will receive both ducats and akcha, and you will take all our money from home and will make a bet on Galonya and so will earn even more. You will see then what will be with Goyko and his ox”.

      “Well, sonny, I will obey you. Future of our house depends on it. In any case if we lose – nothing will remain from us and if we win, then we will provide our family for the whole year. All this is less important that you weren’t disturbed any more”.

      “Don’t worry, father. Only endure these couple of days and you will see with own eyes”.

      There have passed these two days.

      People have come to massage to Miki and he has interrupted the story, and we have departed in rural cafe “At Yolich” which is near by Miki’s house. There was the best and inexpensive grill existed. We ate, waited for completion of massage and went back at last. Miki has said that tomorrow he will have many people and not enough time for a conversation with us, then he left to have a rest after tiring day and we have seen shots once again to listen all what we spoke about. We have fallen asleep as small children. In the morning, all have agreed that his hands have obvious wonderful force. But we have come not only to be assured owing to healing of his hands, but to reveal a secret of development of opportunities of a brain. It was believed that we are on the right way and all will be good.

      People have begun to arrive and we, previously having cleaned up and having aired, left the room. We have gone to Kralevo’s survey and of vicinities – Zhich’s monastery, Krstovgrad in Progorelitsa, Matarushk Ban, Vrnyachk Ban, Goch, Kopaonik – places of improbable beauty which only nature can create. When at the end of the day we have come home, Miki still worked. We waited a little in front of the house and then, when all patients have left, have continued a conversation with Miki.

      “First, we want to ask: are you tired?” – Began Mark there.

      “I can tell, as yes, so not”.

      “I respect you and I will tell everything about what we agreed as I hope that you will comply with me”.

      “Today there were many people for massage and I think that after such plenty work you have hurt hands and feel tired,” – Marko continued to ask questions.

      “Just the opposite. Each bioenergetic, if he is true, enjoys his work. We receive this energy from nature, the most net and this energy moves correctly, to direct on to blockade in human body, which are created partly or fully because of various violations in food or something else. And while we do it, this net natural energy oriented to the patient passes through our organism and our body doesn’t feel fatigue independently of how many it was done. It happens to me after all massage. At the end of the intense working day my body feels as though I did nothing. Imagine a pool. May it be muddy if in it clear water constantly flows?”

      “We heard that bio – energetics collect by hands negative energy from sick patients so their negative energy can cause problems with health”, – Tanya noted.

      “It is true… While we destroy blockade, gradually, but constantly this negative energy is collected on our fingers in this blockade. At the end of each session, all bio – energetics should hold hands under flowing water, but not rub thus to release negative energy which we picked up in operating time with patients. Who doesn’t know this rule, that shouldn’t work with a bioenergy”.

      Now it became clearer to us as these strange people, who have this gift of the nature work and about whom different legends are composed. There

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The qadi – the judge in the Ottoman Empire


Ducat, aqca – monetary units of the Ottoman Empire.