The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits. Miki Lazović

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The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits - Miki Lazović

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have left. I remembered these words always, but over time they have begun to disappear from my memory gradually.

      I have finished the seventh class. In the middle of July grandfather has decided to visit mother, my brothers and sisters. Already many times during the day and nights I have visited them. I knew almost everything that happens to them. One night it has incidentally come in dream to me as one rich person has stolen a sheep from my poor relative. He had many sheep, but to treat friends who came to him on a visit he has stolen a ram and has pinned it up. That night I couldn’t tell in any way the relative so I have solved when we come back home, publicly to accuse the rich man. When in the morning I have told about it to my grandfather, he has answered me that thus “the rich man will be turned out, he will convince people that all of you have arranged, and then he will tell that your mother and brothers have made it”.

      “Grandfather, I saw where he has dug a skin”.

      “It is not the proof. He can tell too that someone from yours has made it, and accuse him”.

      “Grandfather, I’ll influence his consciousness and I will force a prison…”

      “Also, you will make of him the enemy!” – Grandfather has continued my incomplete phrase.

      “Grandfather, he is not my friend when I know that he is a thief”.

      “Most of people steal, my sonny. There are poor people stealing kilogram of potato on a market and the whole city will seize them about it, and there is a rich man who will appropriate huge money, nobody knows about it and he remains as if an exemplary citizen. The rich man will be seized by theft, and he will pay the lawyer, he will lift communications and acquaintances, eventually it will appear as though theft wasn’t”.

      “Grandpa, how can I get him to pay a loss to my poor relative?”

      “Never try to be allocated or people will speak about your abilities and will praise them to skies. Be quiet and peaceful. Every time when you want to make something, make it in secret that nobody knew about it. Thus, justice will be embodied and nobody will hate or condemning you”.

      That night I in the form of spirit I have visited this rich man. It was the first such visit when I wanted to reach something and not simply as I visited my house to see as there are affairs at my family. I have a little strangled him, and then I have allowed him to wake up. He has jumped from a bed as scalded.

      “Hoosh, Satan, leave me!” – He has begun to shout in panic fear.

      I knew that he doesn’t see me. I bleated and groaned as the innocent person whom he has taken. His wife who was woken by his shouts has entered this moment.

      “ God be with you, Perot, that you scream in the middle of the night as if you are slaughtered by all devils from hell?

      “Oh, my wife, give me a little water”.

      His eyes were rolled out of fear, trembling he has hardly managed to take glass with water to the lips. When he has taken several sips, he has felt that it became easier for him.

      “What happened to you, for God’s sake? – The wife tried to find out while she continued to shake him. – Calm down and tell me”.

      “Spirit of a lamb…”

      “I told hundred times to you that you didn’t drink any more, and you don’t listen to me. Do you see what happen to you?” – Wife by a strict voice has reproached him and I have mistrustfully crossed.

      “No, wife, it is not from binge. Believe me, this time I drank much less because also guests have not especially drunk. I lay down and has perfectly fallen asleep and suddenly I felt as on my legs something heavy has pulled hard. I wanted to shout, turn and call for help, but I have managed nothing. The weight from legs rolled on all body and it has reached to throats. I felt – I choke. Here this weight has released me. Only I have thought that everything has come to the end as suddenly I heard bleating of a lamb as that night when I killed it”.

      “Sin on you, Perot. I spoke to you not to steal, and you have rested and have robbed the poorest person in the village. Go, confess and return him the threefold price of this lamb. God will forgive you and nobody will appear any more”.

      “Are you crazy, wife? Do you know what then will begin for me? My authority would reduce to zero. All will scoff at the richest person in these parts”.

      “As you want, Perot. I have told you what should be done, and you, if don’t want, then and it isn’t necessary. Let’s sleep, tomorrow is a new day, we will see what to do next”

      I have again visited them in two hours. The wife has fallen asleep, and he didn’t sleep. I have read it to a thought. He looked for any way to get rid of this problem. That night I didn’t touch him more. Next day in the evening I have again visited them. If day struggled with bears, Perot would look better. Only then I have understood sense of words of grandfather that this is most powerful weapon in the world. Only one night of alarm and fear has forced such person to be bent and bent strongly. I have visited him to find out whether he has made something for recognition of the sin. Besides I have heard in his thoughts as he suffers. He was ready to give ten sheep with lambs only not to recognize that he has made it. I swore that he would never return to steal anything from anybody. I felt sorry for him therefore I have decided to change the plan a little today. At first, I have gone to other room to his wife and have sent the consciousness to her dreams. She dreamed that she has to help him. She will tell my relative that his lamb came into her kitchen garden that night and she wanted to banish it and struck it unintentionally. The lamb has fallen and hasn’t risen any more. Perot wanted to give other lamb for indemnification, but this lamb wouldn’t go to other mother and then substitution would open. Then Perot has told that the lamb will ruin us and she has unintentionally killed it. She decided to dig it and to tell nobody. And they have made it. And I have seen a dream at night and because I have hidden the truth, I need to pay the threefold cost of damage.

      I ordered to dream her as my poor relative refuses to accept this money. Then I have ordered her that she has to present them to him, otherwise the spirit of this lamb will visit her husband every night. And here I have awakened her. So far, she has drunk couple of drinks of water and reflected as delirious what to do next. I have passed into the room of her spouse. He still didn’t sleep and has been frightened. I again bleat as a lamb. He has again jumped and began to shout. As well as last night, his wife has come to help him and brought a glass of water. When he has a little calmed down and she has confirmed that trusts him and absolutely not from binge, and he has been shown her in a dream that should be done.

      “We have to return him indemnify loss three times. Instead of that one you stole and killed you have to give it three, chosen from herd”.


      This day I grazed the cattle. To grandfather came his friend. They sat down in front of the house to talk. The granny took out a bottle with raki and two shot glasses. On the table lay the notebook, in which grandfather wrote down recipes of medical ointments. In a conversation was concerned also this subject and grandfather with pride told about that he made cream from all skin diseases. Grandfather showed him a notebook, allowed read and left in a toilet. At that time in the house conveniences weren’t and a toilet was done far away from the house that in the summer not to feel a stench. At that time grandfather didn’t write recipes with the code still. His friend used a case and rewrote it. Grandmother brought coffee, but having pleaded that he remembered some urgent matter, hurried to leave.

      “I will come another time, Stana, then we will drink coffee. Say hello Gatso!”

      When grandfather returned, there wasn’t his friend. Grandfather shared with grandmother that feels unclear concern because of his such fast leaving, but doesn’t understand why. It was clear that something was wrong. On the way Milorado, who was in a hurry from grandfather, met Marinko and Milovan. He didn’t mature and on the road once again re – read the recipe which hurrying he rewrote…

      Passed few months and grandfather heard that Milorad issued the patent for its medical ointment. Then I for the first time saw my grandfather angry. Then everything was clear to him. I understood why Milorad ran away and because

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