Learn Languages Easily. Methods of self-regulation for successful learning. Andrey Ermoshin

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Learn Languages Easily. Methods of self-regulation for successful learning - Andrey Ermoshin

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of being stuck and being outside your own body. As you know, there is an expression “to throw somebody off his stride,” and it looks like exactly what happened with Nikolai.

      Very gradually, while keeping the attention on the motionless scene, it started to “unfreeze’ and “melt.”

      I helped Nikolai with the words of support: life has changed, nobody is fighting right now, and he is a grown-up person with a lot of experience. I asked him to observe how his new experience (the experience of defending his dignity and the experience of communication) was coming from the space, from his head into the reservoir at the level of his solar plexus and stomach (where he used to feel emptiness).

      Everything bad, that got inside, went away through the face and eyes.

      Alongside with the changes inside, Nikolai’s self-image changed too.

      The initial state of the frozen pain, hidden rage, the fear of emotional expression, and protective tension transformed into a new state of freedom, peace, and being filled with new knowledge and strength.

      In a new state, it became easier to imagine and then learn what adequate communication with people is like36.

      Bold 90-s

      A constructive drawing of a person, which we have described earlier, brings out the issues that influence the overall state of a person. Even if an issue does not produce a direct influence on the speech, it can interfere.

      Unwanted generation

      In the class which took place on August 13, 2011, in Moscow, there were Elena, a saxophone player; Ilya, an architect; and Denis, who worked on television. All of them are people who grew up in the 90-s.

      In Elena’s drawing, the neck was drawn as a triangle with its vertex looking up. This is a sign of offence. Her favourite instrument, saxophone, fell through into her soul as if it was a black hole. It is a dead-weight burden at the bottom of this hole. When Elena graduated from music academy and she was eager to begin growing professionally. To her great disappointment, her skills and instrument were not in demand. It was very difficult for her to overcome frustration. Even now, there is a sad joke: “If you are a student of a Conservatory, make sure that you have a spot in the underground to be able to earn money.” Back then, Elena had to live this joke.

      In the drawing of Ilya, the architect, there is a triangular head with the vertex looking downwards, and a neck, a large circular body. Arms and legs are long; arms are lifted above the line of the horizon and have fists made of circles. This is a contour of anger, and a reflection of a similar story of frustration, disappointment, and pain. The only difference is that there is more rage in Ilya’s reaction. Instead of developing ideas of improving architectural space, Ilya became a civil servant in an architectural bureau with 90-year-old grannies doing tedious paperwork. It seems that someone is intentionally dragging him into humdrum. Ilya changed jobs six times, but the result is always the same: nobody needed his ideas. As for sensations: walls of a building (at the level of the chest) seem to have fallen apart into a deep mine.

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      The event was organized by wonderful people from Roman-Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches, among them were: padre Nilo Cadonna and Don Silvio Frank on the Italian side and Father Alexiy (Baburin) and others as representatives of the Russian side. The professional aspect of the event was provided by Renzo de Stefani, Carlo Tieni, Roberto Cuni, and others (Trento, Northern Italy). I will always remember them with gratitude.


      This description was given by Tatiana Perts.


      Written down on August 13, 2011, in Moscow.


      Psychocatalysis was officially accepted as a method of psychotherapy by the Professional Psychotherapeutic League in 2001.


      There is a whole school dedicated to the research of the correlation between one’s looks and abilities. This matter has been of interest for centuries. There are famous works of the ancient physiognomists and of modern psychiatrists. The key figures in this line of investigation are E. Kretschmer and W. Sheldon.


      I describe the given typology in greater detail in the following article: Ермошин А. Ф. К вопросу о психопатии и одарённости. // Психотерапия. – 2006. – №5.


      Ernst Kretschmer (1988 – 1964) is a prominent German psychiatrist and psychotherapist, the author of the book called “Physique and Character” (1921).


      This session took place on December 17 2010 in Odintsovo.


      Written down in 1996 in Moscow.


      Experiments on various laboratory animals have shown that stressful conditions lead to loss of nerve cells and cognitive disorders (Kozorovitskiy Y., Gross C.G. еt al, 2005). One of the possible mechanisms of the given phenomenon is the suppression of neurogenesis under the influence of the hormones of the suprarenal cortex (Gould E., Gross C.G., 2002).


      This test was created by Victor and Elena Libin in 1984. I offer my modification of the test, which includes the age of the person in the drawing and an option of data interpretation. My approach to this test is described in greater detail in my book “Geometry of Feelings: a constructive drawing in psychotherapeutic practice” (Ermoshin A., 2008, 2013). In the present work, we briefly touch upon these issues as well.


      The reaction of our autonomic nervous system to the events of past can be “stored’ in our body for quite a long time and has no expiration date. One has to address these reactions specifically in order to “turn them off’. How to relieve the tension after a fight or other traumas is described in my previous works (Ermoshin A., 1999, 2008, 2010).


      A detailed description of various configuration can be found in my book

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This session took place in Moscow on February 6 2012.