Life in handcuffs. Светлана Никифорова

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Life in handcuffs - Светлана Никифорова

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of the present, but the vibrator didn’t let me do that. Only I’ll be okay with him and with impulses that are transmitted along the wire, as the pulses begin to vary, and I’m losing concentration and on the vibrator. Finally, I left my futile attempts to sleep.

      Fell asleep only when the pulses stopped posting. At the beginning of the 6 hours I heard footsteps.

      I’m afraid that now I will see. But what was my relief when I was approached by Lida.

      – How? Well with thee? In place of a greeting she said, removing the gag.

      – Yes, very! – even though I felt bruised.

      Lightly stroked me, she slid on the private parts.

      – By the way, the door is closed. Wait a bit.

      She disconnected everything, but for some reason hesitated to untie me from the table.

      She lay on me in 69 and started licking my already overworked pussy. I followed her example, though it was hard, I’m still bound and help yourself with hands can’t.

      – Light, do not get excited much, or do you like it?

      In response, I only just started even more to lick it. I had to get off. I meet could not.

      After a few minutes I gasped from the orgasm shook my body under the tongue of the girl, and then she shivered and helplessly fell on me.

      We recovered and again began to lick each other. I fell the shadow and the girl said quietly:

      – Ouh.

      Then turned his head and smiled. Igor was standing over me, but it. He probably jerked off before.

      After a few violent jolts of pussy girls drip cum.

      Igor took out his “device” from the girls and went to me, and I thought she was now going to suck his dick, but she got up and came down from the table.

      – Not to come in her.

      – You can?

      – Yes.

      – She’s a virgin?

      – No, she has said as much.

      Igor put your piston into me, if I could resist it, it is only contraction of the vaginal muscles.

      But that wouldn’t help, and I didn’t want.

      Inserting me in your piston, Igor froze, what would I listen to the sensations. Although well-documented woman in foreplay does not need, and I’m well fixed. But he was delicate and was waiting until I’ll be okay with his tool.

      A man after my weak nod began to gently move backwards and forwards are all speeding up the pace.

      Suddenly, he stopped and climbed down from the Desk. Lida was nowhere to be seen. Igor untied some straps and told me to sit down near the table on his haunches. Still baffled, I obeyed his prikazna tone. Though not without regret leaving becoming such a family table.

      When I found myself on my knees beside the table, he has tied me to him.

      – Me it is pleasant, – he explained.

      I smiled approvingly, his whole appearance indicating that I was too nice.


      Appeared Lida and his velvety voice cooed:

      – Light, spread your legs a little wider.

      I pushed and instantly felt the vibrator. Fortunately while he was so far off, and to turn lid will need to be treated. And then I saw his fatal mistake.

      Power supply Lida was holding, and he was not in the socket.

      She turned it on, and its further work was unbearable torment, after some time turned into a pleasant torture. He was turned to maximum.

      Meanwhile, Igor approached me. His tool was already stroking my soft cheeks. With a sigh, as if waking from a dream, put it in my mouth, and come in so deeply and continuously that I first thought I has another car.

      A second later her mouth filled with sticky, viscous, but delicious liquid. He’d finished.

      His piston was in my oil, although recently he was with Lida. The taste of his juice was like a banana. Somewhere I read that in order for your sperm was salty, you have to eat all the cucumbers, cabbage, and sweet – sweet – so it seemed to me that this guy only eats bananas. His sperm was sweet, not even a banana flavor, and almost taste. To the amazement and delight of Igor I swallowed it all.

      My every move, if the jerking can be called. Accompanied by deep drawing and ingestion of a member of Igor. From okateva of his pleasures, he closed his eyes.

      Igor once again not let down, therefore I was able to suck his cock. Igor smiled at me gratefully, and she kissed me passionately with the words:

      – The beauty of it.

      And they untied me. I kissed each of them, but nature won out and I went in clothes. Not to dress and when clothes next to me calmly. I went to the alcove near the door, and first I wanted to wear panties, they are not out of place, like a bra. I was told about this Lida, and received a sharp reply.

      – You no longer need. Put on a dress and come out into the hall.

      I didn’t want to admit it, but the idea that I will be available to all and with no panties on I just got excited. I went and put on a dress, depicting on the face a grimace of discontent.

      On returning to the hall I thought so, and look at me and I wanted to go home, but I know it’s only first impressions.

      The bartender winked at me when I came out from behind the door. That evening I sat at the bar until morning.


      Was Friday night right before the bar closes. I was again in that week at the bar. Met Lida and Igor.

      Here the people had gone, and left us four, I wanted to leave, but Igor stopped me:

      – Light, wait. Stay, still talk. We’re not kicked out.

      Obeying his tone, I stopped, half stood up from the chair.

      – Lida told me that you liked bondage, I want another? Tim, i.e. Timothy, you already know, it allows you to use anything you see here in the bar, except that you have to pay. But I hope, for your value and you won’t get drunk from all the fun, here’s the key.

      I could not believe my ears, I fulfilled my wildest dreams. I’m alone, and I will be given even if non-residential, but all the same premise, which I use almost as I want.

      They got up and left, I was alone. Where to start I thought.

      Returned Timothy and says:

      – By the way, if you see something that you like in the room use, and if not with anyone, call this number. And he gave me the phone number.

      “Thank you,” I shouted to his back.

      So, now you can just search where to start, I will go to the room, maybe some thoughts will come.

      I really only crossed the threshold, then to me the thought came, what if I try to associate myself, Oh what a pity what not the other person, but okay.

      Undressed, I took a new pile of belts and re-tied on the table. So after spending a couple of minutes, I went and hung himself on the rack. A few more minutes aimlessly lost. Was a test horse.

      This is an interesting device. It is based on an interesting fact when the person squeezes the hips, he lifted and everything is fine, but always keep the tense the hips is impossible. You descend, and then begins to suffer your pussy as the horse made like a triangle turned edge to the top. Then I realized after a few hours of finding it, it is necessary that you tied the other person, samonazvanie will not help.

      I walked out of the

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