Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

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Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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the same time as his two brothers.

      8. Anastas Ivanovich (Ovanesovich) Mikoyan. Brother – Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan is a well-known Soviet aircraft designer (MiG KB). Grandson – Anastas Mikoyan, he is also Stas Namin – the creator of the Soviet VIA «Flowers», the producer of many modern musical creative groups.

      In 1964—1965 – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, ie, formally, the head of the whole country, then he holds ministerial posts in the field of foreign trade. Birth – 1895, Tiflis province (now Armenia), in a poor peasant family. At the beginning of his revolutionary career – the editor of Bolshevik newspapers. It differs moderation in relation to the peasantry, that is, it is inclined to allow it to eat up, but, in 1937 (wolves-nevolens), it authorizes the arrest of hundreds of workers of the system of the People’s Commissariat for Food Industry and the People’s Commissar for Foreign Trade (including in their native Armenia). Recommends leaving Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan. The most stable family of the «old Bolshevik Guards»: repressed, sent to Kazakhstan only two of his teenage children, during the games appointing each other to posts in a certain «government.» Miraculously avoided «cleansing» in 1949. After Stalin’s death, he heads the commission for the rehabilitation of political prisoners.

      9. Lev Davidovich Trotsky – Leib Davidovich Bronstein, an image in his youth, one of the main organizers of the October Revolution, in fact – the creator of the Red Army. Birth – 1879, the village of Janovka, Kherson province – now the Kirovograd region, Ukraine, a family of landowners, landlords. The best pupil in one of the Odessa schools, since 1897 – a Marxist, an employee of the newspaper Iskra. Comes to London, to Lenin, for some time working as a military correspondent for the newspaper «Kiev thought» on the fronts of the First and Second Balkan wars, where he gets a certain idea about the army. Next – a series of wanderings around France, Spain and the United States, and New York – «smithy, where the future of all mankind will be forged» makes a tremendous impression on the Marxist.

      In 1917, Trotsky returned to Russia, deployed stormy activities in St. Petersburg, agitated, ordered to arm the workers, etc. He traveled around Russia in a special train full of confiscation – «red gifts» to distinguished units, cars for voyages, a brass band, an air group with two planes, members of the revolutionary tribunal, beautiful women and, of course, delicious food. After the victory in the Civil War, Bronshtein organizes the so-called. The Labor Army for the militarization of the entire national economy, but this venture, in its execution, fails. Stalin, Kamenev, Zinoviev begin to «make friends» with Trotsky after Lenin’s death, with his authority as a factor that somehow prevented strife between his fellow Communists. Actually, now every major, and not very, party leader, creates a network of «his» apparatchiks. This is best achieved by the Secretary-General of the Communist Party, in fact – a simple technical worker, Joseph Dzhugashvili.

      In October 1926, with the support of the party heavyweight Bukharin, then still called a friend, «you», Stalin takes Trotsky out of the Politburo Central Committee. In 1927, Lev Davidovich evicted from the Kremlin apartment, on one of the demonstrations are almost beaten, in 1928 on his hands (because he himself refuses to go) is delivered to the Yaroslavsky railway station and sent to Alma-Ata. Time is still «childish,» the exile manages to organize correspondence with his supporters in the central regions of the country. 1929 – Trotsky expelled to Turkey, where he moved to France, then to Norway. For all these countries, a new resident is undesirable, by all means, up to the arrest of property and arrest, they are trying to drive out somewhere. 1936 – Mexico. The creation of the Fourth International, the main basis of which is the world war so loved by Lev Davidovich and Co.. 1940 – a certain Ramon Mercader comes to Trotsky, allegedly reading his manuscript, takes an ice ax from under his cloak and strikes a revolutionary blow to the head. After that, Stalin’s agent will have to survive beatings from security, 20 years of a Mexican prison – before he becomes Hero of the Soviet Union, an employee of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism and the owner of a three-room apartment near the metro station «Sokol».

      Trotsky’s books, in particular «My life» … I looked out of curiosity. All the same thing – displacement, displacement, spread of influence, promotion of their people to key positions. Like a dark mechanism, cumbersome, but devoid of any intelligible purpose. What childish, youthful impression has prompted you to join the road of this struggle? And all the rest, starting with Marx… Karl! Why did you do this?

      10, 11. Vladimir Ilich Lenin (Ulyanov), the creator of the world’s first socialist state, chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR. Birth – April 22, 1970, Simbirsk (900 km southeast of Moscow, the Volga coast), the family of the inspector of public schools (the son of a serf peasant, then a real state councilor) and housewives (Blank), originating from Swedish, German or Jewish immigrants. Study in Simbirsk Gymnasium, then – at Kazan University, at the Faculty of Law. During this period, there is nothing to say about the youth’s desire for any social activity. I must say that education in Russia at that time is very strict, studying a huge number of subjects that are inapplicable in real life. It is difficult for students to breathe and to frolic in youthful ways. Dissatisfaction with what’s happening is accumulating, sometimes bursting with a rumble. Vladimir Ulyanov is involved in a circle of «Narodnaya Volya», and, after the disturbances connected with the appearance of police supervision, is excluded from the university. He manages to pass an external examination to the same faculty in St. Petersburg. Upon graduation, Vladimir Ilyich conducts state treasuries of defendants in criminal cases in Samara, and, in 99% of cases, especially in this matter, without regret, loses them. Already formed 23-year-old boy departs from the legal practice, writes a series of works on political economy, publishes them, attracts a number of supporters, which has a literally hypnotic effect. At this time (1891—1892), hunger raged in some parts of the country; Ulyanov’s thesis – the Narodnaya Volya should not help the government, the sole culprit of this disaster, in eliminating the consequences of the «all-Russian ruin.» In the end, Ilyich is sent to the village of Shushenskoye in the Yenisei province (now – the Krasnoyarsk Territory). That together with him the civil wife, N. K. Krupskaya could follow in exile, a church marriage is organized in a hurry, with rings forged from a copper pyataka by a local smith. The reference is not the Gulag: Ilyich hunts hares with a gun (sometimes, to save cartridges hammering them, surrounded by flood, butt), writes three dozen revolutionary works, publishes under the pseudonym «Tulin.»

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